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Everything posted by Lesterfan_Cambiasso

  1. Im sceptical of what they do. Ive used "drop off" and my interpretation of this would be, if the initial press is beaten, what do your defenders do? But when "dropping off" I dont see the defenders cutting out the through balls any more than I do when they arent dropping off. In fact, the best strategy to defend the through ball is STILL a sweeper keeper with good rushing out and one on ones for me. Also, if you can tell your defence to push up and drop off, why do we still have the stopper and cover roles?
  2. Hi there Surely as I said previously, this is an argument for making mentality seperate from passing directness and tempo? Why have mentality at all? why not just let passing directness, tempo and roles "define" the mentality? If i pick risk averse roles, then im playing in a risk averse style. If i pick roles that take risks, im playing in a riskier style. Wouldnt this make sense?
  3. The long shots and attempted long passes must come from the person on the ball having no options to make a pass to Id have to assume. The getting beaten with long balls thing I agree with. This happens all the time as your defenders mysteriously turn into turtles. Pressing the opposition defence will make them more likely to try and long ball, so that could be an issue.
  4. If we had the skill youve got, and put the time into it you have, we would all be geniuses like you. You "get" the game, in a way a lot of people simply dont. The mentality wording being an example of this.
  5. I have bought the game, and i dont enjoy it at all. I preferred FM 21 and FM 22 much more than this version. Im not particularly interested in being told "this has been improved thats been improved"....none of the "improvements" have made me enjoy the game any more than I did previously, and in my opinion tactical shapes, mentalities and away games are now completely broken.
  6. Its not harder in the way it is in football manager. You can routinely blast everyone away at home, with players who can make decisions, who dont run through treacle, and can finish properly. All of this completely goes out of the window playing away from home. Of course its harder playing away from home, but MOST away games dont see managers make fundamental shifts in approach during the game. We arent going to agree, so we might as well leave it there.
  7. Well, whatever the reasons, lots of people are experiencing very tough runs of results away from home in a way that simply doesnt reflect real life, and the way the game represents losing these games doesnt reflect real life either in my opinion.
  8. Not enjoying this version whatsoever. Away games have become ridiculously hard, the crazy exploit tactics are still a thing, the only "new" thing is you can sit deeper and launch some long passes forwards. Very, very disappointing. FM22 was a better game.
  9. I would say having played the game a little bit, for me the game has gotten harder. I think the days of positive and above mentality, press like mad, always using 433/4141 are gone. And thats not a bad thing. I think away games have become noticably harder, far too much so in my opinion. Its a struggle to get any kind of result out of an away game, shouldnt be like that. I think generally in my experience, its far better to press the wide men and "trap inside" forcing them into the middle of the pitch, than it is trying to send them out wide, but I wish they would get rid of terms like "trap inside" and "trap outside", they are ridiculous and shouldnt be in the game. Force inside or force wide would be so much simpler and not sound absolutely stupid in the process. Inside forwards have improved by having more dribbling ability I would say, thats good. Id also say the Raumdeuter position is far more effective now, but when defending he comes miles too deep, i dont know why that would be the case. Overall, its a solid 7/10 but no improvement on FM22.
  10. Two things I would say about that: 1) Conventional wisdom at least what you read here is the formation you see on the screen is a defensive structure. PIs can then dictate where players should go in possession. So the 442 structure in this instance is supposed to be the shape i want the players to revert back into without the ball, this seems consistent with what a lot of the top teams do without the ball, but i could be wrong 2) Players playing out of position should not matter if their attributes suit the new role you are putting them into. Ive also heard this a number of times too, and the only player who isnt in his natural position is possibly Mertens who has been designed to attack like a Raumdeuter whilst forming the left side of the midfield 4 in defence. Totally stand to be corrected and open for advice but i wasnt sure about your post.
  11. @chewbaccaloveaddiction Thanks for a great contribution. Can i just clarify a few points with your tactic: 1) Im surprised you opt for a counter press, as you also use the high press instruction but i dont see an instruction for your back line, which would indicate its a standard back line? in which case, if the opponent beats your high counter press, combined with the midfields sat deep, are you not open for the opposition to overrun you in midfield? that would be my worry initially 2) Right sided wing back and winger occupying the same space on the field possibly? 3) This tactic looks more like a gegenpress ball domination tactic, and this will require high levels of stamina, work rate, positioning and decisions, so im not sure this would be entirely suitable for my squad? I feel like the tactic i use at home, i.e. compact and look to hit Icardi at every opportunity is probably the way to go, but i dont know how to implement this to be successful away. I appreciate the advice if you can clarify further? I think one option I have is to play Torreira as DM(D) as he has traits for that role, i.e. plays short simple passes so into Oliveira or the wing backs, but also has really good mentals for the role, maybe Oliveira can play as a DLP(S) so he comes more into midfield, and then either utilise Seferovic as an Enganche with Mertens as an IF(A), so the ball is attracted to Seferovic as a target man type outlet ball and he can be a little creative from there. Theres also the possibility to use 1 DM and 2CMs, and on one wing use Seferovic as a Wide Target Man, and have a midfielder as Mezzala and wingback push up to get the knockdowns and flick ons off him, and he could also maybe cross it from there to Mertens or vice versa?
  12. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. I thought i would post my current tactic to gather some opinions. And, although the save isnt going as well as id have hoped, it is one that I am enjoying. I am Galatasaray manager, so predicted to do quite well in my league (4th), and my current league position is 3rd, so ok, not too bad perhaps. But heres my furstrations. First of all, the tactic: Ive gone 4-4-2 and pretty generic, as I dont think theres a "style" that stands out for the squad. Plus, i think the advice of keeping team instructions to a minimum is sound, and I usually do that anyway. Obviously the players have their own instructions I can go into if you want. At home, fair enough, this tactic works pretty well. But then again, most tactics do. Thats not down just to me. Away from home, we often get ripped to shreds. Its weird how if you look at the results, I can flip flop between battering teams one weak, and getting absolutely battered the next. Ive highlighted the dangers on the tactic. The particularly dangerous zone is the RED zone. We are totally incapable of defending this zone, whilst using a 4-4-2 shape. Attempts to defend the red zone, the typical "number 10" area, have been: Ask the back line to push up, to condense the space between defence and midfield - this doesnt work, this leaves space behind that gets exploited. Regrouping...... i like this instruction in many ways, but it seems to make the defence too passive Ask one of the defenders to act as a "stopper" - this doesnt work, this leaves a gap that is exploited, OR they play passes around him/dribble past him Ask the back 4 to allow crosses - the idea being that they will sit much narrower and block the goal....combined with next point this doesnt work because: From free kicks, corners and crosses, the defence will not push up fast enough after the initial clearance to block the second ball which often means opponents fizz in a shot into the net from the edge of the area. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Now one solution to this would be to put a player in the DM position, possibly as a DM (D) or maybe even a DLP (D). Reason being is that, with the team I have, I want to stay compact and solid, and rely on the excellent quality I have up front to nick a goal to win the game. Seems to make sense? Icardi is great at running onto through balls and scoring, Mertens can get in at the far post from an attack down the right side. The reason im reluctant to play a DM, is because SEFEROVIC acts as the outlet for clearances, to hold the ball up to get us up the pitch, and hes also very useful when facing a team that plays one DM themselves, as he can man mark this position. So hes quite a key man. So maybe im thinking that the formation AWAY needs to be more akin to a 4-1-4-1 so there can be one player utilised as a DM, and seferovic can either be used as an outlet as a WTM, or possibly Enganche to attract the ball towards him, leaving Icardi more space as a poacher. The areas ive highighted in BLUE are also danger areas, but ive highlighted the player next to that area to tightly mark that area and close down more, i.e. the LEFT WING player will close down more and mark tightly in the OPPOSITION WING BACK RIGHT area, so any time a player enters this area, he gets shut down fast. This seems to work well......AT HOME. Im just fed up of getting absolutely shredded. Even our home performances are starting to stutter. Does my head in. Here are our results so far: So two things stand out: Defence is too leaky Frequent batterings away from home (as usual, in every single team) Any ideas where its going wrong? Thank you!
  13. I actually unwittingly got very close to designing a tactic like this whilst managing a very poor team (albion rovers of scotland): My theory was that as a team that was rubbish and couldnt defend, my style of play would be: 1) Aim a long ball from the keeper or defence into the middle of the crowd of bodies up front 2) Ball will ping off someone up front 3) Have enough bodies around the ball that the loose ball will fall to my player through weight of numbers 4) Shoot from everywhere when this player gets the ball, and who knows you might score i guess the theory with this tactic must be broadly similar?
  14. @Hypercane6 Upon looking at these magic tactics, the common theme seems to be formations that are often symmetrical, both flanks with the same roles, and lots of attacking inverted roles, combined with absurdly high mentalities, which i guess just batter the AI to death. So essentially, the middle of the pitch is overloaded to death and the football is just a frenetic mess in the hope of forcing goals? Or am i wrong here?
  15. If anything, it should be the other way around if we are talking about real life? Teams that ATTACK would be likely to play many more short passes, theyre attacking as a unit. Defensive teams would be likely to play more long passes in real life......ie crosses into the box into a big forward, defensive clearances, diagonal balls into channels to relieve pressure etc. I dont think the intepretation of this on the game makes a lot of sense to be honest. I would genuinely suggest they have passing directness the wrong way around, in the same way they used to use "Counter" as a menality, and it actually gave you MORE possession. Should just make passing tempo and directness independent from team mentality.
  16. Is it fair to say a wonderkid that comes out of a country like Portugal then is going to look worse than he really is? You see someone with Darwin's attributes and you see 15s so by Premier League standards, bang average, but they must programme a huge scope for improvement into him?
  17. how do the researchers actually put a value on the attributes? ive often wondered that. Essentially, how good a team is on the game is decided by the opinion of a researcher?
  18. Not really.....the poster is trying to find the optimal balance than in certain situations he wants a pass into space.
  19. Would a better idea not be to ask the players who receive the ball in a certain position where you are thinking "play the pass into the wingers" have the "attempt more risks" PI ticked? That way, when the ball isnt on theyll look to play short, but when the ball is on, theyll look to play into the space? I would suspect youll need to be prepared for some misplaced passes in the buildup though if youre going for this kind of approach. You might also want to consider a "switch ball to wide areas" PPM that can be trained into your players? Id also say a third possible option is turn up the teams overall passing directness so they look for those kind of balls more often, but then turn down the passing directness of certain players who you dont want giving the ball away needlessly?
  20. Hi Everyone. Just embarked on a Galatasaray career, and so far really liking it. However, ive noticed something I overlooked, which is going to prove a problem. Here is my first choice team, which I feel is well balanced and after pre season looks primed to perform: League rules state that in league games, you can only play a maximum of 8 foreign players. Im already having to leave out my first choice keeper Muslera, and a more natural right sided player in Milot Rashica, to play Kerem on the right side (hes an inverted winger or inside forward on the left). When it comes to matches too, when it comes to making substitutions, I can only put a foreign player on, i.e. Rashica, Bafetimbi Gomis, Midtsjo, Muslera, Mata, if im taking another foreign player off. So I cant take a turkish player off for his foreign replacement, without taking a foreigner off at the same time and replacing him with a significantly weaker Turkish player. NIGHTMARE!!!!!! What would you do about this moving forward, given the quality of player thats Turkish just isnt good enough for me to build a team that can challenge effectively in all comps? Ive got basically no quality youth either. Any suggestions?
  21. Id have to say a common theme on FM games is always that ball over the top scenario. Defenders should be far more able to deal with balls over the top and through balls than they are IMO.
  22. Not to muddy the waters here, but I wonder if the reason players seem to "lift" their game against us quite often, is the "enjoys big matches" bullet point on the report card? Does a player who sees a particular opponent (if thats us) as a "big match" and therefore gets better in that game? more fired up? Theres just so many unanswered questions within this game, I guess no one will ever know.
  23. You see, this is another thing, youve highlighted a great point there. That tactic, if played in real life, would never in a million years win an actual game of football. It might finish like 9-6 or something and maybe you might be on the right end of the result.....if your opponent missed all their chances. It would just be a basketball match. So youre running a balancing act sometimes between playing "realistically".....and losing a lot, which feels pretty hollow.....or doing something crazy to beat the game, which is what you instinctively want to do because you want your input to result in something positive, but if thats the case then genuine tactical theory is completely redundant in the process. Its a tough balancing act.
  24. I tend to agree, although im a long time FM player, i seem to have gotten worse and worse and this is kind of my experience. I think from my perspective, the tendency i see nowadays is, you learn the game not so much by reacting to the action on the field, but kind of learning the game parrot fashion..... if the opposition does THIS then the game likes it if i do THAT back. If you put in enough time into it, its more learning how the game wants you to respond, than an actual footballing response, if that makes sense? I think an issue i have as well is, the bigger and bigger the game gets, its hard to see what is doing what. A player has attributes.....ok thats good. He also has attributes we cant see that affect the attributes we can see....ok....but unlike real life football we are basically looking at the attributes to get the idea of what player he is, rather than physically watch him train and play. He then has traits which change the way he plays again....I think if it was real life, a player could drop a trait pretty much instantly to be honest if he was told to. He wouldnt have to unlearn in over many many weeks. Or playing in a certain position should make him unlearn it. If youre playing a striker as an advanced forward all the time, he should unlearn his tendency to drop deep very quickly etc etc. I also get frustrated at the CLEAR difference between home and away fixtures. To me, its very very obvious the two are totally different for no apparent reason. Misplacing passes just because you are away? missing more chances just because you are away? this makes very little sense to me, sorry. ....................... Having said all that, its still a one of a kind game that must be hellishly complicated to create, and it does a mostly good job of replicating football I would absolutely agree.
  25. I appreciate all the feedback. I think some elements of the game are pretty silly to be honest. When people say things like "low blocks are good this year"....that instantly suggests the game is bad to me because it implies low blocks must have been worse a previous year. A low block is a low block, it should work the same across all versions, end of. Same with a high press. Stuff like having to train a player to be able to move from the outside of the pitch inwards for example, and it take him 6 months to work this out. And the coach saying i doubt he will be able to learn this, its not worth it. I mean like....lads....im asking you to move from one position and go 20 yards sideways, im not asking you to perform brain surgery. That should be immediately implemented in the game. I dont know why they changed defensive width either, that was silly. "trap inside" and "trap outside"....what? makes no sense at all, just have a bar and say how wide you want to defend. If you defend wide youll stop crosses. Defend narrow you wont. Simple surely? But i also appreciate ive got to be more patient. Maybe its because i just cant devote the time to put into 5 seasons to make an average team slightly above average like i could when i was younger? I dont know. Maybe i should just accept the game is a bit of background noise whilst watching the telly like it is currently, and not care too much. Id just like to get back to creating good tactics, but it feels like every single year it just becomes more and more impossible.
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