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Everything posted by Matty89

  1. Are the team working on making the game run smoother above 60hz or is that now not happening
  2. This needs to be looked at if you watch football in real life so many times pushes happen from freekicks & corners and not given as pens but On fm for years one little push INSTANT pen happens way too much so for me it needs looking at too many times pens are called for it
  3. Not sure if this is the right place to put this but Players especially defenders are standing on the ball way too much so much so it delays attacks & passes which then allows the opposition to close down and counter Needs to be looked at i get you want new animations but this just feels over the top and just comes accross as we want this to happen alot to show off a new animation at the expense of the ME
  4. Not the in game editor or at least i cant see a section where you can do it BUT You can i believe set it in the pre game one so that they want to sell
  5. This needs to be looked at ASAP The pen that was given for Fulham's 2nd should NEVER been given clearly the defender wins the ball but pen given anyway Too many times this happens even with VAR in the game Either fix this bug OR take sometime and actually improve the animations Fulham v Leeds Utd.pkm
  6. Hey guys I have a idea for a video I want to make but I need a tycoon takeover to make it Is there anyway to make only tycoon takeovers happen or not ?
  7. Been a issue for years Defending in wide areas is near impossible full backs just dominate and even if you tell wingers to track back they just ignore it This needs to be looked at been 3 years of it either address wingers coming back more when TOLD TO or reduce the effectiveness of full back attacks Every game is the same it needs looking at
  8. Uploaded video example of 3D not being smooth it also happends on 2D sometimes aswell file is called "3D Not Smooth Matty89" This video was uploaded in the other post that has since been closed but its the same issue
  9. Hi Whenever i put my monitor above 60HZ i get less than smooth match engone performance even on 2D I know you said the game is designed for 60HZ but FM22 was fun when run over 60HZ I have attatched my dxdiag surely this is not right DxDiag.txt
  10. the same Only way its smooth is if in on 60HZ anything higher its not smooth at all
  11. Seeing issues where players can get the ball and are clearly favourites for it but just decide to walk away Watford's end goal is a clear example for me of this keeper comes out clearly favourite but just walks away resulting in a easy goal Interested to see if anyone else has seen this before it was the full backs doing it when the ball was launched into their area they will just run way too far away from it Leeds Utd v Watford.pkm
  12. I agree if think we have valid grounds to request a refund 3 months into the game cycle and still not fixed All other games fine but FM still has these issues We need a patch as the main priority forget anything else this has been a issue from day 1 surely everyone needs to work on this as its ruining the game
  13. I want to play a 4-3-3 (2 cm's & 1 dm) but ive always found it hard to make it work Cant get goals from midfield from Bruno for example Any suggestions not started the save yet but will be later on tonight any advice is welcome
  14. When is this going to be fixed Been almost 3 months now FM22 was fine dont understand why this version has this issue
  15. Just to confirm everyone is getting the same thing its like a vibration look and then sometimes even in the same game & on 2D its smooth again randomly
  16. can i ask if you know its a problem and have managed to replicate it at least
  17. Not sure if this helps but does not seem to happening when watching a completed game its definitely there watching the game live Has anyone else noticed this ?
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