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Everything posted by gabbfx

  1. why in the recruitament focus the scout rate does not appear? in overview everything is fine
  2. Could you upload the extracted folder too?
  3. Definitely not, I fixed it by moving the attributes section a little further to the left
  4. Yes, I know but I don't know how to make smaller that text
  5. I changed the font from Rensie Skin, but now this panel showing "..." instead the title, how can I fix it?
  6. I'm already looking forward to it!
  7. @knap the tactic ELECTRIC FUNERAL 451 RM 110 FA will be test after update?
  8. lol how rude i deleted the training overview panel and works fine
  9. my game is crashing in random situations with this skin
  10. and to change the colors? I tried to change in this page but I couldn't
  11. it remove of attributes page, on profile page stay with boxes
  12. I would also like to remove the square behind the number, but I don't know where it is
  13. Where can I change the attributes colors and squares? I prefer just the number of attribute to showing
  14. dont work for me, still black ball... EDIT: AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024 and deleted Caches and Preferences folder and it works, ball backs again lol
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