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Everything posted by Delmeister

  1. I have this question: Stadium background pictures are not showing, but work perfectly in other skins, so all I see is the generic stadium. Any suggestions please? Thanks in advance. 1920 x 1080p and 110% zoom ... Allow Background Pics ticked Thanks for another superb version of this skin.
  2. I understand, but having football club behind every team name surely isn't a license issue? not had this with previous versions, must be a way to fix this. Thanks for helping, appreciate it. And thanks for the licensing heads up, got it.
  3. Well, jumped the gun there ... so I did as you said, started a new game and it worked ... the Football Club at the end of team names disappeared and everything seemed fine ... however, when I returned to the saved game, the dang Football Club was back!!! So it seems to work until you quit FM23 and then return to the saved game. This is so annoying because the match commentary only uses the full club names, e.g. Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club rather than Wolves ... I've implemented things like the FMScout Real Names Fix and FM Insider Fix as well, but no joy on fixing the Football Club issue and only using full names in the commentary ... surely there is a way to fix this? Thanks for helping so far.
  4. Thanks so much X. That worked superbly, very much appreciated.
  5. Hi G Thanks for the reply. In the pre-game editor you can change team names, e.g. AFC Bournemouth to Bournemouth and it shows up fine in the game if you look at the league tables. However, the match commentary still adds Football Club behind every team name, as if to remind us we're playing a football game. When you go to the club screen, it shows full club name with football club added. This seems to be embedded, and this is where the commentary gets the club name from. There must be a way to change this, surely? Anyone? Thanks
  6. Hi, thanks for this thread ... how do I edit the text commentary please? For example, the commentary will say "Rice scores for West Ham United Football Club." Then follow up with "Rice runs over to the West Ham United Football Club supporters." That's a bit hectic, be much better is it just said West Ham without the Football Club bit. Any advice please? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi I can't edit the third kits in any way at all ... even if I clear the third kits and try and add from scratch it doesn't work ... can't edit colours, style etc. I am able to edit stadium names and the changed names show up in the game, but adding nicknames doesn't work, only get the hyphen that was the original placeholder for nicknames although the nicknames are saved in the database Thanks for your help
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