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80 "There's no crying in baseball"


  • Interests
    Football, Metal, History - all that stuff

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  • Favourite Team
    SC Freiburg

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Macclesfield FC (Youth Academy Challenge)

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  1. I needed to restart cause I was fired... decided to takee Enfield just to realise there is no GK in the whole club... interesting start
  2. This season felt like the best so far but then something hit us and I dont know how to handle this... We started with 20 matches unbeaten when desaster hits. It looked like my players forgot how to play the came... simple passes were constantly missplayed my defencedid nothing and the four strikers in my squad forgot how to score... my two first choice strikers went 11 and 10 hour goalless - its some sortof anoying right now... how do you handle phases like this? We play a simple 4-4-2 with wingbacks and one mezzala. I hoped for a rank one finish in winter but now we have to be happy if we make it to the play offs... Oh and im running out of Waterbottles...
  3. Is there a bug wich prevents someone from improving the youth facilities? since 1.5 seasons i cant even ask... recruitement and juniorcoaching is maxed out... when I ask for better traing facilities its "no we only have 2M in the bank" but the youth facility option doesnt show up anymore... im sitting in macclesfield VNN btw 29/30 season
  4. I must have harmed the dog of the clubowners... we are still in VNN with Macclesfield (after a restart) now we are in year 3(4) have around 1.5m € in the bank and my board doesnt want to improve youth facilities because of "you should look elswhere for neu players" and if i want to improve the training facilities a second time "we are concerned because of our financial status (secure)" and Im not able to ask for a better recruitement (6) or junior coaching (6) because it wont show up this season to ask... this year the intake doesnt look that promissing in december and because of my board saying no to basicly every idea I have I start getting mad - any hope?
  5. I use my DOF for suggestions and pick up some young italian prospects without a club until I become a professional club... after this i use my scouting network... right now I'm in 2031/32 won 8/8 League titles 7/8 Cups and 8/8 Supercopas and we got 30m in the bank. I convinced the board to upgrade recruitment and juniorcoaching to maximum but right now we are stuck with 4/10 youth facilities but we have 7/10 training facilities... but after some time my intakes get a bit better... the players wont play for me but have like 2.5 star potential and move on to other clubs in the league
  6. I found a mistake in the DB - Francesco Lo Celso picked up the citizenship of San Marino after 5 years
  7. Quick update This year I wont post uptades of all seasons but from time to time I am now done with the first three years we won 3x the league, 2x the cup and 2x the supercup. After the second season we turned professional. The best player I signed so far is Leo - I love him, he isnt the best but the best in San Marino
  8. Yeah the new format is **** from my perspective as a fan of a smaller club what will lead to an even bigger devide between the rich and corrupt clubs and the smaller ones.
  9. Something is still odd in Lurons database - I finished Season 1 and won the league... In Season 2 I have my very first european match in the First Qualification Round of the Champions League so I miss the 4 teams play off on a neutral field in the beginning and 200k - is there a fix or is it just the new CL format?
  10. maybe those two suit you - created two basic kits according the colours in game sponsored by Fiat and Banco'ditalia couldnt find any sammarinese sponsors SMA.rar
  11. Does Lurons database come with the right setup for the end of season play-offs? Champion getting crowned and 2-11th battling for the european spots? or is the champion also in the play-offs?
  12. Hopefully soon -I would do it myself but I'm not competend enough with the editor
  13. Season #5 2028-2029 with Macclesfield FC is done The 5th year was the worst year so far and we ended up as 11th in the Vanarama national north. Again we made it to the first proper round in the FA Cup but we were eliminated right in the second round of the FA Trophy. The board wanted us to avoid relegation so no harm is done. This was the first season we only used youthplayers and attacking wise it was a success but our bad defending of our own goal crippled all effords to get a better finish. Something we need to work on in the next years. Yet again we overcome the media prediction of becoming 20th by a lot. Andrew Tierney managed to become the top goalscorrer in the league and to get the best player award. This season we had a nice intake but in my opinion the last intakes were better not in quality but in personalities of the players but I wont complain. Some players realy improved over the season and are more and more valuable for the team. Lets take a look at some of my keyplayers this year. Andrew hat another brilliant season for us. He managed to score 37 goals right after he scorred onother 16 during the preseason. Finaly we were able to offer him a new contract with a big payraise and some clauses but I want to keep him atleast for one or two years. But he has some League 2 clubs interested in him and if they try to sign him they have to pay. Overall he was our best player with decent rating across the whole year. Next up we have John Paul Croft. He is the best defender of this team and a natural born leader so next season he will pick up the captains armband and hopefully stabilize our defence. With his professional aditute he will influence some of the other youngsters in his mentoring group. He can play almost everywhere in our back four but I see him clearly as a CB. Lovely that he has no weakfoot and can play LCB or RCB whover I pair him up with. Next season he needs to stepup with his technical game and become faster. Josh joind us with the intake of last season and claimed himself the spot as our starting LB. He develloped well in his first year of senior football and I hope to push him even further. Next season he should become more influential in our attacking play and deliver more assists. This years intake brought in a handfull of good players with Alejandro beeing the best of the bunch. He was signed for the first team right away and will get some game time here and there in the next season and if he adopts well he will become a regular in no time. Over the summer he will be out to compete in the U20 Worldcup for the US team. He also could play for Spain. The U18 again won there youthleague by a clear of 26 points. 24/25 6th - lost playoff semifinal against Spennymoore Town 0:2 25/26 9th 26/27 6th - lost playoff first round against Altringcham FC 0:1 27/28 8th 28/29 11th Time for some progress in season 6. See you after season 6 maybe I figured out how to integrate Exel files into the text untill then Good Luck Guys
  14. Holy one of my player has a serious problem with alcohol I guess... He just hat his 4th nightout in 2.5 years... or is this because he is born in poland? Can I fix him or should I let him go before it affects my team?
  15. If I sell a player and I can loan him back... am Im allowed to use that player or does this count as a transfer in?
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