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Jack Sarahs

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Everything posted by Jack Sarahs

  1. Thank you for answering this. Pasonen is correct. As I mentioned in the other thread you posted this @TheAwesomeGemyour image is from the quick match engine not the full match engine. Although what you have raised is a known issue with the QME itself.
  2. Quick match engine. Yeah sounds like if the leagues were set to no detail that is QME. You can tell if you click on a match and it doesn't let you watch highlights, then it's Quick match engine. If you can see the highlights then it's full match engine. If you want to do a holiday test with the full match engine you must set the detail level to full in the game detail section of preferences. Thanks
  3. This is from the QME I believe looking at the possession and is a known issue. The stats are different in the full ME.
  4. I think you'll find he was just stressed with his forwards letting him down again 😂
  5. Hi everyone, I just wanted to reach out and respond to some of the points made in this thread and on that particular note thank you all for your contributions to this thread! There has been lots of comments on these topics recently such as not being able to create certain roles or shapes in line with real life teams. In addition to these comments I’ve seen a few comments in other threads of people thinking that SI aren’t listening or reading feedback on these and other issues and I just want to assure and explain to everyone that this isn’t the case. On the note of comments ideas and comments being read or acknowledged. Some of you may or may not know previously to joining Sports Interactive I was very active on these forums as a user, fan of the game & content creator. I’m still very much involved in the FM community and read as much feedback as I can because I know what it’s like to be on this side of the fence. I feel very privileged to be in the position I am, and I make sure I give back my own way by going above and beyond my role by still being very much apart of these forums ( I don’t have to be ). We have a brilliant dedicated team that specifically look after the forums along with our brilliant moderators. Even with that being the case I still go out of my way to be apart of these forums because I know the brilliant ideas/Discussions they can bring and also know the feeling that people feel like when they’re not being listened to, versus when they know they are. I want everyone to know that your ideas and posts are being read and listened to and the best way to make sure they’re seen by the correct people & put into a process of them being considered is via our bug tracker or feature request section of the forums as @HUNT3R posted earlier in the thread. Future Tactical ideas I simply can’t go into specifics here the communications team will never let me post again! I myself am a UEFA B Licenced football coach. We have some brilliant people in our team who have some fantastic ideas for where to improve the game in this area in the next few years and versions. There are some new trends over the last few years with specific and unique playing styles or player roles and rest assured just because it doesn’t appear right now doesn’t mean we haven’t acknowledged it and don’t have plans for it to be implemented at a later date. I’m extremely exited at what the next few years will bring and in short I just want to reassure everyone in here that these issues discussed haven’t gone unnoticed and because they aren’t confirmed publicly, doesn’t mean we don’t have them noted down or don't have things in process to improve this great game we all love. All I’m asking personally on behalf of myself is be patient. It might not be right away, but we will review everything in time I promise to continue to work as hard as I can to help improve our game & maintain openness on the forums. I just ask if you don’t see the changes you think are needed immediately just stay patient give this process a chance and hopefully we will get there together. Thanks everyone Jack
  6. Hi @Fmplaya Thanks for the shout out! Apologies I only just saw this as I don't use my old account anymore. Great thread thanks for putting this together. Everyone has their preferences of exactly what spreadsheets to use and how to use them, but the process is mostly always the same. I highly recommend this type of save for people if you haven't given it a try. If this type of thing seems too complicated or too difficult to understand but it interests you, always feel free to reach out to people in the community and ask for help if needed. I don't want to speak for Fmplaya, but people generally that put effort into putting these sorts of things together tend to be very willing to help others out if they require it!
  7. It's funny you posted this with them as an example. I actually had this happen in my save a few weeks ago. It's rare but it does happen!
  8. H @robot_9x3 I'm not entirely sure I'm following what you want to achieve. On UEFA coaching courses the "Nike tick" positioning of the back 4 that you refer too is a standard placement of a back 4 when the ball is wide. It is seen as a pretty default way to defend with the back 4 and isn't a specific tactic. It can be used in any system of play or style you like. It the reason it's called the Nike tick is due to how the back 4 look when positioned correctly giving a good balance of distances to cover each other within the back 4, and a good balance of distance to cover the pitch. This image was taken from a thread I posted in before. It's looking at the game from the blue's point of view and how a defensive & defensively narrow 4-4-2 /4-2-3-1 might shape up to defend against a superior opponent. This was one example of 3 but it illustrates that Nike tick position you refer too with the back 4. Back 4 linked: Hopefully this helps but If this isn't what you referred to please feel free to add as much detail as you can and hopefully somebody can help you.
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