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Michael Sant

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Michael Sant

  1. I've moved this across to the database section as kits are set on this side of things. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  3. Pkm's highlighting the issues would be something we'd need to see in order to look into this further, as Daz has mentioned.
  4. Thanks for sharing this with us. For something like this we would need to see it in pkm's so that the QA team can investigate further. There's going to be some subjectivity and some genuinely correct examples so more pkm's always help investigate. A guide on sharing your files is available here:
  5. It's not so much in the wrong place but it would be difficult to justify how this would be a bug. If he's being played in a manner where he's possibly being overrun or being tasked with a high pressing level but has no meaningful support in that press then a player can be exposed to making bad challenges. We'd need to see this over a more sustained period to really begin to investigate and even then there would still be some tactical questions to look into as well.
  6. Thanks for sharing this with us. For something like this we would need to see it in pkm's so that the QA team can investigate further. There's going to be some subjectivity with match ratings. A guide on sharing your files is available here:
  7. I'm only basing this on what I've read on news sites myself, but Suarez doesn't actually want to leave. We don't really have a way of reflecting an acrimonious break down in working relations between a player and club owner. The best fit I can guess is the unavailability takes it out of the managers hands, which is a reflection of the current situation.
  8. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  9. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  10. To the best of my understanding, Denis Suarez has had a falling out with the board and there is some refusal to make him available for selection by the board. The unavailability period would cover until the next window when the hopes would be that he departs the club (although apparently so far he has refused to leave).
  11. Thanks for sharing this one with us. The QA team will take a look into this further.
  12. You appear to have attached a word document to your post @paddywhitlock - would you be able to provide us with your save game so we can look into this further? A guide on how to share your file is available here:
  13. This is an issue that we're still looking into, but we do appreciate any further information and examples people see as that can help us with the work on our side.
  14. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game before these reset? So that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  15. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game before entering negotiations with this player (and sharing their name) so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  16. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening (along with the name of the player) so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  17. Sorry to hear this is impacting your saves. Would you be able to share your save game a day before one of these changes in assignments/resets in assignments take place so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  18. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:
  19. Thanks for sharing these with us. The QA team will take a look into this further.
  20. Not a problem, our QA team have taken a provisional look into this and identified its an issue we are aware of and are working on. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Our QA team have been taking a provisional look into this. We're still investigating but would anyone be able to record the flickering of their screen and share that with us to help us continue looking into this.
  22. Thanks for sharing this one with us and providing the save game file. The QA team will take a look into this further.
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