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Posts posted by YLSFM00

  1. 9 minutes ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    This is what annoys me most! Some of the most exciting players in FM21 is players in the AML/AMR position. I tried an experiment with PSG. I played them for a season.
    Winning the league and Mbappe scored 20 goals 19 assist in 40 games. His season rating was 6.98. 

    I non fully detailed league PSG also won, but Mbappe only scores 15 goals and 12 assist. Season rating 7.95. THIS IS SOOO FRUSTRATING!!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, match ratings go off a lot more factors then just G and A. There's likely something up with them, though i haven't had any problems with it so far.

    Also, in the 3 threads you opened in the tactical forum you ignored every piece of advice and when asked to send screenshots or some visual representation of your tactic, you didn't. That's likely also a factor too, because if you're not going to post anything up, nobody can help and your wingers won't have an upturn in form without help.

  2. 17 minutes ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

     do wingers normally perform best as IW, RMD, IF or Winger?

    They can perform best with all 4. But you need to make sure they're capable of doing the role.

    21 minutes ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    So to my question. Can you give me some advice for at tactic that will make it more likely. 442, 433, 4231, 343

    Best you post a screenshot of the tactic, from there people can help.

  3. 1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Pass into space is not about a more direct passing style. It simply encourages players to pass the ball in front of a teammate (as opposed to feet) a bit more often than they otherwise would. Pass into space does not apply only to so-called through balls behind the opposition defense but any pass that is played into space in front of a teammate (a CB can play a pass into space for a fullback in your defensive third, for example). But the instruction does not change the passing length and direction in general. So if your intention is to be more direct with passing, then simply use the more direct passing TI (rather than pass into space, which is a situational TI, as I already explained in my previous reply).  

    However, a potentially bigger problem with a more direct passing style in the specific case of your tactic is your formation with an inherently isolated lone striker up front (because there is none between him and central midfield strata). So the question is whether a direct passing style is a good idea when playing in such kind of formation. I personally think it's not, simply because your striker will need teammates to support him when he receives the ball, which in turn means they need some time to get higher up the pitch and be close enough to him. That's the reason why a more direct or/and high-tempo style can (often) make him isolated and thus more easily neutralized by the opposition defense.

    If you want to play a more direct style while using a bottom-heavy formation, I would recommend a bit different formation - e.g. 4132 wide or 41311 wide. 


    Okay, I'll test it, thank you again

  4. Hello everyone, into my 2nd season at Hamburg. Started the season well, winning against Dortmund, drawing 2-2 to Bayern my best 2 results. Things have been just beginning to fall apart recently in mid season, we are 5th (very good from a prediction of 17th) but, it's starting to fall apart. 2 wins from my last 7 games (that includes 4 defeats from the last 5 games) and a reoccurring problem I've had all season - i'm struggling to find the net. My tactic is below:

     TI'S In Possession: Pass into Space, Higher Tempo, Wide

    TI'S In Transition: Distribute to FB'S, Counter, Counter Press

    TI'S Out of Possession: High DL, More Urgent, Prevent Short GK Distribution

                       SK (SU)

    WB (SU)  BPD (DE) CD (DE) WB (SU)

                           HB (DE)

    IW (AT)   CAR (SU)  MEZ (AT) IW (SU)

                             DLF (AT)

    Help and feedback is welcome, thank you.

  5. 19 hours ago, Bappo Bank said:


    The tactic is, very contradicting. Huge overkill of TI'S is the main problem. Then your roles and duties aren't very well set up. I'd remove a good 3/4 of your TI'S to start. Then roles and duties: 

    1. Make your BPD on cover BPD (DE), then the NCB a CB (DE)

    2. Make WB (D) WB (SU) 

    3. Change BWM (DE) to CM (DE) and make DLP support duty.

    4. Your main front 3 all compete for the same space, so make the striker a creator role (DLF, TQ or CF) on attack duty.


  6. 5 minutes ago, jamesh123 said:

    Yeah I forgot to mention I added counter press and upped the urgency for a game to see if It made a difference. But I'll give them a try thanks! Never normally use the counter TI as I didn't want us to just be looking for a direct counter attack as soon as we get the ball back all the time.

    Good luck 👍

  7. 22 minutes ago, jamesh123 said:

    Just wondering if anyone is able to help me out with my tactic. Struggling to have any real impact on the attack, and defensively is hit and miss depending on the opposition. My aims are to be nice and compact, be threatening on the attack with quick transitions, creating overloads / multiple goalscoring opportunities and try to be more direct instead of passing it round for the sake of it. Any help would be much appreciated.


    I'm not too good with tactics, but I'll try. If you're looking to play compact and then play with quick transitions, then I'd:

    1. Make the High DL standard, LOE lower

    2. Remove Offside Trap

    3. Add Counter TI 

    4. Remove Counter Press, leave that option undone. In replacement you can do Distribute Quickly

    5. Make the Pressing Urgency default (more urgent doesn't really fit if you want to play compact)

  8. Seeing the feedback, this is what I'll change it to.

    TI'S In Possession: Pass Into Space, Higher Tempo, Narrow

    TI'S In Transition: Counter

    TI'S Out of Possession: Lower LOE, Force Opposition Outside

    Roles and duties:

    SK (DE)

    WB (SU) CD (DE) CD (DE) CD (DE) WB (SU)

            CAR (SU)   CM (DE)   DLP (SU)

                  AF (AT)  DLF (AT)

    Thanks for the help and I will test this next game against a better team I have :)

  9. I use this tactic when we're playing a good team (Bayern, Dortmund, Leipzig) advice is appreciated :)

    Balanced Mentality

    TI'S In Possession: Pass Into Space, Higher Tempo, Narrow

    TI'S In Transition: Counter

    TI'S Out of Possession: Lower LOE, Use Offside Trap

    Roles and duties:

    SK (DE)

    WB (AT) CD (DE) CD (DE) CD (DE) WB (SU)

            CAR (SU)   CM (DE)   CAR (SU)

                  AF (AT)  DLF (AT)

    Any help is welcome 👍


  10. 11 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    I would cut out at least half your team instructions, to begin with. 

    In terms of roles and duties, would be wary of using an aggressive role such as BWM as my (sole) holding midfielder. 

    The rest of the setup looks okay/decent as a starting point.

    Alright, thank you.

    I'll cut down the in possession TI'S seeing that there are quite a few, likely the focus plays.

    As for the BWM, i'm not too sure on that one. I might switch to a 4-4-2 Diamond Wide and make the BWM a HB, so it'll look like:

                                                                          HB (DE)

                                         IW (AT)                                                               W (SU)

                                                                           AP (SU)

    Could that work?

    And thank you again for the feedback 👍


  11. 29 minutes ago, ross1605 said:

    I am playing with Spurs and always take the lead but I am constantly dropping points from winning positions. I just played West Brom and was 5-1 yo with 30 mins to go and I kid you not the game ended 5-5 (ridiculous).


    I tried everything - playing disciplined, slower tempo and time wasting etc and nothing worked! West Brom literally doubled their season goal tally in 90 mins against me. Does anyone have any advice on how to hold a lead I really am struggling to work out how.

    https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/548488-throwing-games-away-what-do-i-do/?tab=comments#comment-12961012 I had this problem in a Forest save. The last post helped me quite a fair bit. Also, I'd post your tactic so we can get a better understanding.

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