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Olas Nick

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Posts posted by Olas Nick

  1. 1 hour ago, VNR Ole said:

    or is that something I would need expert level coding to make happen?

    by and large, xml doesn't require any coding skills. 99% it's just understanding the elementary logic of text markup.

  2. 1 hour ago, hr.geisler said:

    makes sense. Thanks.

    also, all the graphics are in the graphics folder, but not all 100% of the graphics folder is in a single fmf file.  in general, when you try to do something, you need to unpack all existing fmf files.

  3. 31 minutes ago, xdStrawzyツ said:

    Sorry accidentally pressed post, that is the code for this:

    and  I would like that listed for every stadium in the competition fixtures and results panel, next to the away position:

    I tried to replace the Televised match widget:

    However that moves the button left and doesn't show any stadium name. I would like it listed for each fixture/result if possible.

    yes. and this object is not displayed in this panel. if you add the no_object_text parameter to the widget, you will see the text Unknown Stadium
    <translation id="no_object_text" translation_id="227505" type="use" value="Unknown Stadium"/>

  4. you are hard to understand. do you want look name of the stadium? then the "venue" has nothing to do with it.
    it is obvious that the "venue" will not work. the "venue" variable can have 3 values - home, away, neutral. you're looking at it from the third person, meaning all meanings will be neutral for you.
    the name of the stadium doesn't work either. if everything is done correctly, there will be an inscription "unknown stadium"

    have you seen somewhere a skin in which this is implemented?

  5. 4 hours ago, Holzi said:

    Widget is showing if you have scouted the player. But if you don't have scouted them it just stays blank instead of saying "Scouting needed" like for other widgets. But I noticed this also on other skins. So probably a widget bug.

    you use a own widget with explanatory text as in "No scout report" sections in standard panels or expect the text to be inserted automatically? maybe you use same id in one file

  6. 1 hour ago, Luke_Shawly said:

    Thank You!

    by the way: do you work/plan to Update your Skin (Ideas for more cosmetic fixes and more?)

    Now, i use your Skin (without transpareny (1.0 edit) and i like the Skin so much.


    now i have quite little time for skinning i mostly fixing bugs rather than trying to do something new

  7. 18 minutes ago, Luke_Shawly said:

    Hi @Olas Nick Thank You!

    client object browser  in /panels/client_object
    i checked all three entries for transparency and set all to 1.0

    Ingame, Clear the Cache, Reload the Skin

    = wonderful !

    no background, just 100 % clean Front

    wow, amazing

    wonderful Skin !!!

    i enjoy them and i enjoy Updates in the future.

    Thank You very much.


    One Question: Sidebar
    Icons only is the best way, to use your Skin or it is not need to enable icons only to see the full feature of your Skin?

    Icons only is the best way

  8. 17 hours ago, Luke_Shawly said:

    Hi @Olas Nick

    This is a very very great Skin !


    I like them and use them for FM24, now.

    Thank You.

    Just two Things:

    a) how can i disable background pictures ?
    ( i want to play the FM24 Game with clean background. That helps me better, to read the Front Text...)

    b) how can i change the white Front colour?
    ( i want to use an example bit (darker) blue colour, but not really dark Front colour .png. That helps me better, to read the Front Text...)
    = when i change the default white default.png in graphics / backgrounds to other File with the same name and then ingame, delete Cache and reload the Skin, that not changed my Try.


    to remove the background, it is necessary to set zero transparency in the file client object browser

    the other is a bit more complicated, you can start with this. it is card bg, bg, etc parameters in the color configuration file

  9. 7 hours ago, JMcCaffery02 said:

    I downloaded a new skin today and for the most part I love it however there is one issue, the player faces are slightly cut off in the tactics screen. Is there any way I can edit the skin to raise the images up slightly?

    Thanks in advance

    Screenshot 2024-07-07 210352.png

    looks like resolution or(and) scaling issues

  10. 45 minutes ago, Holzi said:

    for showing the nation logo but not the flag. If I use id="flag" instead of id="npiB" like in nation overview this is not working for me in player overview panel. I also don't want to overwrite the logo pictures with the nation flag pictures because I wanted to use the nation logos in other places.

    try use id for logos, and value based picture for flags
    but you need uses not default path for flags

  11. 10 hours ago, sanfierro said:

    To be honest, the file seemed very complicated to me and I didn't know what to do.

    if you thought that you will press 1 button and everything will be as you want, then it does not work like that.
    you are either ready to spend hundreds or thousands of hours to make it the way you need it, or you use it as it is.

  12. 41 minutes ago, Nas67 said:


    Is it possible to have the "sidebar" in white with the icons in black?

    THANKS !

    nothing is impossible
    red_replacement in 13 row initiate sidebar background colour, currently = sidebar

    red_replacement in class = "picture" initiate sidebar icons colour, currently = sidebar text

    .\panels\generic\sidebar menu table.xml
    colour="sidebar text" initiate text colour


  13. On 03/07/2024 at 05:13, bacilllusss said:

    hi @JustHowie

    first of all thanks for amazing skin, i really loved it.

    i have a little bit interface problem. my laptop screen resolution is 1366 x 768 and 100% zoom at game setting. but the interface look a little bit awkward to see, the space, text and icon look disproportionate at any menu. can you please tell me how to fix it?

    because i really like the skin tho.

    here some pic:






    if your system scaling is 100%, then if you set the game scaling to 70%, it will be equivalent to the resolution of full HD with 100% game and system scaling

    this is basic arithmetic

  14. 6 hours ago, scythian12 said:

    Is there any way to change it from the black / white the program unfortunately started using?


    Also - is there a way to avoid the autocorrect on kit numbering colours as well? It seems if the program deems there would be a colour clash, it automatically changes kit number colours in the ME in spite of the actual settings.



    Or this, where it switches it to white to make it actually more illegible. Thumb up!



    the program does not change anything on its own, the 3D T-shirts you show in the screenshot have nothing to do with the 2D T-shirts.

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