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Posts posted by Bentfi

  1. I don't understand why you specifically need to get the winners, have you tried getting all 6 teams at once? Or does getting all 6 teams at once fail to get winners because they are created comps like what @themodelcitizen said? I never did created comps though, so there might be a knowledge gap here.


    First idea that came to my mind would be go to Stage Actions tab and use "Qualify Teams For Competition" and just go "Get League Stage Teams(In Final Positions), (League Name), (Stage of the league), 0, 5



    P.S. I understand what you meant, you explained well;)

  2. 55 minutes ago, kastrix89 said:

    Copy and paste what? I really am not great

    What he meant is the .fmf file with the name you saved in Football Manager Pre-game Editor.

    If you use Windows, the file location should be Users > (username) > Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2024 > editor data > (name).fmf

  3. 3 hours ago, civilEN said:

    I need some way to "jump" a division according to the team's performance in another competition for example, there is division A, B and C and there is cup X If the club wins cup X it will not be relegated from division A to division B, and if it comes last in cup

    I haven't use this before, but this is what came to my mind first, just food for thought.


    Advanced Nation Rules > (Cup) > Other Stage Rules > Stage Actions > Set League Fate



    P.S. Just wondering, what you like the fate for last place in cup be? I have a feeling it would be a lot more difficult to set up though. If there is a need to get last place in cup, "Get Cup Round Teams", set your stage and team be "Losing Team" and it might work.

  4. 1 hour ago, FlyMaker said:

    Hi guys,

    I'm working on a Brazilian League Structure and running through some limitations.
    Legislation allows a minimum period of 3 months for player contracts. Is there somewhere I can do this configuration?

    Some lower league clubs only have competition for the first 4 months of the year. Short term contracts is a good money save for these teams. Sometimes the entire team is changed from one season to another

    Under Advanced Nation Rules -> (The Nation) -> Transfers -> Transfer Rules -> Alternate Contract Expiry Month

  5. On 27/05/2024 at 06:41, themodelcitizen said:

    As for the extra 6 players, I think you'd have to just copy the league rules and then add 6 to each one? :lol: not very clean but there may be a way

    I tried and it doesn't work, feel like it might be hardcoded:(

    I talked a bit about it at the end, I just can't give out guest player contracts even after copying league rules:(

  6. MLS and A-League are two examples of leagues that can offer special types of contracts. Take A-League as an example, A-League teams can sign Designated/Guest Player contracts



    By Duplicating the competition in Competitions tab and just fill in the teams and level, you can disable the ability to offer these types of contracts.



    I tested out without Advanced Rules, just Nation Rules - Create New Competitions And Rules and add the new created division. Create a new save and we can see the special contracts are gone. I tested and it works for MLS too



    One might think, is it because I used Create New Competitions And Rules that caused this, that is if one is to use the original rules(Add Lower Divisions and Cups To Existing Structure), disable the old top league and add this new competition, will we be able to offer special contracts? I tried and the result is the same as the one above, no more special contracts.


    Even when I copy A-League league rules to Hong Kong, I can't give out special contracts as the Hong Kong A-League teams, I even tried copying Hong Kong Premier League to Australia, still not able to give out special contracts, I start to suspect these special contracts might be hardcoded.

  7. Would it work if u set up 3 separate competitions, Rio de Janeiro championship first division, second division and third division, all under the same parent competition - Rio de Janeiro championship and have the first division end before the second division starts, second division end before third division start? Long as u don't have a team in 2 divisions at the same time it would work no? (I am not very experienced in this, so I might very well be wrong, just food for thought)

  8. 2 hours ago, PaMi 7 said:

    What are Guest Players?


    As U can see from the above A-League can only sign 1 Guest player per season.



    In this picture, Brown Ideye is a Guest player and he is always eligible without the need to be registered.



    Supposedly, they can only play 14 regular season matches, but I don't know why I can still play them after it says 0 Regular Season matches remaining in REGULAR SEASON.


    In conclusion, guest player is a special kind of contract that is used by the Australians(I don't know if any other nations use it) and they can be set up so they don't need to be registered, hence being an extra player from registration limits.

  9. I think u could try to do it this way

    • Get Continental Cup Qualifiers(Ignore Teams tick)(the comp should be european cup)
    • A long list of Get Last Winner Of cups from europe(Use Runner-Up Team As Backup)

    I have never used Get Continental Cup Qualifiers before, but I would believe it would work here, if it doesn't, try Get Qualified Teams For Comp, but that option is a bit finicky.

  10. I am trying to modify a cup so it resembles how it is in real life more, the squad selection rules of the cup is as such:

    1. Registration rules are the same as league

    2. 6 extra players are exempt from registration

    The first one is easy, but trying to get 6 extra players while using league registration is very difficult.


    I came upon this thing called guest players and thought it would perfectly fit what I want to do, however, even if I set it up like this:

    1. Maximum Guest players in a season = 6


    2. Squad selection eligibility guest contract players always eligible



    The little text about guest players are exempt doesn't show up in registration window when I set up a save and I can't provide guest player contract to players like A-league could, anyone knows how to make guest players work? Is it only A-League bound(by the squad selection value)?

  11. I managed to circumvent that by using Fate Actions


    And just Get Qualified Teams For Comp


    However, one problem is that lets say one of the semi final teams got relegated, if I use Get Qualified Teams For Comp, even if I use ignore teams that relegated before it, it still gets all 4 previous year semi final teams and this happens.


    Given my Teams tab setup, it should ignore the relegated teams, get the remaining teams in semi final with seed 0 and fill up the last spots with top league teams with seed 1. In practice, it doesn't ignore the relegated teams, so it accumulated to 13 teams. One way to test this is go to Test Competitions, Hong Kong Division Level 3, Create New Test with Date To Run To as 1/7/2026 and Run To Date.


    Under Hong Kong FA Cup's Test tab, if it fails like the above, on Year 2024 semi finals, one or more of the teams must be in First Division, which means they relegated that year, yet in Year 2025 Ranking Levels you could still see them there. The relegation can be confirmed by checking Hong Kong Premier League's Test tab Year 2024 Stage 0 relegated teams.


    Any help would be appreciated!

    香港足球24 v2.fmf

  12. The cup structure is as such: Previous year semi final teams starts from second round.


    In this photo, A, B, I, J and K teams all starts in second round. 4 of them would be previous year's semi final teams and the last team would just be a random team that got lucky. 

    In FM editor, if I am able to get the team, I would just use seeding to let them start in second round. However, the problem is if you are to get teams from Teams tab, the only option that allows you to pull teams from last year's competition is Last Winner, Last Runners-Up and Last Third Placed and doesn't include the fourth placed team.

    I am thinking about hidden stages, but I have no idea how they work, could anybody help me please?

  13. Does the implementation of Eerste Divisie in game works like real life? If it does, you can look into the advanced Netherlands nation rules.


    I was looking into Keuken Kampioen Divisie and there are two stages in the competition, stage 0 is the double round robin (38 rounds), stage 1 is the periods. It looks like both stages are running at the same time and every period champion is sent to stage 2 playoff of the Eredivisie. Hope this helps :D.


    Look for "Qualification Rules" to find the clubs that are qualified for playoff in this case.


    The playoff in question.

  14. I managed to get Hong Kong Premier League teams to release o18 players using @themodelcitizen's method.


    I tried to use just "Squad Selection Deadline Dates", but I face a similar error in nation rules, later I figured I ought to enable the "USE AUTO SQUAD REGISTRATION DATE" under "Squad Registration Periods" for the rules to be verified, I am not sure if it is a Hong Kong Premier League thing or all leagues need this to work.


    After that, set the "Squad Selection Deadline Dates" to be the same as the last day of the squad registration window and flag "Non-Selected Players Are Waived" and you are good to go.


    I attached the test mod to demonstrate it.

    For the test mod, look up "Rules 7 PREMIER", it holds the fixture rule for Hong Kong Premier League.

    If you want to test the mod, start a save file with only Hong Kong and check the players in Hong Kong Premier League at the start and after going on holiday till Oct 10th.


    Note: Some O18 players could "hide" in reserve/youth teams to survive the purge, I guess maybe a registration in youth teams would help combat this issue and loan O18 players can't be purged.



  15. I believe setting up a personal objective for chairman to give 1 year contract to 17 year old+ players might work, I would do some testing first and give you my feedback.



    After testing, it seems to be useless, those overage players are gonna live on 1 year contract and sign a new one every season, doesn't serve the purpose.

  16. I previously mentioned how it would work, now I will introduce some cases where you might expect it to work, but it does not. 


    test7 has 1 without date



    test8 has 1 with date but "Date Is Estimate"


    Both of these won't crash the game, but your players will arrive at destination (destination club/unemployed) at the start on "Real World" game mode.

    As for why @Darth Rob's Ben Hamer arrived at destination, based on my theory, it would be because of the lack of 1 in Ben Hamer's "Past Transfers"

    test7.fmf test8.fmf

  17. 18 hours ago, ImJohnFolks said:

    I want to tinker with lots of things like managers getting sacked to easily.


    Man City got sacked came 2nd in the league 2 loses and 4 draws whole season won the champions league the only thing they didn’t win other than the prem was the fa cup

    They got sacked because they lost to me (Liverpool 3 times)


    Allow a little less transfer budget for all main teams etc


    Theres lots of things really player values being a little higher in some cases but also lower in other


    I don’t know exactly just want to be able to take a look at everything and anything I can basically

    I am not aware that we can change manager sacking frequency or player values (probably due to player value being dynamic), but you surely can change the transfer budget of a team to your heart's content.



    Load up FM24 pre-game editor, on "Database" find "Clubs", use "Add Condition" to find the club(s) that you want to edit



    Take Manchester City as an example, they have HK$350M transfer budget



    From the club you chosen, go to "General" under "Finances" to find the "Transfer Budget" option to change the transfer budget, I changed it from HK$350M to HK$50M



    Save the file and start up FM24 to find the transfer budget be changed!:hammer:


    As to why there are so few replies to this thread is because the question is a bit too broad, I for one don't know how to answer your question at first, but based on what you are asking in the replies, I would recommend you to have a go on FM24 pre-game editor and when you hit a roadblock, you can always ask the question on this forum :brock:.


  18. 14 hours ago, Darth Rob said:

    @Bentfi you mention unemployed but I haven't been able to get unemployed working at all. Have you definitely seen it working?


     See below Watford's Ben Hamer is set to be released on 30/9/2023 but he's released immediately rather than on 30th September.


    It's definitely working otherwise because Saka is set to move to Watford and works perfectly. Just making players unemployed doesn't seem to work.




    I did not have players becoming unemployed in my mind when I wrote the article, I was only talking about unemployed -> new club. However, I just did some testing and found the results below.


    To have it working on both "Original" and "Real World", the requirement is actually exactly same as unemployed/club -> club, where you still need aforementioned 1 and 2.


    I have included test files below that depict how it work exactly.

    test4 is when it works, I made the player James Morris release on Jul 30 2023 on "Real World" game mode and released on "Original".

    To test this, start a Sky Bet Championship and above save file on "Real World" game mode starting on Jul 3, you would see him leaving on Jul 30;

                          start a Sky Bet Championship and above save file on "Real World" game mode starting on Jul 31, you would see him left;

                          start a Sky Bet Championship and above save file on "Original" game mode starting on and after Jul 3, you would see him left.

    test5 is when it partially works, I made Ben Hamer release on Jul 30 2023 on mimicking the way James Morris worked, releasing on Jul 30 2023 on "Real World" game mode and released on "Original" and the game crashes when you play on "Real World" game mode starting on Jul 3 and 17, but does not crash starting on any start date on and after Jul 31.

    test6 is when it works, Jake Livermore, who originally joins Watford on Jul 21 2023, I add another "Past Transfers" row to release him on Jul 30 2023, aiming to show 2 things:

    • Multiple transfer works
    • More row of "Past Transfers" don't matter, as long as you have aforementioned 1 and 2

    To test this, start a Sky Bet Championship and above save file on "Real World" game mode starting on Jul 3 and Jul 17, you would see him joining on Jul 21, go on holiday till Jul 22, you would see him joined and leaving on Jul 30, go on holiday till Jul 31, you would see him left;

                          start a Sky Bet Championship and above save file on "Real World" game mode starting on and after Jul 31, you would see him left;

                          start a Sky Bet Championship and above save file on "Original" game mode starting on and after Jul 3, you would see him left.

    test4.fmf test5.fmf test6.fmf

  19. 42 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

    Could you please share this as bug report as well? This is valuable information for SI.

    I submitted a support ticket with a link to this thread accompanied with crash dump files, it should make its way to "Crash, Technical and Performance Issues" subforum of the "Football Manager 2024 Bugs Tracker" eventually.

  20. A new feature for FM24 is the ability to let player pick between "Original" and "Real World" game modes, where in "Original" game mode player have all their players arrived or left the club already at the start date and in "Real World" game mode player's players would arrive or leave at the date that they did in real life.


    A new feature for FM24 pre-game editor is "Past Transfers", positioned under "Contract" after you double-clicked the player's name



    This feature allow us to set transfer in the way that it works as expected in both "Original" and "Real World" game modes, which is different to the "Future Transfer" feature that was in FM23, "Future Transfer" makes it work as expected in "Real World", but not in "Original" where the player still arrive at the inputted date rather than already in the roster at start date, unless the start date is later than the inputted date.


    This "Past Transfers" feature sound very nice doesn't it? Except it makes the game crashes sometimes. After a few days of heads scratching, I identified a few scenarios where the game would crash after modifying a player's "Past Transfers".


    But, how do we make the "Past Transfers" feature work as expected? After looking up the ones that are in the database, a pattern came up.

    First, under "Club Contract" you change the player's "Club" in to the club that you want him to arrive in, you also change the "Date joined" and "Date Last Contract Signed" to the date that you want him to arrive at.

    After that, move to the "Past Transfers" section and you need two things for it to not crash:


    1.  How he arrive to the club that he is at right now, or how he came to be unemployed (With date)
    2. How he goes from his current club to the club that he would arrive at

    If you only have 2, the game will crash.

    The problem is even if you create 1, the game would still crash.

    If you want it to not crash, you would need 1 to be existed in the database already.


    I included test files that have minimal changes aim to demonstrate and recreate the scenarios that I mentioned, but also to show that it got no relation with rule editing.

    test1 is when it works, I made the player "Tam Chi To" transfer from club "Yuen Long" to club "Eastern" where it works as expected in both "Original" and "Real World" game modes. What I want to demonstrate from this example is how it is suppose to work, even an inactive league and a semi-pro team status would still work, making them unlikely for the reason of crashing.

    To test it, load Hong Kong league only and be the manager of club "Eastern", you could see on "Transfers" he would arrive on Sep 22 2023 on "Real World" and in roster on "Original".

    You can try wipe out his "Days At Club/In Nation", "Playing History" or "Non Playing History", I did and it still works which means they got nothing to do with how it works.

    test2 is when it fails, I made a copy of player "Tam Chi To" and set his "Club Contract" and "Past Transfers" the same as test1 and the game crashes if you play on "Real World" game mode.

    test3if is when it partially works, which gives us a bit more insight into how it works, I made the player "Leung Pak Ho" move from club "Eastern" to "Rangers" on Aug 1 2023, it works on Jul 31 2023 start date on both game modes as expected, but it crashes if you play on "Real World" game mode and the start date is after Aug 1 2023.


    If my testing after the publication of this topic leads to new theories to how it works or disprove the whole hypothesis, I would update under this post. Good luck on editing!:ackter:

    test1.fmf test2.fmf test3.fmf

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