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Everything posted by albertocerdeira.4

  1. I have the big 5 leagues as playable and 15 more as non playable loaded, but because my laptop wouldn't run more
  2. I am reviewing all the data I have, actually a league simulated until 2030 and, apart of the reputation problem, I think that the loan market as other of the most relevant areas for this issue. Big teams care more about to make money from loans that from saving money of wages and develop new players. It's as easy as see the first market, Bryan Gil, Tottenham player, is available on loan. They ask the full wages + 1,25 M€ if he plays or 3,25M€ if he don't plays. This is as unreal as we all know most of loans are ONLY for a part of the wages, and it is completely unrealistic to see loans of very young players for an unreal amount of money. The consequences of this? Players with 19 years stuck in B teams or without playing because they are not ready for the first team and the team asks for a big amount of money for the teams he is capable of playing. Don't know if there is a topic in the bug tracker, but I think it could be fine to open it
  3. I can confirm after the update the issue continues the same if you make a 8 year save with 8 leagues loaded. I don't know what the hell they test because for example Brazil, one of the loaded leagues, wasn't capable of making a good newgen in eight years. BRAZIL. It would be great if SI can lost some time to solve this or telling us the actual state of this issue, because it's completely game breaking. As a player, if you make good youth signings, by 2032 you are almost unstoppable as you are the only team that was aware of developing players. This kills the game more than nothing you can do with youth development, because at least when the development was faster the big teams were able to buy the players that were surging, but since last year 10-12 after the start of the new save the big teams continue to use the same players because there is no players to sign I don't know where the issue is, but please, fix it as there is no excuse possible after 13 months since the release of FM2022
  4. I can confirm that with eight leagues loaded there is no improvement at all. There is full backs with good crossing to tell something good about SI. My results are similar to the others, so there's no point in adding nothing
  5. For me the biggest problem in long-term is that while you are able to develop new players, loaning them out and waiting for them to improve, as they don't do it, when the big real players retires you have the best team without doing nothing special because others teams don't do it
  6. I can agree with that, but I remember prior to FM22 there was at least a development, maybe so big, but there was a development. In my save in 2030 there isn't for example any new player capable of breaking into the senior team of Brazil or France, that is something that if you look into the last eight-seven years it's just unacceptable
  7. I was thinking to make a new topic to put a long data about the status of this issue after the update, to make it more noticeable, but if you think it's better to put it in the same topic, let me know
  8. I am holidaying a game until 2030 to see if the actual fix works. If it's not, I think it's better to post it in the bug tracker to see if they can solve this
  9. They touch something in the youth development in FM 2022 and they completely slow down the development of almost of the players. The only one that reaches his potential are the legit generational talents, but it's so painful to see the actual status. I don't know if it's the code or whatsoever, but if the last update didn't solve the problem it's something to not stop complaining about because it kills not only the long term saves, because even actual wonderkids not are developing at all
  10. If the problem it's almost impossible to solve according to you, HOW THE HELL they only have this problem in the last TWO YEARS AND NOT IN PREVIOUS YEARS?
  11. That's a SI problem, not mine. In FM21 the balance was good and since FM2022 they completely break the game in this particular topic. I don't believe in conspiracies, only think that they touch something that could need a lot of work to solve and they dont want to put more resources into this because for them it's not as important. Somebody made a simulation of 10 years since the last update?
  12. I've been without playing since the post, but if for you the point is what I do instead the actual quality of the game... I have nothing to discuss. If for you it's normal the current state of the game in terms of youth development and the generating process of newgens... I have nothing to discuss. I only want the game to improve, you prefer to kiss a billionarie company ass
  13. I wont give up complaining about this and the full backs regens with low crossing even if in 2030 they don't have it solved. Disgraceful
  14. That guy also tells that for having a "good" balance you need to load a lot of leagues, buy the editor, use it, and not expect to find a difference in the big leagues or countries. That guy also make a profit of making mods and if he tells that the problem is critical even with his mods nobody would pay for them I cannot find an excuse for having most of national squads in 2030 with 90% players +27 years old, after one year with the same issue. I am not expecting to most of youngsters to achieve all of their potential, but it is unacceptable the lack of development of youngsters. But remember, it is hard because they could compromise the game balance, as if the game balance in a long term save wasn't completely broken
  15. Oh! WHAT A SURPRISE! Waiting for SI to tell you that is something that they are working and it's hard to solve as it is a very difficult area that can compromise the Game Balance Stability. Last year was the same and they don't have any intention to solve it, if you feel better about
  16. As I said in another post, it's waful to see the players in the Nationak squads in the World Cup 2030. If you wanna the save I can share it, but you know what happens. Any plans to fix this problem?
  17. I arrived in a single game save to summer 2030 with Nottingham Forest and I am almost done with this game. It's the worst in years. - The ME is awful, half of goals are product of horrible mistakes like defenders giving the ball to the rival and not running in long balls. So annoying to see how forwards of 10 speed are constantly surpasing in long balls my defenders with 17 speed. - I was very insistent with this, but it's a disgrace to see the squads of the Nationals Teams in 2030 World Cup. Most of players at their 30's and no new player in most of squad. You had a good balance in this previous to FM21, don't know what the hell did you do, but you killed long term viability of saves. I don't have words to describe how annoying this is considering this has being in the game since FM21 - Regens/newgens with "strange attributes". For years has been impossible to get a Full back with +13 crossing and to get center backs that pays well the ball and are good at aerial attributes. Not fixing this is a sign of laziness, disrespect to all the fans that have been playing the game for years, and a lot of things that I dont want to say to not get banned. - The scouting system is ruined, if you scout a guy you still get "Scout report ended" for many times in a year. Another sign of unexistent testing. I could continue with this for hours, but it's as simple as going to this thread and the bug tracker to see how broken it's the game nowadays. Can't understand how there is people defending SI when SI releases games with known issues for years that ruins our experience. On the other side, SI is selling more than ever, so I guess their strategy is working. But the product is unfinished, with an evident lack of testing and with many bugs that make the game unplayable. Congrats SI
  18. Touché. See people defending SI in this particular topic makes me think about the governors we have. But they need hours of testing after one year with the issue, (24 h x 365 days). At least, it would be better if they dont make fun of us. If I go to my boss to say "I need several hours of testing" for an issue in an app that has been there for a year I would be fired in a second.
  19. I am actually enjoying the game a lot specially in the first years... It's maybe the most balanced ever in a lot of things, but the ME has to improve and the bugs of youth development and the big teams being older and older is totally killing my experience after 5-6 years of managing. I am very disappointed because the problem of the youth development has been in the game since FM2022, and I dont see any sign of improvement in this year
  20. If you think it improved a lot and it's ok when the amount of players under 25 playing in big teams and big National Teams it's by far lower in 2030 than in 2022 I have anything to discuss with you. You have lot of topics with data about this issue in the bug tracker, you can see it yourself. If for you that's ok it's fine, for me it's not and never will be, and as a client, I have my right to express my opinion respectfully
  21. I didn't insult or disrespect nobody, the only thing I said it's that if you have the same issues for years and you don't solve that, the main reason it's because you dont have enough interest in solve the issues. As Neil said, they have priorities and limited resources, and I complain about them dont have the focus priority in this. I think its more disrespectful telling people that have paid for a product that we don't own the company for paying 40€, because we only are very disappointed with SI because they dont have the main focus in this area.
  22. I guess that for you it's normal that in 2030 there aren't more than 2-3 players under 25 years old playing for each big national team or big club. And also I guess that for you it's normal that we have spent years without seeing a normal number of full backs with +14 crossing. For me it's not normal, and at least you have to respect that people complain about a issue that for most of us kills the reality inmersion of long saves. But I suppose that you prefer to defend a millionare profit company that doesn't want to improve a reported issue
  23. I cannot put the proof now because I'm out, but I tested this morning with a Macbook until 2030 and for example in the England National Team there were only 2 players under 26, as well in the biggest teams the average age have increased as it was before
  24. For me, and FOR me there are no excuses acceptable by the SI Team, you have no intention to solve this in a short term basis. The problem with the big teams getting older and older until the original players retire has been for +365 days from now, as well as the problem of full backs uncapable of cross and dribble and wingers with 5 shooting, problem which has been in the game for years. As a developer, if you hadn't solved a problem like this in a year, or more in the case of the atributes of newgens, there is only one option : you don't want to solve the problem. It's so disappointing and I am about to open a topic about my feelings about this, but it feels like you don't care to kill long term saves as you are selling more than ever. Sorry if I am being unpolite, but as a developer I cannot accept any excuse to not solve a problem in a year
  25. Is this gonna be solved tomorrow with the release? Can't believe that after a year we still have the same issue and with all the same excuses after 365 days of "testing"
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