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Everything posted by Matty89

  1. Ah ok was thinking contract wise what he was on i take it he has been destroyed stats wise
  2. What's everyone's plan for greenwood I ain't got the game but I heard he is in it this year
  3. is it possible to get tycoon takeovers in italy Im starting a AC Milan save soon to end of the year
  4. if i play a 4-2-3-1 what role then as i will have a 2nd tactic using that formation
  5. Need some advice about Moises Caicedo going to sign him but not sure what role to use him in Im going to have a 4-3-3 with 1 CDM & 2 CM's any advice would be fantastic
  6. The Season BEGINS in Episode 2 & someone has a dream debut check it out
  7. Episode 1: In this episode we take a look at the squad & decide which areas we should be looking to strengthen in
  8. Hey guys i have started a Tottenham hotspur Lets Play Series DAILY UPLOADS Will be posting the videos links here Feel free to check it out & hope you enjoy
  9. Still not started my Man Utd save this year just keep getting distracted. It will be the last chance i have to have Ronaldo at United (my fav player) Cant decide which database to use has there been "massive" upgrades to United in jan update in your guys view
  10. here is a download link to a video off the offisde goal Would upload directly here but file size too large Just to add again VAR was used and still this goal stood its not close its obvious this cant be right surely https://www.mediafire.com/file/9dizxm0ax9hck7w/Offside_Bug.mp4/file
  11. If its the game i think you just put the file is matches and there should be somewhere in the game to view it Dont agree its not a marginal offside its a clear one with VAR involved for me its a bug or if not that clearly a error in the game that more me needs addressing
  12. But surely if there is VAR the offside should have been caught ? Its a clear offside thats been missed by the officials its not even a close one & there is VAR so dont see how that goal can be allowed
  13. It was Ligue 1 it happend sorry but it is unacceptable that something some basic was not picked up in testing
  14. Shamefull over a week no and no response another example of the shocking attitude the devs have to us users How can this bug not be addressed another official complaint is going in soon
  15. What does everyone thjnk about the idea SI need to move from yearly releases to by tearly releases Feels like the game is getting worse every year & i feel a discussion needs to be had about if its time they ditched the yearly release and actually start taking their time with the game rather than what it feels like they are doing now which is rushing yearly releases & not have any improvements at all Just a idea
  16. Just seen a MASSIVE bug in the game i have attached the match look at the 2nd Troyes goal When the ball is played the troyes striker is CLEARLY over the halfway when ball is played but goal stands How can this be in the game after so many months its totally unacceptable & has me questioning the compitence of the staff working on the game Troyes v Paris Saint-Germain.pkm
  17. So no fix for this sorry but this is very poor how can this game not cope with above 60hz monitors utter disgrace
  18. seems they dont let you change it now in pre game editor im sure they used to If you have the in-game on or FMRTE you can change it there and it makes them wanting to sell
  19. Seems there is a issue where there is a lack of cinical fouls in the game. For example counter attack takes place and the defending player just seems to walk alongside the attacker rather than actually "taking one for the team" and stopping the counter attack this needs to be looked at
  20. on club screen should be something about chairman status
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