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Michael Sant

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  2. Thanks for uploading your save game in the other thread you made. Any further saves anyone else has on this matter would be appreciated however.
  3. Thank you for providing a save game. Our QA team will investigate this one further.
  4. Other users have been making repayments towards the loan monthly however which is in part why we're reviewing this further. Given the screenshot you've posted, are you also making payments back?
  5. It is an issue we're aware of and have under review with our QA team. However, there isn't a fix we can offer at this time I'm sorry. I appreciate it can be a frustrating one at times to lose out on that information.
  6. Thank you for taking the time to share this one. The QA team have reviewed this one, its not something we can offer an immediate solution for I'm sorry.
  7. Our QA team have reviewed this and think there should be a solution. By clicking on the U21/U18 tab, then clicking the "responsibilities" icon under Continue, then setting both responsibilities as Delegate, you should be able to make the U21/U18 tasks disappear.
  8. There isn't any update I have at the moment unfortunately, it's an issue we've still got under review on our side.
  9. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening as well? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  10. It is something we are still looking into at this time, so I don't have a solution I can recommend unfortunately.
  11. There were some temporary issues with Epic servers recently. Was it through Epic you were trying to connect?
  12. I'm a little confused, the screenshot you've provided is of a player profile with a picture visible. If the faces are now working after a reinstall presumably its resolved the issue? That aside, if its an update for a third party set of graphics and it doesn't work. Typically you would need to check with the third party provider.
  13. Thanks for sharing, the QA team will take a look over this further.
  14. We'll take a look into this one further. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Can you share your save game with us? This would allow the QA team to investigate further and determine if this may be an issue. A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  16. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  17. Thanks for sharing this one with us. The QA team will investigate further.
  18. Thanks for the update. If you do encounter any other issues, be sure to let us know.
  19. There is no option to see hidden attributes, such as consistency, professionalism, PA, CA within the game set-up. You aren't supposed to have access to these through normal gameplay. It is a setting that governs the visibility of player attributes that are visible on profiles. The "masking" in this sense is whether or not you can see all the attributes in the technical/physical/mental categories and their 1-20 scores or if these attributes are masked and through scouting or acquisition of knowledge about players this effect is lessened and eventually removed.
  20. I am sorry for the negative impacts it is having, it is an issue we're looking into further.
  21. This is an issue we're aware of and are working on. Thanks for sharing.
  22. It would usually appear above "Full Player Status" in that drop down menu. Are you using any custom graphics/files at all?
  23. We would need more data to review than a single match really @wazzaflow10. Given this thread was originally about too many being scored, my own post showed a mixed bag and yours is stating the opposite it kind of suggests it's not so clear cut. If you can collate a few games where you feel the issue is present and post these in their own thread then we can look into those further.
  24. The QA team reviewed the pkm's, I realise time has passed since the initial post but while we keep it under review on our side if you do have any save games which can accompany additional pkm's of this then it would help with investigating further.
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