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Everything posted by starbugg

  1. I do, by using both methods, it always tells me if no one is interested and gives the reasons why. I have had to read this thread a number of times to make sure we are talking about the same thing? If I offer a player via Transfer Room a day or so later I get offers or reasons why no offers are being made, "asking too much" "cost too much in wages" not the exact wording. Edit: I just offered an ordinary player via Transfer room and got an offer 2 days later.
  2. Using intermediates I get an answer immediately, using Transfer Room it only takes a day or 2 to get a response in my game.
  3. You can indeed change the reputations via the in game editor.
  4. Nice one, I would have just started a new save and see how it played out, but you have tried to be as realistic as you can. Perhaps you could make your save available to others so they don't have to go through all that hard work?
  5. You can change the reputations of the competitions in question so that one, Copa Libertadores for example, is considered more important. I'm not sure if you can do it with the in game editor, I will have a look later, but you certainly can with 3rd party editors I can't mention here.
  6. Miles Jacobson's X posts explains the branding changes. Basically they want to reinforce that their name is Sports Interactive and not SIGames as they had become to be known. "... we became known as SIGames over the years even though our name has always been Sports Interactive." Nothing to do with FM25, I could be wrong of course.
  7. Ah I see, who knows what medical advances the future will bring though
  8. When did he die then? I know he has just got the sack from Celta Vigo, but they didn't execute him as well, as far as I know, I feel like I am missing something?
  9. I think you are, or am I going mad, although the light source is coming from above and not from the left as it is the players, I can see a shadow of the ball in your pic.
  10. Hi Brodie21, he still is, if you mouse over the badge below the picture placeholder it says "FrazT is a Moderator"
  11. I ignore it now, along with players complaining about too much quickness and strength training, it doesn't seem to effect anything.
  12. My apologies back to you, just me being sensitive.
  13. I take it that was aimed at me, why you consider me a "regular passive aggressive poster" I have no idea, my apologies if I have upset you.
  14. Do not make promises you can't keep, I can normally keep players happy when they call a team meeting, I suggest you work on your responses. I think we will never agree on this, I think it is as realistic as possible when a small club wins big, history proves it, you and others don't agree, that's fine.
  15. It just seems all a bit strange to me what madeirabhoy is saying. In my experience, if I get a player wanting more money and I don't get the option to say we can't afford it (If I do get the option, the player nearly always says OK and becomes happy again) he starts complaining and usually asks to leave, but I don't have a lot of difficulty selling him for good money and then buying better (potential) players.
  16. I think you need a computer of some sort with a few chips in it, my wife's hairdressers told me.
  17. I was offering advice based on my experiences of the game. All I can say is many a team in history has destroyed its self after being successful....... and many Managers have had a reputation of being hard on their players, boots aimed at players foreheads and all that. So I don't think it is that illogical and unrealistic, wouldn't it be nice if all games played just how we wanted them to and didn't pose any challenge.
  18. Snap, Firefox and Strartpage, I usually get Swedish though lol
  19. This option does come up now and again, and when I use it the player usually accepts the situation and becomes happy again. If I remember rightly, the "The Club can not afford a new contract at this time" option is a choice when the player wanting a new contract is a squad player, or below, I could be wrong.
  20. Found this which might help: Preferences/Highlights/Replays/Replay Events From there there are tick boxes, and you can choose what you want to see and what not to see, in the words of Shakespeare (or someone like that) Edit: You can also change the settings during the match by going to the settings for cameras, speed etc.
  21. I'm not surprised they are asking for better contracts, they are CL Winners. Have you asked the Board for more resources, or do they seem to be happy to see the club go into decline and not grow with your success? I would sell the complaining players if they are affecting morale that much and invest the money in new players and start again. Failing that, I would move on to a more ambitious club
  22. I don't get VAR highlights so it must be a setting somewhere, have a poke around in Preferences.
  23. Some skins show these attributes.
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