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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, we have been unable to reproduce this on our end. Could you please send us your save file, thank you.
  2. Thanks for flagging. This is a known issue we're aware of.
  3. Hello, could you please upload your save file to us from before Neymar retires, thank you.
  4. Hello, could we please get a Rec file from a match where this occurred. Plus, a save file from just before the match, thank you.
  5. Hello, could we please get a Rec file from a match where this occurs. Plus a save file from before a match where this happened, thank you.
  6. Hello, we have been unable to reproduce this. Could you please send us a PKM file from an affected match? And can you we ask if you are using any custom skins, thank you.
  7. Hello, we have been unble to reproduce on our end. Can we ask if you are using any custom skins? And does this happen in all matches in the Swedish Lower Division or just this one?
  8. Hello, thank you for flagging. This is a known issue we're currently looking into.
  9. Hello, could you please provide us a PKM file and Rec file from a match where you have spotted this. A timestamp would also be useful, thank you.
  10. Thank you for the save and information. We will put under review.
  11. Hello, looking at the players listed here, it is fairly logical most them would want to play in a better team/division. However, if you believe there to be an issue around player valuations could you please create a new post in the transfer and contracts section of the forum, with some examples and a save file at the ready, thank you.
  12. Hello, could you please send us a save file from before a drop in staff numbers occurs, thank you.
  13. Hello, we've had a look at your save. At no point are results mentioned for either the promise or the sacking. You made a promise to improve morale/dressing room atmosphere and that wasn't achieved in the time scale you agreed with the board, so that is why you were sacked.
  14. Hello, we believe we have resolved this issue in an upcoming update. We appreciate your patience.
  15. Hello, we believe we have resolved these issues in an upcoming update, although you may need to remove your custom skins to make sure, thank you.
  16. Thank you for flagging. This is a known issue we're investigating.
  17. Hello, could you please upload to us a save file with an example at the ready, thank you.
  18. Hello, could you please provide us with a save file from before a players value drops, so we can investigate, thank you.
  19. Thanks for save, we will put under review.
  20. Hello, can we ask if this happens in every save or just this one? If it is one specific save, please could you send us that save? Also, what happens when they try to click on the dates? Thank you.
  21. Hello, we appreciate your patience. I can confirm we're working on this issue. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. That's okay, if you spot a similar issue please alert us, thank you.
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