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Posts posted by YLSFM00

  1. 4 games, 2W, 2L.

    Every performance has been average at best. The first game was a 3-4 win, JUST about and we were dominated for 60 of the 90

    Colombia. 3-0 loss. Battered and it could've been more

    Brazil, a more understandable 0-1 loss but it was average at best

    Bolivia, a 0-1 win, but 1 goal, 1 goal against bottom of the WC qualifiers group Bolivia and we played below average.

    My tactic is below, any help's appreciated :)



  2. It seems like an okay tactic to me tbh but I'd look to add more width on the left side with your IW and IWB

    Tight marking also isn't compatible with urgent pressing from what I remember, I'd also remove wbib cause it can overcomplicate attacking play too much and up the passing directness up to shorter as maybe much shorter could also overcomplicate things. For a tiki taka tactic, I'd also remove counter TI, down to you whether you hold shape or leave it undone.


  3. 2 hours ago, Hastur25 said:

    20210505195341_1.thumb.jpg.e147a5f597fefc0fbb5e5d5b4f8aab0c.jpgI have been using this tactic to climb from the lower leagues to the championship, in england . I have been trying to become more solid defensivly but the changes i made to defend mady my offense useless.So i would be thankful for tips and suggestions.




    Problems here:

    - extremely urgent pressing and a low DL and LOE in a formation with 4 up top

    - your midfield pair is extremely aggressive, nobody there is holding

    - why pass into space?

    - SK on attack is strange, would drop it to defend or support

    - 2 bpd's playing hollywood passes in a seemingly defensive tactic

    - fb on support is too conservative to support his IW partner frequently

    There are a couple more, but these stand out for me.

    I'd make your formation a 4-4-2 or something bottom heavy and defense first if you want to keep the style

  4. 10 minutes ago, mcpay said:

    Hi Guys,

    for quite a long time I am trying to achieve a successful 5-3-2 tactic (or other 3 CB and striker approach), but it is not working for me. 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1 tactics are working fine, but it seems I am not good enough with other tactics.


    Could you please have a look at my tactical setup and let me know your thoughts about it? I also tried a setup putting DM to CAM (DLP and BTB on CM), but same result - no good xGoals ratio and not winning a lot of games. I also changed a bit the MEZ role between support and attack, also I tried different roles on the wings.

    I am a big fan of possession football, this is why I am trying to achieve this with a lower tempo.

    Thanks a lot in advance four advice, below you can see the screenshots of my current tactic:









    I see some problems here:

    - your TI'S are very possession friendly, pretty much overkill really, especially the in possession ones, but the 5-3-2 is not suited to such style.

    - urgent pressing combined with less then optimal defensive compactness (gap between DL and LOE)

    - tight marking doesn't make sense with the supposed possession-looking style

    - in a bottom heavy formation, prevent short GK distribution doesn't work well

    - why both TSK and distribute to CB'S?

    - work ball into box, be more disciplined, lower tempo and narrow is incredibly passive, would make tempo and width default and remove wBiB and BMD.

  5. 2 hours ago, iav said:

    I'm fairly happy with defensive performance but attacking play and particularly xG is so poor.
    Here are some recent results. I'm Southend






    And my tactic (only added 'Move into channels' and 'Roaming' to my AMC Attack)


    What do you think about to improve it? Thanks in advanced.

    Your TI'S suggest you want to play defensive football, but you have a wing back on attack and your 2 DM'S are very aggressive. You also have little penetration in that front 4, I'd add another attack duty. Pass into space should only really be used on situational basis so I'd remove that.

    I'd also like to raise the question: what's your style of play?


  6. FM21 is my first FM, and I've really enjoyed how this year is, the realism it brings without taking away the feeling of playing a football simulation game is amongst the things I like most about this year's game.
    Something I've noticed is when I'm playing, it's kind of just crowd noise, and I always thought 'they should add commentary to this!' and since I found this forum, here I am.
    Also, as you've seen in the title: cutscenes. When you finish your team talk for a big cup final, I'd like to see cutscenes and views of the stadium as well as the trophy, I think it'd add something cool and something to hype you for that final :)
    I'd appreciate it if SI could implement this in to a future FM, it will bring another dimension in to the game and overall make it better, thanks for reading this if you have 👍

  7. 18 hours ago, StayFrosty said:

    I play an attacking 4-2-3-1 with Dortmund on an online save with my friends and i managed to take it all the way to mid February without losing in season 2 yet in recent months games have become progressively harder and i eventually lost to the rather easy champions league draw in the first leg 3-2 and i got off very lightly. It was total domination, players of mine where complacent while losing and drawing (is that a bug where they hadn't realised the importance of the match?) and i was very lucky to get away goals. I will attach my tactic that i used. It has been so dominant but has recently become weaker and weaker to the point where i am scraping results. My players were not defending at all and were just completely letting them attack and then ignoring my tiki taka tactics by just punting the ball away instantly. Any ideas of what i can improve? i switch to the 4-4-2 in times of need and it normally serves me well, but not today.

    Football Manager 2021 Xbox Edition 27_04_2021 21_24_14.png

    Football Manager 2021 Xbox Edition 27_04_2021 21_24_23.png

    Both of your tactics aren't great, in honesty, but you can tweak:

    Tactic 1: problems and solutions

    - overkill in TI'S and a couple not suited to your tiki-taka, I'd remove a good few of them

    - BME practically means ''don't follow TI'S'' I wouldn't do such TI

    - SK on AT very much contradicts the tiki taka style, and 2 BPD'S is very risky even for Dortmund

    - i'd make your CWB'S WB (SU) and FB (AT)

    - BWM is very aggressive, I'd say CM (DE) in its place

    - AF is going to be fairly isolated, maybe have him as an attacking role but slightly deeper down

    - tight marking does not fit with extremely urgent pressing, and with less then optimal defensive compactness, 

    - counter is not logical with tiki taka

    - WBIB can also overcomplicate attacking play

    Tactic 2 problems and solutions:

    - extremely attacking, your bank of midfield 4 is going to be flying forward and your IWB'S will attack a fair bit even on support.

    - overkill in TI'S again

    - your 2 ST'S are very very isolated, and 2 attack duties in tiki taka style is a big no-no

    - why pass into space?

    - 2 BPD'S, again, risky even for Dortmund

    - wbib once more can overcomplicate attacking play

    - counter is, again, not really compatible with such style

    - why run at defence?

    - also once more, less than optimal defensive compactness, paired with UTM and extremely urgent pressing.

    - prevent short GK distribution isn't really great with a bottom heavy formation

  8. 8 minutes ago, djpfm said:

    I've recently returned to the game after many years. Generally I do ok, usually meeting or slightly exceeding board expectations with smaller reputation teams. For my latest save I decided to start with Real Madrid thinking it might be slightly less frustrating but it's been anything but.

    We started the season well. By Christmas I was top of the league and had qualified from the group phase of the Champions League by beating Man City 5-0 at home. Then in January we lose 3 games in a row, one is a 5-0 hammering from Barcelona. I tweak the tactic slightly and form picks up again for 5 or 6 games. Then we draw or lose another 4-5 games before a brief return to form. Then in April another downturn and I've lost or drawn the last 7 games. We've only lost 3 games this season but drawn 15 which has left us miles behind Barcelona.

    In the last 7 games it really doesn't seem to matter what tactical changes I make, we always seem to end up drawing games either 0-0 or 1-1. We can't seem to break teams down, when we do manage to they then go on to immediately pull a goal back. I've not made wholesale changes but I've tried playing with more width, dropping the defensive and LOE lines, changing tempo, changing directness. I've tried changing roles and dropping players with poor form  but nothing seems to work. Team Cohesion, Club Atmosphere and managerial support are all good or very good.

    I'm almost certainly going to get the sack at the end of the season but I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong so I can avoid mistakes in the future. Here's the current tactic. We've just been beaten 2-1 away to Eibar with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I'm not exactly an expert with tactics, but here's some things that don't seem right:

    - urgent pressing combined with less then optimal defensive compactness

    - you seem to be using possession friendly TI'S, but wide attacking width is not compatible with such.

    - with that, the counter TI is also not compatible with your seemingly possession friendly TI'S 

    - you are already taking shorter kicks and distributing to CB'S with PooD, so I see no need tbh

    I also think that maybe lower tempo is a little too extreme, set that to standard and make the passing shorter.

    EDIT: I'd also up your mentality to positive.

  9. 26 minutes ago, ozilthegunner said:

    I agree with @HUNT3R that you should discuss how you are trying to play, etc. so we know how to think about the formation, roles, and duties.

    But, just a couple of quick things:

    1. What is your mentality? Makes a huge difference to how I think about 'higher tempo', etc. (and, really, everything, but especially a TI like 'higher tempo)
    2. I have not played a 4-2-3-1 with 2DMs, but I thought I recall people discussing that HBs don't really behave properly when given a partner. They want to drop between the 2 centerbacks so they can push them wide. That requires (or at least works best) being centrally located. So, I am not sure if it is truly problematic to use a HB as you do, but what are you seeing?
    3. All your attack seems to come from the left. A Winger and SV on attack. On the other side it is all support players. Perhaps that is by design? Are you attempting to build up on the right while your W and SV (and DLF to a lesser extent) drive forward, hopefully having lots of space as you suck the opposition to your right? If so, I still think you need a bit more bite on the right. But also you may want to think about players who can exploit that overload properly - the AP will try to hit the crossfield ball, but perhaps you need a player further back as well - the HB or the WB. If either have a PPM to switch ball or attempt risky passes, that'll help. Or you can encourage it via PIs

    Thanks for the help 👍

    1. I play with a positive mentality, sorry I should've mentioned that in the original post.

    2. Well I'm just finishing pre season right now, i haven't really noticed much with my HB but I'll pay attention to the matches. Oh and it's a 4-2DM-1-3, I should've made it look a bit clearer. 

    3. Yeah, that's the general idea of the tactic, try to overload one side and then free up space on the other. I haven't checked all of the PPM'S, but if none of the players have such, I'll do PI'S, thanks

    59 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    It would be better if you tell us how your tactic is imo? Are you observing any problems with it? At the very least you should be mentioning what the idea is behind the tactic and then comments can be made about that. Otherwise it'd be someone else's creation and style and not yours.

    It's difficult to be specific about it otherwise. If there's a solid idea behind it, best to see how it goes and pay attention to any potential problems. :thup:

    Thank you @HUNT3R 🙂

    Right now I'm only just finishing pre season, as I mentioned above, but I just came and posted to see if there was any flaw with the set up so I can tweak for when the Ligue 1 season starts 👍

  10. So, I decided to start a new save with Lyon, and I've made this tactic. Help is welcome

    In Possession: Shorter passing, PooD, Higher Tempo

    In Transition: Counter Press

    Out of Possession: High DL, More Urgent, Use Offside Trap

    Roles and Duties:

    SK (SU)

    WB (SU) BPD (DE) CD (DE) FB (SU)

          HB  (DE)                      VOL (AT)

                          AP (SU)

          IW (SU)            DLF (AT)            W (AT)

    If anyone sees flaws, I'd be more then happy to take any advice on board, thanks 🙂

  11. 10 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    IW on support in front of the attacking mezzala and IW on attack in front of the carrilero would make more sense and would be much better balanced. The rest looks good, although the tactic generally looks a bit too adventurous/risky for a team that was predicted to finish 17th. 

    Okay, once the season's back I'll apply this, thank you :)

  12. Hello guys, finished off my second season at Hamburg. With a predicted finish of 17th, we came a very good 5th place, missing out on Champions League football by just 2 points in the end :(

    I usually used a 4-1-4-1 flat, but for the last 10 games of the season I used a 4-3-3 DM Wide. It wasn't bad, but it was fairly inconsistent.

    So here's the tactic:

    Positive Mentality

    TI'S In Possession: Higher Tempo, sometimes i change passing length to short or direct depending on the game situation, pass into space I also sometimes use, but mainly just Higher Tempo

    TI'S In Transition: Distribute to FB'S, Counter, Counter Press

    TI'S Out of Possession: High DL, More Urgent, Use offside trap

    Roles and Duties:

    SK (SU)

    WB (SU) BPD (DE) CD (DE) WB (SU)

                          HB (DE)

              MEZ (AT)                 CAR (SU)

    IW (AT)              DLF (AT)            IW (SU)


    Help is welcome 👍

  13. 42 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

     So the style reproduced is a high pressing and a fairly patient attack, but not too much tiki taka style


    With that piece of information in mind, I'd use a combo of DLF on support and then the poacher, since using 2 attack duties isn't compatible with such style.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

    HI guys...

    I've a question, i play with 5-2-1-2, with AM on support behind two strikers; DLP-su and BWM-su in middle of the pitch.

    For you, it's better the combo TM-att and P-att or DLF-att with P-att?

    i know that depends of my type of players, but, in general which are your preferences?

    And in the middle, the DLP is better on the right (the side of Poacher) and BWM on the left (side of TM or DLF)?? or is not important?


    thaks for your considerations

    TM is good for holding up the ball and allowing others to come in. DLF is good to free up the space for incoming attacking players. It depends on your style of play, if you're looking to play possession, then a DLF is better suited, if you're looking to play more progressive direct football, I'd use a TM. But if you're using a possession style and using a DLF-P combo, then I'd make the DLF support, if not, you can stick with the TM on attack.

  15. 1 hour ago, bdixon said:

    - Not sure what you mean by this?

    By optimal defensive compactness, he means that the gap between the DL and the LOE isn't compatible with the aggressive pressing. Optimal defensive compactness is when the DL is 1 higher then the LOE, so something like High DL and Standard LOE would be optimal.


    1 hour ago, bdixon said:

    - Would changing them to WB(S) help? Or would I need at least one of them on attack duty?

    FB (AT) and WB (SU) could work.


    2 minutes ago, YLSFM00 said:

    The main problem I see here is the fact that your full backs are pretty conservative and won't be able to support your wingers, but though that's a concern, your midfield pair of B2B and CM on support is even bigger of a concern, because with that you have no defensive holding midfielder there and you'll be wide open after losing the ball. I'd chance the B2B to DLP on defend, and make your 2 FB'S a bit more attacking, whether that be using the Get Further Forward PI on them or changing the role or duty to something like FB on attack or WB on support.

    I'd also add another attack duty on one of your IW'S.

  17. 23 minutes ago, bdixon said:

    So after a pretty fantastic 1st season which resulted in finishing 6th in the league and winning the Carabao Cup, it would now seems after buying new players which that I'm not having as much luck and losing silly games. Most times I'm conceding to the first shot on target, this has happened almost 5 times this season after 13 games. I kind of getting the feeling last season was a fluke, especially with the amount of goals Wilson scored. 

    Could you advise where I'm going wrong? Is it balanced, or I'm I so far away from a decent tactic I should start over. I'm out of ideas.

    This is my go to tactic with my strongest players.

    Man City v Newcastle_ Overview.png

    The main problem I see here is the fact that your full backs are pretty conservative and won't be able to support your wingers, but though that's a concern, your midfield pair of B2B and CM on support is even bigger of a concern, because with that you have no defensive holding midfielder there and you'll be wide open after losing the ball. I'd chance the B2B to DLP on defend, and make your 2 FB'S a bit more attacking, whether that be using the Get Further Forward PI on them or changing the role or duty to something like FB on attack or WB on support.

  18. 1 hour ago, webb1999 said:

    sounds like a good idea, ill deffo give these a go would complete forward on attack also work to give more attacking opportunities?

    Yeah, that can also work depending on if Parrott is good to do the role. 


    1 hour ago, webb1999 said:

     so try and simplify the team instructions?

    👍. Personally I'd remove Work Ball into Box, and then set the tempo and attacking width to default for in possession TI'S, in transition you can remove take short kicks (cause with PooD you're doing that already) and out of possession, remove get stuck in and then, if you want to keep using tight marking, make the pressing intensity default, if vice versa, remove tight marking. 


    1 hour ago, webb1999 said:

    okay cool supporting roles wise what would you recomend? would a CM on support work? or an AP on support or attack?

    Both are pretty attacking, a CM on defend is more balanced.

  19. I'd take some of your TI'S off to start, because right now it's pretty much overkill. Tight marking also doesn't fit with extremely urgent pressing.

    In terms of your roles and duties, I'd make one of your BPD'S a standard CD on defend, and make the DLF on support an attack duty for some extra penetration. 

    In the centre of midfield, you have 2 risky runner CM'S in BBM and Mezzala, I'd change one to more of a supporting role.

  20. 17 hours ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    So I want to sell Thomas Meunier but when I put him on transfer list and offer him to clubs he get really pissed and refuse to be sold. How do you sell these players?

    Well, when you're doing offer to clubs you see a note saying 'my client is...' It's likely Meunier wasn't open to leaving or speaking to other clubs, and so the reason he's not happy you're trying to list him.

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