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Olas Nick

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Everything posted by Olas Nick

  1. Help please. Trying to change the color of the numbers in the circles.... team/team training session pie chart with guide.xml <panel> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-2,-3" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="10" vertical_inset="0" /> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,-8,-1" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_inset="0" /> <widget class="spacer" /> <widget class="pie_chart" id="piCH"/> <widget class="spacer" /> </container> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_inset="0" /> <widget class="table" msov="itSL" msex="itUL" id="txtG" layout="-1" row_height="32" row_spacing="2" auto_size="vertical" auto_size_maximum_height="170"/> </container> </panel>
  2. I didn't invent the bicycle. I just adapted the skin I used last year. The fact that the mentality icon is black pisses me off, but overall I'm satisfied.
  3. I used the same trick as for the match events notable panel.xml In the club vision objective list panel.xml file, replaced font="title" with font="notable_events"
  4. solutions from last year's michaeltmurrayuk fm22 base light: match notable events panel.xml <!-- custom font added to recolour events though now all one colour --> <list id="column_widget_properties"> <record index="0" spec="text" font="notable_events" alignment="right,centre_y" navigation_focus_target="false" /> <record index="1" icon_alignment="centre" navigation_focus_target="false" /> <record index="2" spec="text" style="bold" alignment="centre" navigation_focus_target="false" /> <record index="3" icon_alignment="centre" navigation_focus_target="false" /> <record index="4" spec="text" font="notable_events" alignment="left,centre_y" navigation_focus_target="false" /> </list> notable_events.fontxml <record> <!-- custom font for the notable events text as values are hardcoded, gradient overrides default colours, alpha allows some colour through --> <string id="file_name" value="text.fontxml"/> <integer id="gradient_upper_margin" value="20"/> <integer id="gradient_lower_margin" value="0"/> <integer id="gradient_curve" value="0"/> <integer id="gradient_upper_colour_red" value="3"/> <integer id="gradient_upper_colour_green" value="3"/> <integer id="gradient_upper_colour_blue" value="3"/> <integer id="gradient_upper_colour_alpha" value="200"/> <integer id="gradient_lower_colour_red" value="4"/> <integer id="gradient_lower_colour_green" value="4"/> <integer id="gradient_lower_colour_blue" value="4"/> <integer id="gradient_lower_colour_alpha" value="200"/> </record>
  5. I did not notice this bug. I know that the color of the player with a yellow or red card is taken from settings/settings.xml
  6. I think you are using an idiotic and horrible dark skin. Bingo? Or I'm missing something completely obvious... @GIMN I see it is also black in you. Are you going to leave it like that or try reсolour it?
  7. they are identical for fm22 and for fm23
  8. absolutely idiotic situation. in FM22 this icon white but in FM23 this icon black with same preferences where to look? who to punch?))
  9. it's player/player details panel small squad status.xml <!-- Person name --> <widget class="person_button" alignment="left,centre_y" style="semi_bold" info_popup_enabled="true" info_popup_alignment="left,centre_y" icon_enabled="true" person_is_player="true" auto_size="vertical" colour="black"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcjo" set_property="Pcjo"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="valu"/> </widget>
  10. strange...it didn't work yesterday. maybe I edited this file in another directory I'll check, I don't have any injured now, but it worked in fm22
  11. it's elementary <widget class="table" id="InjT" layout="-2, -3, -1, -2" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows" all_content_same_height="false" auto_size="vertical" auto_size_rows="true" fixed_size_rows="false" row_spacing="0" save_session_state="true" colour="text"> <list id="headings"> <record index="0"> <translation id="text" translation_id="227966" type="use" value="Player"/> </record> <record index="1"> <translation id="text" translation_id="247523" type="use" value="Injury[COMMENT: Player Injury name, table header]"/> </record> <record index="2"> <translation id="text" translation_id="447652" type="use" value="Treatment[COMMENT: FR 20159; player injury table; treatment type player is receiving column header]"/> </record> <record index="3"> <translation id="text" translation_id="450765" type="use" value="Out For[COMMENT: FR 20159; team injuries overview panel; table column header indicating how long a player will be injured for]"/> </record> </list> <list id="column_table_properties"> <record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_hide_priority="1" minimum_width="140"> <boolean id="sort_ascending" value="true"/> </record> <record indx="1" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_hide_priority="1" minimum_width="140"> <boolean id="sort_ascending" value="false"/> </record> <record indx="2" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_hide_priority="1" minimum_width="140"> <boolean id="sort_ascending" value="false"/> </record> <record indx="3" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_hide_priority="1" minimum_width="140"> <boolean id="sort_ascending" value="false"/> </record> </list> <list id="sort"> <integer value="0"/> </list> </widget> <!--line up--> <widget class="fixture_lineup_table" id="FxCL" auto_size="vertical" colour="text"> <record id="GoaI" file="icons/16px/goal"/> <record id="OwnI" file="icons/16px/own goal"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="FxCL" /> <list id="column_widget_properties"> <record indx="0" colour="text" /> </list> </widget> I have much more interesting options for white text
  12. it's bad, but I think yes, every author who published his own skin should be ready for this. if the skin is really good, they will take it as a basis, take some panels from it, or take an idea. this is normal. i'm only against changing the authorship after changing 2-3 colors in the config file, but 3/4 of the skins are like that.
  13. personally, I see no problem with others using your work but the name should be "OPZ Elite 22 skin modded by Mr Hough for FM23" and this is needed not even by the author of the original, but by people who will use this skin. to know who to contact in case of problems and new requests
  14. It's fm skinning 99% of the skins are just terrible 99% of skins have nothing unique 99% of skins are just a change of 2-3 colors and authorship 99% of "skins" are not skins
  15. oh... light theme it`s absolutely own or based in baselight22? are many pages left with white text on a light background? is the white text on the Code of Conduct page still "hardcoded"? maybe at the end of the week I will start to adapt my light fm22 theme to fm23
  16. is Si to blame for the problems with non standard skins? really?))
  17. i can't see any difference between the fonts in these two screenshots but from my own experience I see that the standard font is unsuitable for dark themes. in a light theme it looks clear and not blurred.
  18. Maybe. But it is better to add files in small groups so that it is easier to find the one that causes the error.
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