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Olas Nick

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Everything posted by Olas Nick

  1. you want help, but you don't respect the people you ask for it. is it so hard for you to take a normal screenshot?
  2. you use a own widget with explanatory text as in "No scout report" sections in standard panels or expect the text to be inserted automatically? maybe you use same id in one file
  3. congrats on another light skin! to my taste and to my bad eyesight pastel on gray and darker on dark is a problem
  4. the list is in the same place as always. in the files in the properties folder
  5. now i have quite little time for skinning i mostly fixing bugs rather than trying to do something new
  6. to remove the background, it is necessary to set zero transparency in the file client object browser the other is a bit more complicated, you can start with this. it is card bg, bg, etc parameters in the color configuration file
  7. I don't understand why people ask such questions instead of trying it themselves and determining what works for them. it's very sad and worthless.
  8. you need to create and use transparent paper or use fake path to paper as value for appearance
  9. looks like resolution or(and) scaling issues
  10. Mustermann Iconic supports stadium background packs
  11. try use id for logos, and value based picture for flags but you need uses not default path for flags
  12. if you thought that you will press 1 button and everything will be as you want, then it does not work like that. you are either ready to spend hundreds or thousands of hours to make it the way you need it, or you use it as it is.
  13. nothing is impossible .\graphics\boxes\custom\interface\sidebar\paper.xml red_replacement in 13 row initiate sidebar background colour, currently = sidebar .\panels\menubar\*.xml red_replacement in class = "picture" initiate sidebar icons colour, currently = sidebar text .\panels\generic\sidebar menu table.xml colour="sidebar text" initiate text colour
  14. if your system scaling is 100%, then if you set the game scaling to 70%, it will be equivalent to the resolution of full HD with 100% game and system scaling this is basic arithmetic
  15. the program does not change anything on its own, the 3D T-shirts you show in the screenshot have nothing to do with the 2D T-shirts.
  16. in fact, mindless copying of files rarely works. you need to read the code and understand it, and then implement the necessary block in your file
  17. 1920х1080 this is meant at 100% system and game scaling.
  18. it's quite strange to me. it uses a panel from fm23, if it is updated to fm24, the Recommended are not displayed on both panels.
  19. looking at your screenshots I assume you don't meet the minimum resolution and scaling requirements
  20. my subjective opinion is that the use of primary and secondary colors globally does not work. in rare cases it can be interesting and beautiful, but in most cases it just produces unreadable text. believe me, if you fix it for ОМ, you will still find commands for which the text will be unreadable.
  21. i absolutely do not like dark skins, but the blue version of this one looks quite clean and nice in the screenshot
  22. In general, you have answered all your questions yourself. you just take a skin that implements what you want and see how it is implemented.
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