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Everything posted by BatigoalFM

  1. Hello, It's a recurring problem every year. Not being able to freely allocate a shirt number to a player in any position, from goalkeeper to striker. This year the goalkeepers are limited to numbers 1, 16, 40 and 50. The aim is to be able to assign numbers from 1 to 99 to all players. It is essential to give players this choice in order to create game experiences that are closer to reality. FM24 is shaping up to be the most accomplished opus of all time, so this detail should not be overlooked if we are to achieve that title. Thanks.
  2. I have tried to load the tatica.fmf file as a theme but it is not identified as such by FM. Great @keysi you're the best ! Thank you for all your contributions @JustHowie @snowofman @keysi
  3. Hello, Thank you for this great work and for sharing. I've seen on many BusttheNet Gaming videos a skin that looks very similar to the Tato23 skin. However, it looks different, for example the player sheet is not the same as shown in the screenshot below. The source video is here Is a different version available for download ? Thank you for your feedback.
  4. Igor Tudor announced his departure from Olympique de Marseille on Thursday 1 June, just one season after his arrival. It was a trying season, during which Igor Tudor put forward the argument of wear and tear, after a season in which the club finished third in the league : A few weeks later, Pablo Longoria decided to entrust the future of OM to Marcelino Garcia Toral, a long-standing friend with a profile synonymous with continuity in the club's project: How does it play ? A dense block and moderate pressure In his five full seasons in the top flight at the helm of Villarreal, Valencia and Athletic Bilbao, Marcelino has always managed to slide his team into the top four defences in La Liga. Particularly faithful to his 4-4-2 formation (which he sometimes swapped for a 4-2-3-1 in the mid-2010s) like Igor Tudor and his 3-4-2-1, the Spanish coach runs his teams with the idea of a very compact block. It's an approach that implies a defensive structure that is as dense lengthways as it is widthways, freeing up areas for opponents who are condemned to skirting rather than penetrating. The main objective is to force the opposing team to play in a deliberately open corridor, in order to lock them in by making assiduous runs when they need to slide in. By closing off axial solutions, his teams take advantage of the slightest opportunity to recover. A central element of his game plan, Tudor's pressing was continuous, individual and without a parachute. In contrast, Marcelino's pressing was momentary, in zones, and with cover. It's a new approach that will take some time for the players to adapt to. Organised in a 4-1-3-2 formation to press forward, Marcelino's men are sticking to their game plan. Marcelino's men stuck to their guns when they came out, defending the axis to force their opponents to play laterally, then closing the doors. The two forwards provide direction, the three midfielders run and the No6 covers. Such is the organisation for a team that presses on the opposition's short ball exits and other low conservations, but which does not particularly struggle to force this type of sequence, given that the midfield block represents the easiest organisation (in particular for the space and transitions it offers). It is precisely for this reason that Marcelino's teams do not stand out from the crowd when it comes to statistics on pressing, despite their willingness to go high at times. Projections rather than possession At Villarreal, Valencia and Bilbao, Marcelino has always had a possession rate of less than 50% in La Liga. A statistic that demonstrates his confidence in his defensive organisation but also his belief in relatively low times of possession to convert. In the 2017-2018 season, Valencia finished fourth best in La Liga with 63 goals scored, despite an average possession of 48.6% (eleventh in the Championship). In order to make the most of the space freed up by the mid-low block or to take advantage of their opponents' disorganisation when recovering from high pressure, Marcelino's teams project very quickly. At the heart of these runs are two central elements: the availability of the 'inside' eccentric midfielder (Carlos Soler at Valencia and Iker Muniain at Bilbao, for example, were freer than Gonçalo Guedes or Oscar De Marcos at the other end), and the complementary nature of the two strikers. In the Basque Country, Iñaki Williams had to play with his back to goal, making one run after another to offer a deep-lying solution or pull back the opposition defensive line, in order to offer space to Raul Garcia, who was further back, facing the game and available between the lines. Carrying on FM Work in progress... Your participation is essential to the success of this tactical recreation Source : L'Équipe, French daily sports newspaper of Saturday 24 June 2023
  5. Marcelino García Toral is the new coach at Olympique de Marseille. A new project for a new topic
  6. Hello @Zachary Whyte In which section of the forum will this issue be queued for processing in the next version of FM ? (FM 2024) The idea is to have a history so that members can participate and see the state of progress. Thank you.
  7. It's official: Igor Tudor will no longer be coach of Olympique de Marseille next season. The project will be in new hands. Discussions are open.
  8. Marcelino García Toral is the new coach at Olympique de Marseille. @Goldy Can a moderator archive this topic and open a new one ? Thank you.
  9. It's the end of the season. It's official : Igor Tudor will no longer be coach of Olympique de Marseille next season. Who will be his successor? A number of names have been circulating for a few days now, including Gallardo, Marcelino... I'm renaming the topic while we wait for the lucky man. We'll then be able to continue discussing Olympique de Marseille's next tactical plan.
  10. Thank you @Fox-7- for your interest in the subject and sharing. We'll keep an eye out for updates to your post Thanks for the collective help.
  11. Following the major update 23.3, the loan contract does not have a mandatory purchase option at the end of the 6 months.The mandatory purchase option is €10m plus 3 bonuses linked to collective (Champions League qualification) and individual objectives.It's a shame for all the players to have to wait for a new update that has real repercussions on the game experience.
  12. On loan in France but under contract at Atalanta. Isn't it up to the Serie A SI managers, whom you represent, to point out this oversight ?
  13. Following the major update 23.3, the loan contract does not have a mandatory purchase option at the end of the 6 months. The mandatory purchase option is €10m plus 3 bonuses linked to collective (Champions League qualification) and individual objectives. It's a shame for all the players to have to wait for a new update that has real repercussions on the game experience. Lame.
  14. Up. In view of the player's performance over the last few months, a renewal of his attributes is necessary for the next update. His rating and star level must be clearly increased. We can easily write that he is currently the best relay midfielder in the L1 championship.
  15. @sonnevillejr Since the start of the Ligue 1 championship, have you watched any games to possibly update tactics ? All contributions, participations are of course welcome.
  16. There is no question of an extension according to the specialists here ? If it is an extension, it has no value, at least not in the eyes of the original club.
  17. This is not at all counter intuitive, it is simply intelligent management. Having the opportunity to add a talented player to your squad over a limited window of opportunity is clever. The loan secures both an immediate arrival and a safe acquisition. The option to buy is for this purpose and not for the purpose of an extension. If there is an extension, it has no value.
  18. In comparison, Valentin Rongier is underrated. I have opened a topic about this.
  19. Hello, I'm opening this topic on the level of Valentin Rongier at Olympique de Marseille. At the beginning of the season this player had a 3.5 star rating. This level decreases in an abnormal way even as a regular starter during the season. In view of the real level displayed by this player in the Ligue 1 championship, a re-evaluation is necessary. He is one of the best defensive midfielders in this competition. Do you plan to increase his attributes in the next update? His level should be a base of 3.5 stars. Thank you.
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