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Andrew Marines

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Everything posted by Andrew Marines

  1. I've been thinking about doing those kind of careers forever and I think now is the best time. What's a "day-by-day career"? Don't know how to actually call it. It's a career where 1 day IRL=1 day in-game. Considering this is a career I'd love to keep playing for a long time i need a few tips to set it up correctly. I, for sure, wanna play with a local club and play an attribute-less save. Do you have any tips to not have issues in the long future? Even something you'd do to keep the immersion and enjoyment maximum
  2. Idk still, wanna wait for other updates before judging. This time i'm not that certain about what i'm seeing
  3. We're not talking about why we play the game. What you enjoy doing is quite different from what I enjoy and it is still different from what op enjoys. Like IRL football, someone loves just to play it, someone else maybe just loves to analyze the data. Those experiments are really welcome
  4. They're quite clear about what they're asking... They're not trying to prove anything. Just trying to understand why improving passing related attributes actually decrease stats passing related and I'm actually curios why that is the case. I do think too they need to do a bit more testing with various scenarios but saying they're not clear about what they are asking is a bit of an issue at your end...
  5. Bro, Serie A and Bundesliga are two of the biggest leagues 😂
  6. I heard by credible sources saturday was the first date they could release something...
  7. I agree with you about quite everything, except this. An average FM player knows how to beat a common 4231 gegenpress and that's why playing FM online is probably the best thing(like it's a different game). I'm honestly more scared of AI when they play a Common 442.
  8. What you're saying is true if the match is women vs men. But the season simulated is premier league teams(so a mixture of pacey, technical, smart, hybrid players) vs bunch of pacey players not at premier league level.
  9. Yeah honestly if they just improve the graphics, UI and let the modders create it's a really big win. They don't even gotta do anything else
  10. You don't quite seem to understand how 3D works in this game. The match engine simulates every aspect of the game(even strength and other physicals). The question is now: how do you display them on screen? 2D is quite a lot easier but 3D? You gotta translate what the ME said to an animated 3D version, it's not easy. There IS a difference if your CD has 1 or 20 strength against a target forward, the issue is that the 3D engine doesn't display it correctly. That's what we all are asking for years now. We know it's not even close to realism but dots moving are even worse for immersion and that's the important thing about this game
  11. That's why we need a total improvement of the graphics/animation engine. Not needing 3D is wrong, needing a revamp of it is absolutely right
  12. Don't even add those features,let us mod the game! I'm gonna do it myself so Si doesn't even have to bother if it's a good feature or not
  13. 3D is really important. With 2D you can see players' movements but you cannot see if a player has good technique or not. You can't see him dribble or else. If you play an attributeless save, it's really important to understand. Other than the fact that 3D really helps immersion. Okay okay, watching sticks play isn't really great but it's surely better than watching dots play. That's why we all asked for graphics updates
  14. I usually say that the game is the problem with movements issue etc etc but this time i think it's on your side. Watch full length matches when this happens and you'll see the issue yourself.
  15. No, there's not. There's a moment where your opponents understand that you're not that bad as they thought you'd be and start playing more defensively. Your tactic is not that perfect if you start losing every match tbf. It probably doesn't defend well against counters
  16. I do hope there'll be a lot of diversification between high settings and low settings so i hope they requirements could go from quite low to really high. This is the best possibile scenario
  17. Having an approximate idea could still be great. Idk if my ryzen 5 1600 and rx560 can survive Unity. I can play without any issue cities skylines but i don't have that much money right now to waste on new hardware and i would love to know if i need to save a bit of money to actually play the game or not
  18. We've the same opinion about this. I do think they'll survive but i'm a bit tired of the same things over and over and still seeing people pre-ordering even though the product isn't that great or with unrespected promises
  19. It quite matters tho. Pre-orders are a big thing for videogames(I don't like those type of purchases but that's another story) and you gotta build hype to be sure of those. It obviously doesn't matter if it's today or next month but they promised to make use more involved so we now expect something from them. Even system requirements could be a great update from them. I still don't know if I gotta upgrade my PC or not to play the next version
  20. I did actually get them a bit more than you guys did with a 3421 using Wide Center BacksIn this case #2 had cross less often and dribble less as a complete wingback on attack(don't worry, they will actually cross and dribble). He was marked so he searched Nilsson as a WCB-A with cross more often. He won't do it everytime he gets the ball in that space but he's surely doing what you've asked
  21. That's not the attribute masking you think. That option will make scouting useless cause without it, you'll see the attributes of any player(even those who are not scouted) you want. If you wanna hide the attributes, you gotta use a custom skin or, from the skin settings, edit the color values of the attributes
  22. So match plans should work when going on holiday? I remember back on FM20 this wasn't true at all
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