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Posts posted by davehanson

  1. 35 minutes ago, Smurf said:

    Touchline shouts gone?

    That's me uninterested for now, until we can see how the manager can affect the game from the sideline when watching the match.


    Yeah, my initial thoughts were how as a manager can you influence the game without shouts? I mean there is the obvious change/tweek tactics etc but sometimes, when watching the game you can see that you are playing right just need to motivate the players. A little confused as to how this will happen now. Although, it hasn’t always been there - I have played plenty of versions/years without it in - maybe just take some time to get used to it again

  2. 5 minutes ago, VP. said:

    Try watching him week in week out for his club and not this absolute **** take of an England set up.

    Or you could just look at West Ham when they had him in their team and then not and vice versa for ourselves.

    Yep he's been **** today but so has everyone else, is Kane a terrible striker now, is Foden not really the player of the year, is Bellingham not the best young talent in Europe? I could go on but won't as one match does not determine a players quality.

    What I don’t get, and the set up was ****, the whole team were ****, how is it Rice can’t play a 5 yard pass? He must have played other players into trouble half a dozen times. Not just him by the way - everyone was at it. It was the worse performance I have seen from any team this year 

  3. 4 hours ago, kiwityke1983 said:

    So far for me the interactions are even more broken than previously which is impressive.

    My entire squad are currently up in arms because of something but I haven't had the chance to even talk to anyone about it, they've all just collectively agreed to hate me for not having a decent reserve goalie!

    I've had a few conversations and not had one be a positive  outcome yet.

    Literally everyone reacts negatively to everything, especially being criticised for poor training.

    I had similar. Started last night as Real Madrid. Quite a lot of the squad complained that we didn’t have enough depth in attacking midfield. I told them that I was happy with the depth - I’m not even playing with an attacking midfielder! 90% of the squad angry with me.


  4. Right from CM the original for me. I went in the shop to buy Birds of Prey for the Amgia (I did buy it a few months later) - came out with Championship Manager. Returned it 3 days later as I couldn't get it working - the guy in the shop asked if I had formatted the floppy discs as it said to - oops.


    Versions blur into one for me - but things that stick out:


    Around an hour to set up the game on the Amiga when it first came out.

    CM Italia - awesome, being able to manage the likes of Baggio and Batistuta

    Whichever version had the Diablo tactic. CM with arrow right forward to the strikers - unbeatable tacitc.

    Freddy Adu being god-like

    Losing my GF at the time as I played too much CM :D

    Had a mate at school who got signed for Northampton - signing him and watching him become a not very good player


    Ah, memories. 

  5. Communication is key in any business or industry. The fact that Miles, and the team, have come out and owned the fact that FM23 isn’t really as good as it should have been is highly commendable. 

    As someone said above after reading all that I am already excited for FM25. The fact they have also communicated well that FM24 will be an improvement but the massive leap comes with FM25 is brilliant too - we know where the series is headed.

    Cant wait. Well done SI 👍

  6. On 12/03/2023 at 12:32, ThanatosAFC said:

    Brighton for sure, you've got everthing in hands to become an elite club in some years.

    I just started a save with Brighton. Great fun at the moment - some really good players if I can manage to keep hold of them. Just need to try and find a striker - I know we have Ferguson but want someone to lead the line for the first couple of years.

  7. The first I can clearly remember is the Original Championship Manager, played it on the Amiga. I have played ever single version and sub version since. Some I like more than others.

    There was a game though that I used to play around my mates house. We were trying to think what it was called the other day, neither of us could remember. It was played on the Amiga too, so if someone can give me the answer I would be eternally grateful:


    Same sort of time as the original CM - so circa 1992

    Was definitely out on the Amiga - not sure about others

    Made up names, no real names **EDIT** looks like it did have real names :eek:

    The only other thing I have to go on was that there was sound and when a goal went in the commentary sounded like 'Goal, lee Chapman' :D I don't think it was actually Lee Chapman, but it sounded like it.


    Long shot I know, but it really bugged us the other week.


    GOT IT: Football Masters on the Amiga. Still not sure what is says when they score - I'm going with Lee Chapman.


  8. 4 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    @davehanson just read my second to last reply to you which makes it sounds like I'm annoyed. I definitely wasn't! Was on the tube so had to be brief due to signal. But tone doesn't carry across words, sorry!

    No, thats okay. I re-read my remarks to you and thought they could have come accross not how I meant them too.

    I am currently re-reading Pairs and Combinations in the TTF, haven't read it for quite some time, hoping that I might be able to pick up a few bits I have missed from it. Will look out to see if you post anything on your Ten Hag system.

  9. 20 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    No offence taken. But one thing I would say is how specialised is your system?

    Is it built for flexibility? I'd call a lot of what I play "super systems" they reflect a play style, but aren't so specialised that I can't tweak a few roles or TIs without it all breaking down. I don't usually use more than one slot. 

    I wouldn't say it is particularly specialised to be honest - not really sure though if I am being totally honest. I very rarely use what you would call specialised roles (RPM, F9's etc). Maybe it is just me being completely bad at adapting tactics? As I said, and this isn't a I can't win, I win the games by playing 'my' way. 

    But you know, say as Man Utd - go to an away game against Madrid/Bayern etc and they are better than you. So I would then change to play that little deeper, a little narrower, nothing too extreme, but would just end up getting played off the park. So, I tend to just revert to my default style and hope it turns out okay. Not sure if that is making sense with what i want to say?


  10. 3 minutes ago, DarJ said:

    tactical familiarity is overrated. It's nowhere as important as people tend to make it to be in my opinion 

    Yet I find the opposite. If I have new players to bed in, or have converted to a new tactic then it takes a good 4 or 5 games for my team to start getting good results. We might scrape victories and wins, but it doesn't feel good until that familiarity is there.

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