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Olas Nick

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Everything posted by Olas Nick

  1. 1920х1080 this is meant at 100% system and game scaling.
  2. it's quite strange to me. it uses a panel from fm23, if it is updated to fm24, the Recommended are not displayed on both panels.
  3. looking at your screenshots I assume you don't meet the minimum resolution and scaling requirements
  4. my subjective opinion is that the use of primary and secondary colors globally does not work. in rare cases it can be interesting and beautiful, but in most cases it just produces unreadable text. believe me, if you fix it for ОМ, you will still find commands for which the text will be unreadable.
  5. i absolutely do not like dark skins, but the blue version of this one looks quite clean and nice in the screenshot
  6. In general, you have answered all your questions yourself. you just take a skin that implements what you want and see how it is implemented.
  7. you already gave him this link a few months ago. he has no desire to learn anything.
  8. if you don't understand elementary things, then why are you trying to change something?
  9. try to look at the parameters of the inner subtle box, I once had a similar problem. graphics\boxes\inner\subtle\paper.xml
  10. it is better to redo the panel scheme so as to allocate much more space for these parts.
  11. it's not "...", your font is too big for the given tab size
  12. it is reasonable if you need to make minor changes in the size of the panel (5-10%), in your case it seems that you need to reduce the height of the tablet panel by half.
  13. i have only 2 ideas: 1) i am not sure that the “Use caching to decrease page loading times” option works if the cache is already created. you still need to clear the cache. 2) maybe you do not meet the requirements for scaling and resolution of the system and scaling of the game
  14. by the way... the photo rotation of the city and the stadium does not work for the club-profile, but it works for the club-general
  15. everyone is glad that you have a macbook. but most likely you either don't know how to switch skins or you don't know how to adjust the screen. but if you really want help, you should write what you did step by step, not just "installed it as per instructions"
  16. very unexpectedly these files are in /graphics/cursors folder
  17. it so happened that the skin has redundant editing. boxes for attributes are also written in the person properties file
  18. fixed player attribute comparison during in match substitutions
  19. delete all content between <panel> and </panel> and see if this is the right file. it seems to me that it is only the right part with the table.
  20. what is the problem? appearance does not respond to the changes made? or the panel disappears after making changes?
  21. if something is implemented in one skin, it can be implemented in any other skin. just determine which files are responsible for this and transfer them to another skin
  22. you need to create a new font type. existing in many places that have a specific id do not respond to the colour parameter
  23. with a high degree of probability this is a sitoolkit.fmf file
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