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Andrew Marines

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Everything posted by Andrew Marines

  1. Narrow width(wide will make the players watch for players ar the flanks, narrow at the center) and regista roles(they are more likely to receive the balls based on how the games is coded)
  2. I really hope with Unity we'll have the possibility to use mods and create tools to effectively test those things but i really don't think it'll be the case. in the meanwhile, don't know how you would ask SI for help on those things. Are you just gonna open a thread here or write a Direct message to the staff or ...?
  3. That's why he's trying to always use the same ones. I haven't watched the video yet(but i watched all others). he probably used a control tactic with default pressing or something common and watched how physical factors change, using different tactical istruction. Is it perfect? Absolutely not, the match engine is not something linear. Nobody expects that tho. He doesn't have a way to get more data or see the code behind(obv). other factors will change a bit the result but, cause he's always using the same ones and doing a lot of tests, we can round and understand if what we're getting is caused by the test being "corrupted" or cause in fact it is what we're trying to explain. The setup used is probably the best one and the quantity of tests reduces a lot the chance of rng playing a big factor. Repeating myself, is it perfect? nop. Is it good enough? Probably.
  4. I agree with everything you said about other tactical styles. You can play literally anything. If you're not that bad you'll make it work. This is really wrong tho. When you wanna test something on science field you gotta isolate everthing that could change the final result. The final result is obv the sum of a lot of factors(really simplified and not that correct Superposition principle. Obv it's not that easy to explain and there could be inaccuracies to what i'm saying but please just try to understand). If you wanna understand how a single factor works you gotta "shut off" all the others. Obviously the other factors still exist and will change how the game simulates but still that does not mean the test itself is wrong. It's the best you can do without having more advanced ways to "talk" to the game. If you tried with all the realistic parameters you wouldn't know what you're actually finding out. Is the player not tiring out cause of the game or because the morale, the training, his attributes are helping? You gotta start at the basics and then understand if there's something you can do to help achieve what you're trying to achieve
  5. Is Someone using a patch to make the ME better? It happened a lot in an online save I played on
  6. I've been playing online for 2 years now. Not playing offline anymore. Studying the opponent before and making the right adjustments make those tactics quite normal
  7. Only if you're against the AI tho. An experienced human player could handle it
  8. Don't wanna tell you're not right(cause you are at a certain degree) but I disagree. You can practice IRL football all your life, become a manager, train low level teams, become better with the passing time but with an higher level of teams, there are always new things to learn, mistakes done, etc... The other managers adapt, learn the same as you. They can **** up one season, learn and the next one get their designed goal. In FM, this things exist only when you're first playing the game cause you're the one not doing the basic things necessary. you are level 0, the ai is at level 7. You start to learn, grind those levels and start doing better things. You are now level 15. And the ai? Well, the AI is at level 7 and will always be. That's the main problem. And I get the devs, making an AI learn is a really really difficult thing to do. I get those complaints, i'm the first one to be bored in a long term save. Everything feels always the same but you're smarter so you buy better wonderkids than the ai, craft better tactics, etc... That's why we invented challenges. Not to improve the ai but to make us re-learn the game again. It shouldn't be like learning to play the guitar but right now(and probably for a lot of time) will be
  9. Legally, he couldn't play in the Serie A. A player gotta be at least 16. Milan asked for a waiver cause they hadn't enough players in that role
  10. I really hate when during a match Someone tries to demand more honestly. It's ok to do it at half time but during the match is different
  11. Hey, have you tried to modify it? I'd really like to have it for a Full HD monitor
  12. Has someone already found late bloomers(players who developed late) in your saves? It was advertised in the patch notes but didn't notice anything about it
  13. I explained it in the thread. Python script using the movement tab. Got the orange line, converted into numbers and made the calculation. Now it's posted somewhere on FMscout
  14. There isn't much really. An year ago, i created a script for heatmaps but idk if that's what you need. Unfortunately there's no way to Ctrl+p the data analysis of a match. You could manually create a macro(image to text) the get all the data you want but still, you couldn't save the data you need directly from the field
  15. It's a multiplayer save with your friends. you shouldn't be needing a set of rules in the first place. i'd ask them to create a little description of their tactics, and explain it. You could even set up interviews. they gotta create a tactic by scratch and know how it works and y'all have fun together. Seems Like a win-win. if you still wanna apply rules, do not use assymetrical tactics and set at least one midfielder's duty on defend. or do something challenging, in every tactic you gotta use at least one-two exotic roles(enganche, Trequartista, Libero, ecc...)
  16. It's not the crossing itself, it's the crossing by the byline. Cross from early is a good strategy event in IRL football cause the defense is moving backwards. I do this too but watchout, the player on the flank gotta have a passing option close
  17. The moment you select "Use this tactic" your assman can't change anything. The only thing he can change are the players on the field. If you do that test a lot of times you can see if your tactic performs as you except. However, If you wanna have a good dataset, you gotta create two teams with literally the same attributes and make them match against each other in a neutral field. One of the teams will have the tactic you wanna test and the other another one you wanna see if it is effective against. Repeat that match Like 10 times and then change the opposition's tactic. you'll see how your tactic performs against different styles
  18. Let's start this adventure in the Czech Second Division! The fate decided to promote two teams: Sokolov and Vitkovice I decided to take over Vitkovice. Not much history here to talk about except a partecipation to the UEFA cup in the 1987 but the logo is really cute The squad is quite young but not that strong. I think we'll need 2 to 4 years just to get out of mediocrity Well, the staff is quite incredible... Things to do this season: Do a coaching course Get some staff, at least for training Do not relegate I'll see you at the end of the season!
  19. Do we have a thread for the FM23 challenge? I lost my save on FM22 and i'd like to start over on FM23
  20. I'd change those things in possession: Fairly narrow->wide Lower tempo to at least standard Underlap left-right. Add shot more to the CM or remove work ball into the box I'd add to the wingbacks cross less often and change rodri's role to something more offensive. Your team will try to go through the wingbacks, stretching the defense. This will lead to space for your AM-LR to exploit. If that space is not found, the WB will try to recycle possesion through the CM
  21. No, the question was: would you like to score from crosses, through balls,...?
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