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Everything posted by LeoFM

  1. "As always, we’ve done more work to improve newgen generation and balance the game world for those who, like me, enjoy playing with long-term saves" This phrasing is just too vague for me. What exactly have you done in order to improve newgen generation? How does it balance the game world? Why do you leave it up to us, the playerbase, to actually figure that out?
  2. "There are also improved transfer AI decisions across the game, including more sensible decisions from the AI when in administration" This is certainly interesting!
  3. Only thing that can make up for the underwhelming new "headline" features this year is a great match engine.
  4. Pass completion in FM22 vs IRL, something that NEEDS to be fixed for FM23 IMO. I think there was a screenshot previously that indicated there might be something done about this so I'm hopeful.
  5. I would be very interested in hearing the actual reason for why they ditched the FM10-12 faces completely and went with... whatever FM19-22 is... I just can't comprehend how they thought it was a good idea. Not only that, but they somehow seem proud of the development of newgen face graphics???
  6. No problem! I have uploaded a save file called "Trialed players appearing in shortlists" where an instance of this is present. I forgot to mention one crucial detail I've just discovered though: the trialed players only appear in shortlist which already have some shortlisted players in them (maybe that's why you were unable to reproduce this). You will notice that I have one empty shortlist called "Free" in my save, and no trialed players are showing up there.
  7. For some reason all players that are on trial at my club appear in all of my shortlists, even though I have never actually added them to any shortlist at all. I've experienced this issue for quite a while, possibly even since before the release of FM22, but only now have I decided to report it. I thought this would have been fixed in a patch already tbh.
  8. Let's say I want to train my player in Strength for 3 months, then Quickness for 3 months, then Passing for 2 months. I want to be able to cue additional focuses and maybe Position/Role/Duty too so that I don't have to go in and manually change them! This is just a quality of life change but I think a lot of players will appreciate it!
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