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Everything posted by Lunnarium

  1. Hey, anyone has experience with skins on steam workshop ? I started creating custom skins for teams, now I need to update them. For more recent ones I can do it no problem, for older ones the game doesn't recognize them as uploads anymore so I can't. Having quite a few skins it becomes very time consuming to just repost them. Example attached https://imgur.com/xDmXeZU
  2. Yet you have the option to create a club anyway, so you would use the same thing with few more restrictions and would actually be an achievement instead of pressing one button.
  3. Hello, Please imagine the following challenge idea, which in my vision will make real use of a number that gets "hacked" every single save. Premises: - You are a new manager with no coaching badges whatsoever, you start as lowest of the low. - You struggle to improve, perform, and get well paid ! Because every single save so far the salary, YOUR salary, is a number with only negative effects to the club, nothing else. So by default I think every manager that tries to ensure financial good results for the club will negotiate a salary as low as possible.(still not low enough to get fired at will). - From all income, save a %, lets say 30% as saving. Also set a minimum personal expense budget per month, lets say 1k EUR. To take an example, lets say you start in a very low league where you actually don't get paid and stay on the job/salary for 2 years. Your savings balance is -24k EUR. Then you get a new job/salary of 10k per month. Next year your saving balance is 30%*10k*12 months - 24k = 12k. And so on. - Now, we talk about create a club. If we keep the current version of it, when you take the place of another team. keeping its former data (reputation, etc), when you have the right amount of saving you should be able to buy a club (a minimum price should be established in order to prevent transactions in the first few years). A better option would be to create a club, take the place of the club on the last place in the selected league, with the condition to be the lowest playable division. Also, depending on savings, you can directly invest in facilities or stadium, keeping build times as they currently are in game. - Since you own the club that means you have full control on club vision, don't need to make board request, you handle alone your own finances and of course you cannot be fired ! Thank you !
  4. Hello, Anyone know a way to change a team's primary and secondary colors by xml files ? (not via editor - actually tried editor and not sure if it works, but would want a version I can work with for multiple teams and faster). For obvious reasons I need those colors to somehow match the kits. (Also hate the blue manager outfit as well) Thank you !
  5. Hello, I am new around, and not very experienced with FM series, but I love Challenges. I'll start with Romania as I see there's no completion on the list for it. My Team: My players, including 2nd team(else I don't have a first 11) And my profile as a coach: And not much more, just the normal welcome
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