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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, is the issue is that some competitions are not showing up at all, or if they're just going to other screens?
  2. Hello everyone, We've looked into this, what's happening is the game is rounding up. For example, Jorge Alatsuey is actually on €1,465 which is below the minimum threshold but displays as €1,500 but this is only due to rounding up.
  3. Hello @fm20 This issue should have been fixed in our latest update. The issue is not reproducing for me when loading up your save file, perhaps your custom skin/files are interfering, can you try removing them?
  4. Hello @Hoffbeck There are no differences between your GK and the GK controlled by the AI teams.
  5. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us.
  6. Hello thank you for flagging these to us. We do have both of these logged, however given the complicated nature of adding these to the game, we might not have the time or resources to included them in this cycle.
  7. Thank you for flagging, we have this logged and under review.
  8. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating. We will note what you say about "4 homegrown players in match squad", this has been fixed in our latest update (but will need a new save file to take effect) and is now a squad registration rule, so the effect is not quite as great as if this were a match rule. All new games will correctly have the 4 homegrown players rule as a squad rule, not a match rule.
  9. Thank you for the information, we will review further.
  10. Hello, is this on a new save started after the update? This is not something we have been able to reproduce.
  11. Hello, this was a known issue that we have fixed but needs a new save file in order to take effect.
  12. Hello, can you please create a support ticket in the link below. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  13. Hello, if you are not given the option to upgrade your facilities it means your clubs board not simply interested in doing so at that time, this can obviously change over time.
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