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DrJones last won the day on January 8 2022

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519 "Wax on, wax off"

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    Oriental Dragon

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  1. Oriental Dragon 2034/35 We managed to combine the league and champions league in a decent way I guess. A third place in the league is good and to reach the play-offs in CL is great. The games against Napoli in the knock-out round was such a heartbreak however. We where dominating in the home game and had a 2-0 lead and out of nowhere they get a goal in the 95th minute and in the away game we were leading 0-2 with 20 minutes left and they somehow get three goals from absolutely nothing to make in to extra time and of course they score immediately and win... Squad Key players Youth Intake History
  2. Oriental Dragon 2033/34 We managed to combine european football with the league in a very good way. It´s really a solid top five in the portugese league now and this season Porto were absolutely insane. It will be fun to compete in the new champions league format which I haven´t experienced in FM yet. Squad I rotated the squad and gave most of the players a fair amount of playing time with mixed results. The lack of depth is still a problem and with so many games this season we´ve had more injuries as well. Key players The most important player in the team, he´s the only one who can handle the lonely striker position. Still Chinas back-up keeper in the national team which is really odd. The big star of this team, at least according to himself. He´s whining about everything all the time and i´m pretty sick of him to be honest. Youth Intake History
  3. Oriental Dragon 2032/33 An amazing season for us in the top flight. We were fourth for almost the whole season and we deserved it. There are three teams unfortunately who are absolute mad. Five of our six losses came against Benfica, Amadora and Porto and I think we are a few years from competing against them. Especially next season when we will be playing in europa league for the first time. Squad Our starting XI are really good but the depth is absolute useless in many positions. Another recurring problem is that we start every season great with amazing moral and then every 28th august or something like that all of our influental players gets mad at the lack of depth in our squad and are whining for a month or so... Key players Our best player by far and I managed to renew his contract but I suspect this was our last season together. Our economy isn´t great and to upgrade our facilities and to cover up the cost for another new stadium that the board decided to build I think the best thing to do is to sell him. This guy has been the big difference from last season, 18 goals and 9 assists is amazing and he will carry the team for a long time ahead A big key to the way we want to play, everybody gives Huang Xun the ball and he´s smashing them all over the field. Youth Intake History
  4. Oriental Dragon 2031/32 Our first season in the top tier went way beyond my expectations. A really solid mid table finish and we were sneaking around the conference league spot for a while. I can already figure out that the main target for coming years is to be the fifth best team in the league. The usual suspects Sporting, Benfica and Porto are insanely good plus the surprise Estrela da Amadora, they havent had a tycoon takeover or anything, they just seem to have some great scouting or something. Squad Almost all of the chinese national team is Oriental Dragon players now, so we are practically a chinese national team in the portugese league. Top players Youth Intake History
  5. Oriental Dragon 2030/31 What a season for the dragons! We´ve managed to get promoted to the premier division, but what a battle it was. In the last game of the regular season we faced 3rd placed Vizela away who were two points ahead at the playoff-spot. We somehow won it due to amazing goalkeeping and got the chance to face Mafra from the first division. The first game was away at their place and we where the better team but they had a 2-1 lead to the 93rd minute when we finally equalized. In the home game we where much better and Quan Zheng 29C had the game of his life and sealed the deal. We will struggle in the premier division for sure, especially when our best defender Yao Jiapeng refuses to renew his contract and will leave on a free transfer at the end of this season. Squad There will be big changes in the squad for the upcoming season, many of the older guys on the bench will leave and some new youngsters will take their spot. Key players This guy got us promoted in the end, he scored the winning goal against Vizela and one goal in each game against Mafra in the playoff. The absolute star of this team, now when we´re promoted I think we can hold on to him for another season. Inter and Roma are watching him closely. The greatest chinese player at the team and he will have to work his ass off next season. Youth Intake History
  6. Oriental Dragon 2029/30 Our first season in the second tier went way better than I expected. We were solid and managed to get fourth but we had a long way to the three top teams. I wouldn´t mind staying in this league for a few more years so we can build a really solid foundation when we enter the first division. Squad I really like that some of our most important players are chinese now. The biggest concern is that our best centre back by far Yao Jiapeng won´t renew his contract and without him our defence will be much much weaker. Chinese Prospects Probably our best player already, I will do whatever it takes for him to stay. He made one of the winger spots his this season and if we don´t get something crazy in any of the upcoming intakes he´ll have a spot in the starting XI for many years to come. Other news China qualified for the world cup and eight proud chinese boys from Almada went and got absolutely smashed for three games. But who cares? They maybe laughing at us now, but just wait and see.. Youth Intake History
  7. Yes, the intakes in Portugal with some improvements to the facilities seems to be mad!
  8. Oriental Dragon 2028/29 Promoted to the second tier! What a season we had, we started off slow but clinched a spot to the championship group pretty easy. In the spring season we were performing good but had trouble to win the games and with two games left my hope of promotion was gone. We faced Felgueiras away and had to win. 2-1 down with ten minutes left ended up with a crazy comeback win with 2-3 and we had the promotion spot in our hands before the last game against Braga B due to head to head being favoured in this country. They won their game but we smashed Braga B with 6-1 and the riots in portugese china town erupted! Squad We have a pretty decent squad now despite selling our godlike leader Chasqueira to Benfica, they gave us 8,5m € which was crazy. He was whining all the time and the offers for him were an absolute joke so I offered him out for 100m SEK just to make the useless bids stop incoming. I was very surprised when Benfica just made the bid and took him without me even saying goodbye to the guy. Chinese prospects Youth intake History
  9. Good luck in the hell hole that Serie C is, I´ve tried this challenge in Italy for several years and got out of that division one time... When I´m done in Portugal I´ll probably go back and try again
  10. Oriental Dragon 2027/28 A really strange first season in the third tier. We were absolutely useless in the beginning and I was worried if we even had the capacity to stay up, then out of nowhere we went mad and won seven games in a row and qualified for the championship group where you battle for promotion to the second tier. Our crazy form continued and we won the three opening games and when I was the most satisfied, we didn´t win one of the eleven remaining games.. I´ve noticed that there is a huge difference between the newly relegated teams from the second tier and the rest of us so this division will get tricky to get out of. Squad Top players (chinese) Our best defender by far, despite his personality he´s been developing a lot. The fan favourite finally made his debut for China! The only one so far in our squad. Youth intake History
  11. Oriental Dragon 2026/27 A great third season in the fourth tier for us. We were rock solid for the whole year and some of the players are developing fast. I don´t think the third tier will be difficult for us to be honest. Some of the newly relegated teams we met this season weren´t that impressive. Squad The youngsters are slowly taking over the team, there will probably be 3 OGs in the starting XI next season. Key players (Regens) The obvious star of this team. I think we´ll be able to hold on to him for next season but after that it will be impossible. The best chinese player in the team. I´m surprised that he haven´t been called up for any national duties yet. Youth Intake History
  12. A few hours, seems that I was pretty lucky I guess...
  13. Oriental Dragon 2025/26 A good second season for the us, we were a stable mid-table team for the whole season. The big problem at the moment is our terrible centre backs. If they were somewhat decent we would challenge for a play off spot. Squad Our big star Nico won´t renew his contract which makes me a little scared, other than that I feel that we are in a comfortable spot. Chinese watch The best chinese player by far in the team. With Nico leaving Mr. Yong will have to carry our offense by himself. Youth Intake Ok, this guy is decent for our level... Other news The board decided to completely kill our economy for the near future by planning to build a new stadium. There are no one who want to watch us play at the moment so it´s hard to understand why... History
  14. Young winger, I play in swedish normally so I guess the game missed to translate that when I changed language for the screenshots
  15. Oriental Dragon 2024/25 A surprisingly good first season with our chinese portugese club. We started off great and were actually in second place for most of the year but we fell short in the end with key players suspended and injured. In the portugese cup we lost in the first round to some lower league club but I couldn´t care less, the money wasn´t big and it´s all about the league for us the coming years. Squad The good players (the non chinese ones) are great and the not so good players (the chinese ones) are really bad but that will hopefully change in a few seasons. Youth Intake The best one by far in this intake. He will start right away as our striker!
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