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Everything posted by mackapakka

  1. Are there any keywords im looking for as it was definitely polish skin
  2. Think was the Polish skin, ive used so many to get it how I want it
  3. Ah ok so where would I get that from please if you know ?
  4. Sorry what do you mean which folder you need a photo of?
  5. Anybody know how I can get the faces and the league history to appear on the club screen for the manager captain etc, also how I get to see the league history in the graph? Thanks this page is a lifesaver.
  6. Lookijng for help, i have seen on the processing screen when it moves between days and fixtures some skins with stadiumpics in the middle or larger badges. Does anybody have a panel on how this is done please that I could use for my own personal skin I am designing
  7. How do you make the screen go light ? Was wanting to do it for my skin that I use for my personal use
  8. Hi Wondering how people make their own custom design touchline tablets into a skin or transfer from one skin to another?
  9. Hi Sorry about previous post I put it in the wrong area, I have two questions. Firstly how can I change the match stat panel in the topleft hand corner on a base skin to become a photograph of a stadium pic in between match highlights? Also how can you change the pic on the menu title screen so it is not just the manager standing there?
  10. Hi I am using the base skin Is there a way I can add a stadium pic to the small panel in the top left corner which shows the match stats. Also how do you on people's title page at the very beginning when the game first opens people have different pictures on their skins how do you change these?
  11. If you want to incorporate a touchline tablet into your own skin which files and file location do you need to look at?
  12. If you want to incorporate a touchline tablet into your own skin which files and file location do you need to look at?
  13. Are you able to add a squad depth screen in to the skin if so how? Thanks great work
  14. How do you add the old squad depth report to your squad planner. I have seen it in other skins and was wanting to add it to my own base skin I am making. Thanks in anticipation.
  15. I'm confused now, i have city pics but they come up as backgrounds how can I make them as pics then. Thanks
  16. Sorry then what do I do? Paste the coding into the xml file via notepad? Also if I have a blank pic panel on the stadium screen could I insert it there instead ? if so do you know how to do it? Thanks for your help so far.
  17. Hi I am new to skinning. Is there a way to add stadium and city pics to my homepage or club info page. What would I need to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Is there certain text i need to include or xml files?
  18. Hi using latest iOS on I pad and when I click manager profile I go back to the iOS Home Screen. Is this a known issue ?
  19. Anybody else pressing Manager profile and the game simply goes back to your iOS Home Screen? Also hearing you can’t play past 26/28 season when you try 27/28 season again the game switches itself off. Finally I can’t take a photo for a manager anymore it doesn’t show the picture. It’s all a bit frustrating. Everything seemed to be working a few days ago
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