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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, could you please send us your save file to look at.
  2. Thank you for raising. We will look into this.
  3. Hello, could you provide us with a save file to investigate. Perhaps a save just before one of these staff members retire, thank you.
  4. Hi, could we please get your save file to look at.
  5. Could you please send us your save file so we can review.
  6. Thank you for flagging. This is a known issue we're currently investigating.
  7. Hi, could you please upload your save game, so we can take a look, thank you.
  8. Hello, could we please get some screenshots and your save file to look at, thank you.
  9. Hello, apologies for the late reply. We believe this issue has been fixed, can you confirm?
  10. Hello, apologies for the late response. Would it be possible for you to send this save file? Can we also ask if you manually added these players to your planner, it is possible to add players not on your team.
  11. Hello, sorry for the late reply. This is by design, you need to scout the player in order to reveal that information
  12. Hello, looking at your save file you have too many recruitment focuses which is overworking your scouts. We'd recommend hiring more scouts or reducing their workload.
  13. Hello, we have been unable to reproduce this issue from your save. Can we please get some specific names from the save file you uploaded, thank you.
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