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Everything posted by Bentfi

  1. Seeding, need to get to my computer to work on it tho, don't remember how it works exactly.
  2. Yup, under league settings if I remember right. I can show u screenshots if I get to my computer.
  3. I reproduced this bug with an edit with 2 transfers added to a player in his Past Transfers and that player became unavailable too(in another league). Might be worth reporting as a bug.
  4. To get the qualified 3rd placed teams, I believe you would need a hidden stage to rank them and to qualify them into the knockout stage. You might need another hidden stage if you want different seeding for 1st and 2nd placed teams in group. At last, you should be able to do the 1st vs 3rd using Place Seedings Together. But if you want specifically 2nd from group A vs 2nd from group B, you need Cup Tie Mappings.
  5. I tried only your file on 2 start dates, July 17th(Small and Large database) and September 18th(Small database), all successfully loaded into the screen where you could choose your own team. I also did one ending at the screen in the game and saved the game.
  6. I did try my own file(Ali-saleha to Turkspor on March 7th) without the leagues and it didn't crash. I don't remember if I had tried yours, would try it if I get back onto my computer.
  7. This is a save game where the manager went on holiday until March 6th, after that I go on holiday day by day and Ali-saleha is on Berlin Turkspor 1965 team at March 8th. The setup of mods is the same as the one I provided above. I suspect the German mod by D4n1v4l is the reason that the game crashes, especially that it crashes even when I chose only Oberliga and above. Of course I can't be sure, maybe even when I pick Oberliga or above, the 6th division is loaded partly. One way to test this is to make a clean Germany 6 Division database(Probably no need for advanced rules?), it will provide insight whether if the transfer causes crash or not.
  8. My comment is incomplete, I can't upload screenshots and files right now, tested on new comments. I don't know if it is my internet(I tried my mobile it still failed) or it is this site's maintenance Edit: Fixed
  9. @Zachary Whyte I ran @Kruj file with a verified for 24.3 Germany league mod and it worked for me. Germany (5) by Riddler's Basic Version(24.3.0): Germany (5) by Riddler's Basic Version.fmf Steam link for the Germany (5) by Riddler's Basic Version(24.0.0): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3076548771 Credits to Riddler(Steam Profile): https://steamcommunity.com/id/riddlers-project
  10. Sorry, I locked myself out of my home just now First, I suggest you to save before removing the play-offs because you would like to have them there to retain the structure. Also, even when I don't change anything meaningfully(I only changed minimum team from 16 to 10), I am hit with this and failed the verification. To counter this, under Serbia > Fixture Rules > Rule 1 FIRST > Squad Registration Periods you should copy the Squad Registration Periods using the top left hand side Edit > Copy (Squad Registration Periods) and paste it under Serbia > Fixture Rules > Rule 17 > Squad Registration Periods. The short answer for why is because of squad registration and with you goal in mind, you probably won't be editing squad registration. Removing the clubs is right, changing the required teams numbers is also right and removing play-offs and play-outs(I have no idea what this is, is this the league split?) is a good way to deducing the problem. However, in this case, it might make things more complex, since there are league splits involved and you would need to remove them too, which complicate things too much, I would advice you to just keep things as is and just change the number of teams. The error says that it could not find rules for division with 10 teams, but when you revert back to 16 teams with the change I mentioned, it should verify, so what is wrong here? The logical thing to say would be either rules are defined by the number of teams or you have not changed all the settings that makes 10 teams work, since I made it work. For rules, you could easily find Youtube guides online and after that, you could decide which one is the case here. P.S. Do you know what each stages do?
  11. If you Add Nation Rules, the wizard has two options: Create New Competitions And Rules Add Lower Divisions And Cups To Existing Structure Most of the time you pick the bottom one, what it means is you get full access to the existing structure. To edit a league that already exist, you would need to Convert To Advanced Rules To change the number of teams, you need to do that in the Nation(Serbia) and the Competition(Serbian SuperLeague). If you want to edit the Serbian SuperLeague, you would need to change the Show Rules For to Serbian SuperLeague. This should have answered your first question, lets see how you get on to this, if you need help just type here.
  12. Try this first and see if this is what you want, I will explain later. SerbiaSuperLeague10Teams.fmf
  13. I think you have mistaken what rounds mean, rounds here mean round-robin, so if you have 18 teams in a league, 1 round would be 17 games for each team and 2 rounds would be 34 games. An easy way to verify would be looking into Bundesliga's League Settings
  14. I have no experience in editing with parent and child competitions, but I would imagine that this is the way to go. By the way, I think parent and child competitions might not be what you think to be. Sky Bet Championship doesn't have English Premier Division(EPL) as its Parent Competition, but Vanarama National League North has Vanarama National League North/South as its Parent Competition, might worth looking into how it is set up, or better find guides online
  15. I don't quite know which and where the fixtures section you are mentioning, but if I am to change the number of matches played in a competition, for competitions not in game, I would Add Nation Rules and Add Divisions and setup there; for competitions in game, I would go to Add Nation Rules > Convert To Advanced Rules > Show Rules For (Your competition name) > Stages > Stage(League) > League Settings > Number Of Rounds
  16. It works sometimes. In this save I am unemployed, went on holiday for 5 seasons and set auto save yearly. Jul 2027 Sham Shui Po relegated from Hong Kong Premier League Their professional status is professional Jul 2028 Sham Shui Po failed to promote Their professional status is Semi-Professional after a year Another top flight team Hong Kong U23s was also relegated in Jul 2025 and subsequently promoted in Jul 2026, I checked its professional status on Jul 2025, Dec 2025 and Jul 2026 all are professional, yet when I checked the reputation of the clubs, Hong Kong U23s is even lower than Sham Shui Po. I believe there are 2 explanation to this: League reputation is not low enough, so demoting professional status takes more than a year Professional status is not only dependent on league reputation I believe that Sham Shui Po is a proof of concept that maybe league reputation is the deciding or at least main factor and further investigation in league reputation is less likely to be a waste of time.
  17. TL;DR: This "feature" is best for league/cup that have variable number of teams and you cannot know the exact amount at the editor. An example of this is a U18 league/cup structure I made in FM23,. This will get technical quick, so bear with me please. There are 5 fixed U18 teams from lower leagues and all 12 U18 teams from top flight, the number of teams at the start is 5 + 12 = 17. If any 1 of the 5 teams promotes to the top flight, since it is now one of the 12 teams, the fixed teams on the left become 4, so the amount of teams is 4 + 12 = 16; if all 5 teams promote to top flight, 0 + 12 = 12. So this league is practically variable from 12 - 17, yet you won't know how many teams that year in the editor, before all those years played out. Otherwise, you could just set up different number of teams version based on the year(If you don't understand this sentence, just skip it, it doesn't matter). This makes it a perfect example for this "feature", so the way you do this is just copy and paste it 5 times, change the number of teams and the dates. In reality, this league/cup is a lot more complicated, the first part is league, after that league splits into 2 leagues, after that, they all play in a cup(Not important). League split is a lot easier than you might think, using qualification rules, you could specify the amount of teams to which stage index and it will automatically select the right one. The (almost)whole league structure It might look wonky, at least it worked perfectly for me.
  18. My guess would be that it is based on reputation, you could examine some of the other leagues that act like this(e.g. Hong Kong First Division act like this in my memory, teams promotes become professional, others all semi-pro), if I have time later, I would look into it.
  19. TL;DR: When you set up stages for a competitions, two or more stages with same index(e.g. 2 Stage 0s) with different number of teams would result in the one having the highest number of teams the one that is loaded into the game, others being inactive. I was using this "feature" back in FM23 editor and seeing it in the official(Without mods) league structure of Hong Kong, I thought I might share some of my experience working with it. First, let me show you the official implementation of it. As you could see at the bottom right, I had not made any changes to this file(Even modifying the Basic Rules would show up here). Both in the middle and the left side, you could see there are 2 stage 0s and 1 of them have min max 12 teams. I will explain more about how it works later, now lets see how I came to my conclusion above. For this example, I made tiny modifications to this cup structure, the 11 teams representation will give seeding 2 to its teams and the 12 teams representation will give seeding 3 to its teams. For context, in 2023/24(It is represented as 2023 in the editor), Hong Kong Premier League only has 11 teams, it has 12 teams in the consecutive seasons. Yikes! Why even when there are 11 teams(shown by the number of items), they still have 3 as their seeding? This means that one thing is for sure, they are using the 12 teams representation and this means that min max 12 is not working here! If we changes into number of teams = 12, does it fix this problem? Answer is no, but there is a workaround, I will talk about it later. This means that it might load the bottom one first? We can check this by flipping the order. Same stuff again, this means that perhaps it is not the order that matters, but the number of teams. The workaround that I mentioned just now is by adding the requirement, minimum number of teams on the league you get your teams from(In this example I added it on the 12 teams representation only). And it works! I think I will show you an example of what this could achieve tomorrow, getting sleepy
  20. I could not add/change continent too before using this method Credits to @laBOMBA It worked for me, I don't know if it will work on other machines. If it doesn't work for you, I only modified the continent of Kergle(nation) in the file that you provided earlier, you should be able to Add Nation Rules immediately after loading it. P.S. I been busy, couldn't help you work on the nation rules kergle.fmf
  21. I can't get the 6 extra players to work, whether it is guest players or marquee players. I am able to set the guest players exempt from registration, but I am not able to give out guest player contracts. As for 1, I didn't explain clearly there, what I meant is using the same registered player as in league. E.g. If I have a team with at most 5 O23 players registered, the cup have the same 5 players registered for league rather than U just picking any 5 from your team. (If you have 6, you could pick A + B + C + D + E or A + B + C + D + F or any other combination every other match) This is done by selecting squad value as domestic division and a bit more...(If you are interested, tell me)' I resorted to skipping that part of the rule because I can't make it work, I eventually skipped 1 too for other reasons(I still use the cup league registration in other cups though, it comes in handy.)
  22. This method worked for me in FM24, I recommend you to check that out first.
  23. It is just a bug, don't worry about it. If you go to Training > Coaches > Edit Coach Assignments, you could see that there is only one Assistant Manager. You could see in the Staff > Overview > Coaching Team, there is only one Assistant Manager. The only contrasting evidence is when you go to Staff > Overview > All When you examine the three evidence, mainly that you can't use the coach in Coaching Assignments, it is clear that he is not really at this club, just a visual bug.
  24. You need to change the continent as said in this video starting from 02:31 To be able to change the continent, use the method mentioned. I managed to set Kergle's continent as Europe to Add Nation Rules.
  25. Ok, I managed to Add Nation Rules for Kergle, I will try to recreate the rules that you want tonight .
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