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Michael Sant

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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  2. Did you happen to be in control of a semi-pro/amateur team at that time @lucasharveysmith?
  3. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  4. This isn't a bug but rather a limitation of the current design. There are certain fields (appearances, goals scored, conceded etc) which will cap out which is based on the size, going past that does then cause it to flip back to the lowest number in the range. Like with finances which are capped at around 2.1 billion. While I can't say exactly for the design choice behind the GD field, its likely it could be something such as a text field with 3 characters because it would always be Goals Scored - Goals Conceded rather than the two fields themselves which would need to be incrementing with actual goals scored/conceded. Given that its an extreme edge case scenario for these limits to be exceeded (typically occurring only for a human managed team a couple of times per year) increasing the overheads to accommodate this likely isn't something that makes a lot of sense.
  5. Thanks for sharing this one with us. I've moved it to the Console section so that the relevant QA team can take a look into this one further.
  6. Thanks for adding more info. It's with QA still and they'll factor that in as well when checking this.
  7. This issue is being looked into, and while no doubt our staff do play and test the game. My counter point to this would be, would you be happy if we made the argument of not asking for pkm's, not checking pkm's and saying "Well we gave the QA team X hours of gameplay time to find this bug. They couldn't and so we didn't check any further" The pkm's help quickly get the bug into the hands of the QA team who can provide detailed information to developers. The real benefit of having multiple pkm's though is what if a bug happens because of 2, 3 or maybe even 7 different reasons in the ME? We might fix cause A & B, but then the rest are unresolved still because they happen for different reasons. We appreciate people taking the time to share issues with us, but its really worth stressing just how helpful pkms, rec files and game saves are for expediting the process and getting as many bugs fixed as possible.
  8. Thanks for letting us know. Our QA team will investigate further.
  9. Because of the nature of what we do and the way in which updates work we don't provide information in advance because the reality is things aren't decided and locked in until they're ready to go. We'll always look to share information about updates when we're comfortable & able to do so via these forums as a priority.
  10. We are able to run tests encompassing hundreds & thousands of seasons to get a broader view of total events like cards. You can see within this thread it was initially identified as a known issue, because we saw reports on this and so we've spent time investigating. There's no benefit from us pretending one thing isn't an issue when we openly admit to other things being issues and being worked on. Identifying something as an issue doesn't even guarantee we can fix it right away. We're leaving the door open here for more information to be provided to us to continue investigating. Identifying passages of play where players are making silly challenges that result in you receiving too many reds or whatever it may be is the most meaningful way forward. @Bakiano I'll get your pkm checked out by our QA team.
  11. Thanks for coming back and providing that. Our QA team will investigate further.
  12. Okay, that helps me understand a bit better. This isn't a competition I'm too well versed on myself, however, I've done a bit of digging @DMaster2 and the UEFA website suggests there are different qualification paths available. Would you be able to share your save game so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to share your file is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  13. I can see your point, it may be something that falls slightly more under feature request for the future to change how it works. Under both approaches it would return the same result, but I can definitely see the point about it being easier if it trims down the leagues list to only those that are possible.
  14. We don't have any further updates yet I'm sorry. It is something we're still looking into further on our side.
  15. Thanks for sharing this one with us and providing those files. Really helpful to have it all in one post. The QA team will take a look into this further.
  16. I do apologise that this issue is still impacting you. It's an issue we're still looking into and working on.
  17. Thanks for coming back so quickly with that. Our QA team will be looking into this.
  18. It's worth mentioning that this thread was logged from a perspective of too many red cards taking place overall. Upon further investigation the overall numbers of cards are in the region we feel is correct. Additionally, I need to clarify that this isn't to dismiss the possibility of a bug but if you're looking at this from the performance of your own team getting too many red cards there is a possibility tactical instructions are a very substantial factor. Getting stuck in is certainly a higher risk approach to defending but it isn't a question of right/wrong as with some defenders and against some players the benefits and risks of using this will be accentuated or flattened out. To investigate this meaningfully from a managed team perspective we'd need to see passages of play through pkm's where your players are making challenges which you feel aren't appropriate (or that a red card is not the correct decision). If you defend in a more passive manner though there's a risk your side will let an opposing player keep getting closer and closer to goal until the point is reached where they need to make a challenge in a less than ideal position which in-turn incurs a greater risk of punishment by red card.
  19. Thanks for adding this one and sharing it with us. Our QA team will take a look into this a little further.
  20. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  21. @Chilled_Abuse would you be able to upload this to our cloud storage as the QA team may not be able to access a link from third party storage. Once done if you let me know the file name I can pass this on. A guide on how to do so is available here:
  22. Thanks for sharing this issue - we'll take a look into this further. @Rob Simpson a guide on how to upload saves (which are too large for the forums usually) is available here:
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