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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello @Krost The save file you uploaded is from March 2030, do you have a save file that is around the time of your screenshots November/December 2029?
  2. Hello @VoidVector The original issue that this thread was created for has been resolved. You seem to be talking about something else. So can you create a new thread and upload the editor file you are using along with a save game for us to take a look at, thank you.
  3. Hello, speaking with the match team this is by design. If the 1st team game and youth game are taking place on the same day, than being available for selection for the 1st team will take precedence over playing in a youth game. If the youth game is on a different day the players will play, you could also temporarily drop the players down to the U21 team but that will need to be done before the match day. This is something we could potentially change but it might be a complicated change when factoring in game start time, player travel etc.
  4. Hi, do you have a save from before that inbox message generated?
  5. Hello @Znight This issue has been resolved. Basically what you need to look out for is the 'Recoup Transfer Funds' club vision, if that has been removed you should no longer get a negative transfer budget. If it hasn't yet then it's possible you can still get a negative transfer budget, which is intended behaviour. If your finances remain strong the club vision should disappear and then level out in the future.
  6. Thank you for flagging this to us, we have placed under review.
  7. Hello @DuffyTJ This issue was resolved in our latest update for all teams expect Man UFC. For example if pick Chelsea in 'Your World' mode you have £175 Million Transfer Budget. Unfortunately there was a mistake made when it came to Man UFC. We apologise for this, there might be something I can do, if you have the IGE enabled in that save, you can send it to me in a Direct Message, I can then edit your transfer budget with the IGE and send the save back to you?
  8. Hello, this would appear to be an issue caused by your lower league custom database. I can remove the player with the IGE, and then send you the save in a Direct Message.
  9. Hello @Billyg Thank you for flagging this to us. If possible do you have an earlier version of this save file for us to look into?
  10. Hello @VoidVector The home grown status will appear only if the competitions in that nation use it in their rules.
  11. That's something we can look into but as I said that tab is only visual it won't be interfering so you don't need to worry about it affecting your players.
  12. Hi, there should be an icon in the top right for you to click. Do you have a custom skin installed perhaps?
  13. Thank you for the save file and information, we will place under review.
  14. Hello, this is a known issue we have logged, but it appears to only occur on saves that have been edited with either custom files or the IGE. We won't be able to resolve this in this FM cycle, we're sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. Hello, it seems your save file has not come through to us. Can you please reupload it, you can see how in the link below.
  16. Hello, do you have a save file with an example of this? Saka and Bellingham wanting to join you for example.
  17. Hello, can you please create a support ticket with the link below. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  18. Hi @nms1987 Sometimes the 'Actual Playing Time' tab needs time to catch up, it will adjust eventually, but it's not affecting player happiness or anything like that, it's just visual. Hong Chang Soo is not unhappy at the moment with his playing time. Looking at the other players who are unhappy, you seem to be doing a good job based on the promises tab.
  19. Hi, this doesn't really look like a bug to us.
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