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Posts posted by thefmveteran86

  1. 4 hours ago, mrw072 said:

    I think a lot depends on how the groups play out.  But I think England should have no problems in the group or the next round, as they're likely to avoid Holland then.  After that if it is France that'll be difficult, but they have loads of injuries so I think it's a match they could get through.  But I do feel that if England were to make it to the semis they'd need more firepower.  So i'd expect them to fall there.  

    As a minimum Quarter Finals, but with a bit of luck the Semis.

    Didn't FIFA say Southgate have got till 20th for confirm his 26 man squad incase any injuries till then 

  2. So basically I saw a tweet saying he's going to try more South American teams and I agree with him as I'm bored of all the European leagues and maybe branch out more out of my comfort zone, so I was wondering what does the second nationality for and it's uses?. I mean I only speak English in real life but what nationality would you use for the continent so they can understand my tactics? or would using an Assistant that speaks their language that could translate for me or what?. I mean I've never really used that option on any FM before just wondering if anyone else has? 

  3. 3 hours ago, CKBrahMa said:

    Currently, I don’t have my computer, pictures will come

    Hi everyone !

    First of all, I want to thank :

    - BTN for all his videos, especially his one on FM23 recreating the tactic (you’ll see that I differ from him on some point) ;

    - RDF tactic, especially for his video on Winger-A on opposite foot (which we’ll use for Saka) ;

    - Football Made Simple for breaking down the current Gunner’s tactic.


    To my understanding, the 11 players on the pitch can be separated in 2 groups :

    - The front 5 (Martinelli, Xhaka, Gabriel Jesus, Ødegaard and Saka) ;

    - the build-up 6 (Zinchenko, Gabriel M., Saliba, White, Ramsdale and Partey).


    The front 5

    Very much like Man. City, Arsenal tries to occupy all the 5 channels, this way :

    - Left flank with Martinelli or Xhaka ;

    - Left Half-space (HS) with Martinelli, Xhaka or Gabriel Jesus ;

    - Center with Gabriel Jesus and Ødegaard (and, in a way T. Partey) ;

    - Right HS with Ødegaard and Saka ;

    - Right Flank with Saka (and, depending on the opponent, White can overlap).

    We can already see that : 1. The left side is much more fluid than the right one (e.g. in the game against Chelsea, we could see Martinelli in the Center, like where Partey should stand) and 2. The left side relies on only 2 players, maybe 2 of the top 3 of the front 5, 3. except for the occasion where White Overlap, Saka is alone to manage the right flank.

    For the left side, I took what BTN did :

    - Martinelli : IW-s with roam from position. I might add « dribble more » as it is his way to make a difference ;

    - Xhaka : Mezz-s. However, in FM, he may lack of pace to really run in the space. I may add roam from position, but he may drop too deep. Is there a way to « automatically » switch players from position (like Xhaka becoming the winger and Martinelli the Mezz ? I remember downloading a tactic in a previous FM where the wingers switch position time to time). If it’s possible, I may put Martinelli on W-s ;

    - Gabriel Jesus : a F9 of course. I may switch him to a Trequartista if he seems to drop too deep.

    For the right side, I differ a bit from BTN :

    - Ødegaard : currently a Mezz-a, I may switch him to AP-a (especially if Partey is overwhelmed in the midfield, see below). I feel that Mezz-a put Ødegaard to much as a finisher which he is not ;

    - Saka : a W-a, definitely, for various reason. 1. IRL, Saka very much play like a FM Winger-a, and not like a IF-a 2. Due to the ME, it occurs that the Mezz-a and If-a stand in the same area/attack the same space 3. In FM, Saka is quite a great crosser, at least a better crosser than finisher, 4. Shoutout to RDF tactic for his Winger-a on wrong foot video : it works like a charm, 5. In my « Ødegaard false 9 » topic, I did use Saka as a Winger-s, and even though his rating were not great, he was still crucial for the tactic

    However, I’m worried about point 2. As a wrong-foot W-a will receive the ball on the HS, like the Mezz-a. Do you think it can be a problem and/or what are your though on that ?

    I would say that it could be a problem but it won’t for one reason : Ødegaard has PPM « Comes deep to get the ball », which means he will be in the same HS as Saka, but lower. Am I right ?

    The build up 6

    This is where I differ from BTN. While he’s offering a IW-s BPD-D CB-d WB-s, I choose more flexibility depending on the opponents composition. Indeed, Arsenal builds differently depending if they’re facing :

    - 2 ST (or 1 ST with an agressive AMC) pairing with a double pivot, like a 442, 4231 ;

    - 1 ST with 3 midfielders, like a 433 or a 343

    - 2 ST with 3 midfielders, like a 352.

    - One special case : facing a front 4

    Arteta’s idea during the build-up is to get the control of midfield without taking too much risks at the back.

    In real life, Arsenal would build up like that :

    - To counter the 2 ST, Ben White will stay down, like a third CB. Having only 2 midfielders, we only need Zinchenko to help Partey. To create numerical superiority, 2 options : Gabriel M. comes forward, breaking the line and creating a 3 against 2 OR Ødegaard comes deeper to collect the ball. So, option 1 : IWB-s BPD-d CB-C FB-s (with « Run on flank* » as a PI). I add « Overlap right » on TI’s as it reflects how Arsenal plays IRL ;

    - To counter 1 ST with 3 CM, we don’t need White to control the lone ST, so he became a IW-s. To create superiority, either Gabriel M. comes (BPD-d), Ødegaard comes deeper OR Gabriel Jesus comes deep (creating a 4 against 3). IWB-s BPD-d CB-c IWB-s

    - To counter 2 ST with 3 CM, we both need White staying lower and Ødegaard or Jesus to come deeper. So I mix the 2 options : White as a FB-s with PI and TI suggested, Ødegaard becoming an AP-a (as he will come deeper more often than a Mezz-a) and Gabriel Jesus coming deep too. In this case, Saka can become an IF-a ;

    - the case of the front 4. It was the case against Liverpool IRL. You can’t outnumber them with the same idea without getting outnumbered (4 against your back 4. Partey has 2 CM on him. If both Xhaka and Ødegaard come deeper, you’re 3 against 5 upfront, meaning you have very poor chance to score. 
    Solution : this is where Ramsdale becomes important. 1. As a sweeper keeper, he will be a passing option for your CB and 2. Due to his passing skills, he can aim for your front 5.


    Thanks for reading this post ! Feel free to give your opinion or advice !

    Screens and TI’s will come later, but you have the general idea as TI’s are no revolution here (classic Tiki-Taka)

    Never in a million years I would be able to come up with a formula with a tactic like this :(

  4. Who do we expect to be in the final 26? Saka has to be there, Foden obviously, do we expect Maguire to even get on the plane never mind the bench? :D anyways should be interesting if there should some surprises if there are any late injuries plaguing our final team confirmed or does FIFA allow any considerations given any late injuries after they've been confirmed? 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Barry Cartman said:

    This seems to be out today, already news being reported from it, not sure if this is the kind of thing that requires spoilers, but will do so just incase

      Reveal hidden contents

    A whistleblower who worked for the Qatar 2022 World Cup bid has claimed in a new documentary that three African Fifa officials were offered $1.5 million each for their football federations in return for their votes.

    Phaedra Almajid alleges in the Fifa Uncovered series, which is being screened by Netflix, that the offer was made by Hassan Al Thawadi, the head of the bid at the time and now the secretary general of the Supreme Committee delivering the World Cup. Al Thawadi said the claims are “inherently false”.

    The offer to the three Fifa executive committee members — Issa Hayatou from Cameroon, Jacques Anouma from Ivory Coast — was made at a meeting of African football federations in Luanda, Angola, in January 2010, 11 months before the Fifa vote, claimed Almajid, who was in charge of international press for the bid.

    She told the documentary that the money was offered for football associations rather than the individuals. The three officials have denied any wrongdoing.

    “We were talking about how Africa had been given its chance to host the World Cup and how the Arab world should be given their chance, and then Hassan offered Hayatou $1 million for Hayatou’s football federation [Cameroon] and in return we wanted his vote,” Al Majid said.

    “I remember there just being laughter and then him saying that is not enough, and so the price was upped to $1.5 million — just like that. It was just so simple: ‘We will give you this money for your football federation, you give us your vote and thank you so much’.

    “One by one we did the same thing with Anouma and Adamu. $1.5 million was offered to each member that evening in exchange for their vote. It was verbal, I never saw money.

    “It was made very clear the money was going to football, it was never said it is going into your pocket, I do need to emphasise that. Where it ended up I have no idea.

    “Before I went back to my hotel room, Hassan told me, ‘You never repeat this ever again to anyone’ and I was like, ‘OK.’

    After she was sacked by the bid, Almajid revealed the offers anonymously to the Sunday Times but later signed an affidavit retracting the claims.

    She explains why she did so in the documentary saying she had become scared.

    “I’m starting to get threats, anonymous calls, emails, social media,” she added. “I was basically told either you sign an affidavit stating that you lied or else we are legally going to come after you.”

    Al Thawadi was also interviewed for the Netflix series and denied the claims.

    “My reaction, especially on the Phaedra situation, it’s frustration,” he said. “They are inherently false and there are facts on the ground that prove they are false.”

    Qatar 2022 has also insisted that it:

    “strictly adhered to the regulations that were in place” and that Almajid has “repeated allegations that were previously retracted”.

    “She has unfortunately decided to regurgitate these falsehoods,” it said in a statement.

    Ricardo Teixeira, one of three South American Fifa members accused in an indictment by the US department of justice of taking bribes to vote for Qatar, denied having done so.

    “I have received favours, exchanged favours, that’s normal, but I have never been bribed to do anything in my life,” he said.

    Will start watching later 

    Yeah I've got it on reminder last night forgot it was out today might watch it later myself

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