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Posts posted by Mitchutd

  1. 7 hours ago, LetsNotScoreAnyGoalsCosThatsHowWeCanWin said:

    So, to sum up with a more general question — how big is luck in this game? I feel like I'm absolutely powerless after witnessing all these wack matches where I sit on my ass and wait. I just need to get the dice roll right, and it just so happens the second game is always my rabbit's foot.

    As much as in real life. Sometimes things just don't go your way, and others everything just aligns and you get a big score. Look at the Premier League, only one team has ever gone undefeated.. but there's been some amazing teams who just on their day lost to teams who were below them.

    Using your dice analogy. If your teams are evenly matched... both role a die... you're more likely to get an even game... and the rare result of 6-1. But more likely there will be one goal in it either way.

    As your team improves relative to your opponent, you may have 2d6 versus 1d6.... this means your scores vary from 12-1 to 2-6.... so the chances of losing lessen but are still there. But even if your team is so much better... 4 dices v 1 die in this one... the 1 die team can ONLY win if the first 4 dices roll 4 or 5... BUT there is a small chance. 2/24.... 1/12... so while it's near impossible for the team to win... if the stars align and all the luck goes this way... there's a chance.

    TLDR; Long weird analogy short, Luck will always play a part, but improve your team relative to your opponents and may the odds be ever be in your favour.

  2. On 14/03/2020 at 23:13, AurioDK said:

    Also, how do you set "don´t want to sell"?


    I don't know if you can specifically. Best you can do is to "issue a hands off warning" when asked about his potential move in interviews.

    Set auto-reject on offers, or just, as I've seen mentioned... let the bids expire and then cancel.

    It's pain, but it always happens, AI seem to low ball usually, but if you don't want to sell then just cancel. Sometimes though they will surprise you and come in with a big offer that you just can't say no to.

    As for your GKs value, he's a 3.5* player, and he's conceded, on average, .96 goals a game for the past 2 seasons(?), previous to he was shipping goals at an alarming rate (2.18). That's not great... especially for a Champ League challenging side.

    Attached is my keeper, also a Croatian #1. He's been my number 1 for 5 years and on average concedes 0.49 goals a game over that time period. He's just won Goalkeeper of the year for the 2nd time in a row. The next highest valued keeper in my save is £46m.


    Domagoj Pavic_ Profile-4.png

  3. Hi mate....

    In answer to 1, it may be specific to your database.... but using the default database there is a change that your reserves will rise high enough to enter viewable leagues.

    As you can see for Dortmund II, it took them awhile... but they made it to 3. Liga in 2037/2038. I was Dortmund manager from 35-38, so I'd like to think me feeding them some quality players was significant in helping them rise up to viewable. If you're at the same club for a long time and feed them good players, I presume the rise may occur earlier than 37/38.

    They have also gone on to win it several times, but never promoted, I'm guessing there is a rule about Reserve teams reaching 2. Bundesliga.

    2) I don't know for certain, but when loaning players out I see them improve significantly more when playing in a nations top league, than when playing for my reserves (Currently PSG 2).

    Borussia Dortmund II_ Competitions.png

    3. Liga_ Past Winners.png

  4. 17 hours ago, Coler99 said:

    I'm assuming that Everton owns Goodison Park, how do I check? But I've not been able to expand it at all.

    On the club info page, by stadium you can see it's "Owned by: Club"

    Sometimes expansions aren't possible due restrictions of space around the stadium. Not sure why you wouldn't be able to ask for a new stadium though...

    Have you had the stadium expanded recently? I don't currently have the option for either at PSG, but I did just expand my new stadium.

    Everton_ Profile.png

  5. 21 and still only getting a few sub appearances? Definitely not getting the playing time he needs to develop. You need to give them the chance to sink or swim.... pick their development path and be ready to shift on a consistent performer to make room for the wonderkid... or ready to annoy a current first teamer with reduced playing time. On the upside... when it works you can make some serious cash!

    While I don't know the leagues in 2038, those teams don't scream top league.

    Look at a current wonderkid... Mason Greenwood.... he's getting sub appearance at 17/18... do you really picture him being loaned to a non-top league team in the next season or two?

    Here's my current top wonderkids I'm nurturing. Nicolas and Maik (Loaned to Nice (Ligue 1) last season) are in their first seasons getting solid first team time with myself... Felix in his second after a full season at Montpellier (Ligue 1), and as you can see, they're still making out the Potential stars and stats all moving in the right direction.

    Maik Nowak_ Profile.png

    Felix Saier_ Profile-4.png

    Nicolas Raimbault_ Profile-4.png

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