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Issue Comments posted by WhiteCat33

  1. @Zachary Whyte having finished the 2023 season I can confirm that the "Supporter Feedback" is bugged. I made sure to check regularly and it never changed from "C+" for the entire season. "Board Feedback" would swing with our performance as normal. Here is how it ended:


    This is with us being a year ahead in achieving a Club Vision Objective:


    New File: Guiseley YAC Takeover 2

  2. @SuperRedditch that has to be what's broken my Slovenia save. We are a top 20 club in Europe with 2 Euro Cups to our name and 3.5* Reputation with 100Million+ in the bank and there remains no youth option. I haven't bought the IGE so I can't test your theory on my squad but your explanation seems more plausible than my guess at stadium upgrades bugging it out. 

  3. Not to worry about the notification, I'm all for getting to the bottom of this issue! The first person to mention this happening to them was @Koetzer with their Iceland run shortly after the release of the first Winter update. It is us comparing our situations that we suspected the bug had something to do with Stadium Construction/Expansion as we weren't sure what else was similar about our saves. Here is one of their final save-updates mentioning how after their 3rd technological downgrade for Youth Facilities even after 3 years they still hadn't been given the option to return them to State of the Art. In the group doing the YAC he is one of the few who was already late-game before the bug appeared so his experience is one where the only explanation can be a bug considering it was the 3rd time his board was presented the opportunity to boost the Youth Facilities back up and they did so the other 2 without any fuss.

    Instead of making my own bug report I first commented my situation on two existing bugs: here and on @dkouv's bug report. The first seems to be getting some more comments lately from the community. For both of these I submitted my Slovenia save "Slovenia Youth Facility Issue.fm". Then after the 2nd Winter update (22.4) came out I played an entire season in my save, but still had no ability to upgrade my youth facilities, so I posted my bug report here uploading a new save "Slovenia Youth Facilities Issue2.fm". I set the save such that if you advance the game my main training facilities will get downgraded, and while I have the ability to return them to max I still have no option to upgrade my just "Excellent" youth facilities and its been 6 full years since my Excellent upgrade, which occurred before the Winter Update was released.

    Not sure who else has had this issue in the YAC beyond who you've already mentioned. Thanks for taking the time to show all your year-by-years as that's something I can't with my save-overwriting.

  4. Just wanted to also add: if you advance the game 1 day you will get an in-game notification of the training facilities getting downgraded due to technological advancement. When you go into board requests and look you will be able to upgrade the training facilities back up to 'state of the art' but there will be no option to upgrade youth facilities. This showcases the bug exactly as you should be able to upgrade both with where they are at.

  5. While not identical I've noticed a similar problem of no option to upgrade youth facilities under 'make board request'. I'm playing in Slovenia in 2051. 3 years ago I decided to build a new stadium. Since I made that decision the option to upgrade youth facilities has not been available. However, the option to upgrade training facilities still was and I was able to do that twice since beginning the Stadium project. My youth facilities are at "Excellent" so we still have 2 upgrades left. It has been 5 years now since I last upgraded Youth Facilities, and we have more than $50M in the bank so could easily afford the upgrades. I've uploaded my save "Slovenia Youth Facility Issue" as you directed. 

  6. 22 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    If you upload a save file we'll have a look to see if anything stands out. There are ongoing tweaks to player progression in the meantime anyway, so hopefully you'll notice changes in the near future. :)



    I'm one of the people doing the Youth Academy Challenge and many of us have been noticing this as a major issue in developing our players specifically when they stay in the U-18's from 16-18. While I've been able to successfully develop some players that has only been when they've become first team starters at 16 getting 80+ Appearances by 18. If I leave them in my youth team, or they are just rotational players they at best stagnate if not decline by the time they reach 18.

    I've uploaded my game file as indicated. It is: "Belgium YAC - RAAL - Youth Development Issues". 

    Here is a link to the challenge forum post page where others are also discussing this issue 


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