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Andrew Marines

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Everything posted by Andrew Marines

  1. I told you about the DM cause(i'm still playing on FM22. i don't think the devs changed how this works but still, try it yourself), if a wide-centerback or the libero get further forward, he will go into their positions to be defensively safe. A dlp, won't do this.
  2. No, a libero on supprt will hold his position just like a bpd. Only when he has the ball, his duties change. A libero on attack, however, will play in the DM role when the team is attacking and will lead to issues with the tactic itself. Still, using a dlp is probably not the best choice. A vanilla defensive midfielder will work better in this situation
  3. It should work like that yes. I don't have visible proof to give(except maybe some more risky passes) but yes.
  4. As a lot of things in this game, Be more expressive or disciplined will just Change the sliders(that goes from 1 to 20) of specific things. In this case it will raise the freedom/risk-taking decision slider. They will raise/decrease the probability of roam from position and the risky passess. If you already have an high mentality with take more risks on a lot of players this is not a very good idea. I used be more disciplined to create heavy focused possession-control tactics but it surely limits the players of their flair. Be more disciplined/expressive could come handy sometimes but they can have an heavy weight on how your tactic will play. Watch out
  5. Hello, i need a few skins that adds a lot of data during the match. Do you have any suggestion?
  6. The discussion is not about wheter the striker has issues or not, it is about the fact that there's not an option to customize one to obtain the movements we want. Even a poacher moves to the channel if there's the possibility from time to time but i still can't understand why he should have "dribble less" hard-coded. This is just an example. Even Bitner's idea is good and is something we can't currently do in-game We are just talking about opportunities
  7. There aren't static strikers anymore irl(except for a few cases) but even in this situation, having someone that moves to the side to attack the channel could not be what op is thinking(cause the channels could be already occupied or simply cause he doesn't wanna lose the player up there centrally). Op just wanna have different options and that is totally fair
  8. Yeah but in the game it happens AF goes on the channel with a mezzala(f.e.) when the ball is on the flank or a bit deeper. The question is not wrong. The most customizable role is probably the pressing forward on support, if it wasn't for the pressing instructions.
  9. Watch during the match if your playmakers overlap on their run. It usually happens when you have them in CML CMR positions. In that case try "stay wider" to not make them go into the other side of the field. This could work but be careful if you're really obtaining what you want
  10. Wide midfielder with stay wider and hold position Adding "cut inside" will make him try to get into the inside. WATCH OUT, THIS WON'T HAPPEN EVERYTIME(cause no roles will watch only the middle if they see a lot of space wide)
  11. There's not that much difference. The PI stay wider willl limit the pitch where the player can go. The 7 without stay wider: The 7 with stay wider:
  12. I'm not gonna get the game so i really don't know how to answer but in theory, yes. Just remember there are a lot of defensive PIs that could not work the way i intended to
  13. Could you share some screenshots? They changed the way pivots work so the ass-man is probably right and you need someone linking up play
  14. Don't know if they fixed them on FM23. In the 22 both IF/IW were pretty useless if you wanted to play in the half-space
  15. Without some screenshots in-game is difficult to say but probably it's your midfield. They are not covering passing lanes to CMs so they have a good shot
  16. Adding a few screenshots to give an idea on how the tactic behaves against an online 424 tactic. They couldn't get into our final third eZZ8nCqNQXiDPbeJEZSzqRhxcATDITyBSo7gaE7l720=_plaintext_638017088344231179.mp4
  17. We're all already familiar with gegenpress/high blocks. It works and all but if you watch IRL(or in the game), you'll see there are moments where a team doesn't press high. We already saw the awesome guide by Cleon about the Low BLock, here i wanna talk about one of the tactics i was developing: a 442 Mid Block. Let's start with the basics and after let's get into the FM world(i'm gonna use some pics from different websites) Mid-block is called like that cause it focuses on the middle. Easy enough. The goal is to protect the middle third of the pitch. Being compact both laterally and vertically, delay the opposition's attack and try to start a counter. FORWARDS: They need to know when to press and when to just close passing lanes In the england formation you can see the forwards closing passing lanes. The goal is to not make them get the ball in the middle of the pitch. Sides are okay, middle is not. MIDFIELDERS: They gotta work with the defensive block a lot. You can see how close they are to each other. They need to hold position and, even if the opponent's midfielder get the ball not make him get forward. The goal is to make him go back or try a long throw at the sides. DEFENDERS: Working with the midfield block, they are high in the pitch and will leave a lot of space for long passess. They gotta be smart and fast enough to recover. This is just a training so it's exaggerated. But still we can see even in real matches how high they are. What happens when the ball get to the sides? The entire team will get into that side of the pitch closing the ball carrier. Now we should be able to understand what we're trying to do. Make them go forward enough, get the ball and try to counter while still not getting deep enough to make them get into dangerous zones. As any defensive style in football, you can't play mid block all the match, all the matches. There are moments(for example while you're losing and don't have that much time) where you need to switch to something more offensive. That's totally fine. Boring part for a part of you done, let's get into FM. I'm not gonna explain the in-possession tactic so i'm not gonna show roles or tactical instructions. You can play a tiki-taka even if you're using a mid-block. That's not important. Let's start with the basic formation. Remember, roles will say how you attack the shape how you will defend generally. As we saw into the previous screenshots, we still gonna press when it's time, we're just not gonna do it all the time and not on all the players. You can see how we're forcing them to get the ball back to the defender or try a risky pass. But, even whey they get back, there's not much they can do. What happens when they lose the ball? In this situation, we defended correctly and made them go into a wider zone. Here they didn't have space but the player still decided to try a risky pass that our fullback reached. You can see now, even if the counter didn't score, they weren't in position to recover. If you try it yourself with what i shared with you, you're not probably gonna see the same defensive movements by the forwards and the wingers. Why? Because i added an undervalued PI to them: MARK SPECIFIC POSITION. Left forward Right winger Even with lower pressing line and stay narrow, you'll see that they still tend to not do anything and just wait. we want them to be included in the defensive phase and help us. This is when this instruction goes in. They will mark the players that goes into that space. In this case, it helped a lot cause, even if the midfielders got back to a defensive position, they won't mark them all the way and just close passing lanes when they are and aren't there. Wingers will usually stay more narrow while forwards will close passing lanes more effectively. You can use a mid-block even in a 4231 or any other tactic. I used it even in a 343. Why don't give it a try?
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