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Everything posted by Fire0Fart

  1. Is it possible to edit number of teams from leagues qualifying to champions league? For example in real life top 4 leagues get 4 direct spots, but I would like to change that to for example 3 and give one more spot to leagues from 5-8?
  2. There is already a world champions league and world league database somewhere. Just write in Google football manager world champions league.
  3. It isn't even different today since 20 out of 32 teams in the champions league are from top 5 leagues.
  4. About new association only way I can think of is creating everything in a single nation file. New asian competitions sound really interesting especially if they remove foreign players rule which would really improve teams playing in it in my opinion if there is enough money involved which probably will. But it will suck for every underdeveloped nation because it will be mostly for nations like Japan,china and South Korea (afc released quotas for each nation based on coefficient and in east group out of 12 teams 8-10 will be from nations I mentioned above and only top 6 ranked in east Asia are allowed to participate, the rest go to lower tiers). First time hearing about Oceania, could help them develop a lot actually. Things are better explained here lol.
  5. Yeah i intend to improve all world regions with things that could actually happen in real life like some football league merging, African superleague a things like that. But I have problems with things like chosing a format for bigger regions like south America and Balkans. How many teams should be in first division and should it be split in subdivisions or all in one since for example in Balkan there are actually like 30 teams that could compete for first division and I feel bad about moving them to second tier. With south America I already tried a first division with 32 teams in 2 groups and each nation having its own league below, but with time most of Brazil teams end up in the first division.
  6. Is there a way to "force" teams to buy better players? I created some leagues with high reputation and big prizes and most of the clubs don't spend pretty much anything on transfers (I simulated for 15 years and still nothing changed).
  7. I was thinking maybe since the league would be on a higher level like in real life if merged to increasing reputation of some weaker clubs but not by much. Also what do you think about creating new Arab association and moving north Africa there? Also I've wrote some more information in the first post so I you could look at it and give me some recommendations please😁.
  8. Yeah when I saw your work I actually started thinking about my database lol so thanks for that. About your version I was thinking about creating it in a single nation so there could be some stuff like all african cups or something, without teams actually playing in their own national leages. But since Africa has a really small number of "top" clubs outside of north Africa I can't decide if each region should have its own league or to merge some. For example in central Africa there are some clubs from Dr congo and congo but thats pretty much it. In south African region sooner or later the whole league will be dominated by south African clubs.
  9. Thanks I've seen your work before, great job. I know it will take a while but the problem I have is that I have too much ideas and when I start working on something I get a lot of new ideas which intervene with the old ones, so I just stop working on it for a few weeks because I can't decide with which version to continue... That's why I started this thread to see if anyone can set my mind on some things. For example if I'm doing a Balkan league do I include Romania? And then if I include Romania do I also include Moldova (because they are some talks about unification) or do I put Moldova in eastern (USSR) league, which brings to another problem lol, if I'm doing USSR should I include the Stans or not because it would be weird for clubs to be in Europe and nations in Asia, and then what about Baltic states? Northern Europe league or USSR? Things like this completely ruin me 😂.
  10. Canada is kind of represented already in mls with Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. I was thinking for that to be like first division with two subdivisions. 10 clubs MLS and 8-10 Liga MX with each team playing home and away with every other team from both subdivisions, top 4 from each go to playoff, last one or two relegate from each subdivision. Second divisions MLS 20 teams and Liga MX 20 teams, playing only against teams in it own subdivision and one or two from each promoted. So any idea how to put other Canadian teams in this?
  11. So, I'm creating a database in which I want to completely change the world. For example: 1. Merging MLS and Liga MX 2. Caribbean superleague 3. Central America superleague 4. African superleague like the one that is starting in August this year but maybe splitting merged zones (in real life it will be north, west+central, east+south, so for each zone its own division) 5. Merging some European league like Scandinavian, Balkan, central Europe etc. 6. South American superleague or also merging some leagues like in Europe 7. World cup, continental cup, regional cup every third year? 8. Move Israel, turkey, Kazakhstan to Asia, Guyana's and Suriname to south America? I have this idea in my head but it needs some work, so I want to hear some opinions from you guys. Like what to do with asia (also thought about merging some nations and creating a 3-tier competition that coming in a 2024?), should I merge Oceania with asia, European superleague above all other European leagues (merged) or a tweaked champions league, world club cup, maybe crate an Arab confederation. I intend to put a lot of work in this but I always come with a new idea in the middle of creating it and then start again from the beginning... So I want to hear as much ideas as I can (literally anything can help, as you can see with Guyana's idea lol). With your help I think we can create something really incredible and fun. Again, even the STUPIDEST idea can eventually make it to the database. Edit: I will put a list here of all things that I'm currently thinking about and would like to hear some opinions. Some things I already mentioned above but here is a little more in depth explanation. Merged Americas: 1. Merge MLS and Liga MX - one top division with 2 subdivisions, 10 american and 8 Mexican teams, each playing home and away with top 4 from each going to playoffs, bottom 1-2 teams from each subdivision relegated. Second division with 2 subdivisions, 20 American and 20 Mexican teams, only playing with teams from its own subdivision, 1-2 promoted. Would like to include Canada but don't know how (Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are in MLS so that's something) 2. Central American league - 16-20 teams in first and second division, regional third division for each country with champion teams going to playoffs for promotion. 3. Caribbean league - could use some advices and ideas 4. In south America either a superleague with second division having a league for each nation or merging some leagues (Brazil on its own, Argentina,Uruguay,Paraguay,Chile,Bolivia,Ecuador,Peru,Colombia,Venezuela) 5. Merged Champions league for both Americas Europe: 1. UK league (either all of UK in one league or leaving England by itself and creating a league of Scotland, Wales, Irelands) 2. League of Spain, Portugal, Andora and Gibraltar 3. Benelux league (Holland,Belgium, Luxembourg and can't decide if leaving France alone or also include it) 4. Central Europe (Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Poland - maybe Germany) 5. Balkan league (Yugoslavia nations with Bulgaria, Albania, Greece) Here we have a lot of nations with each having 3-5 clubs worthy of top division so I want some ideas on the league format. I will probably include Romania but what about Moldova? 6. Scandinavia league (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Faroe islands) 7. Eastern league (Ukraine, Russia) now here is a problem. Should I include Baltic nations here or with Scandinavia, caucas nations (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) or move them to Asia, Kazakhstan also to Asia, or include central Asian teams and create USSR league? 8. Italy probably by itself or include with Spain and Portugal? 9. Euro-asian league with Israel, Turkey, and Cyprus (maybe also caucas nations since they have a border with Turkey) and move them to Asia or leave in Europe? 10. Creating superleague with all these league below it or keep champions league, Europe league and conference league, or maybe both for teams outside of superleague? Should superleague be seasonal (teams playing in their own league and top teams qualify to superleague each season or superleague with promotion-relegation? Africa: I will most likely merge nation into regional leagues (north,west,east,central,south) with top 2 divisions in each and third tier for each nation in region with promotional playoffs or a superleague above all these league? Asia and Oceania: Don't know exactly what to do here. I was thinking about merging nations and creating a 3 tier continental competitions like what's coming in a few years. Merge nations would probably be regional (south,southeast,west,central...) Or leave top league like Japan and South Korea by themselves. Arab World: Maybe even creating a new Arab association with north Africa, west Asia, and central Asia to fill up some spots. Maybe include already mentioned European nations that I intend to move to Asia? Then merge Oceania and east Asia. World: Some type of world champions league or superleague for clubs? World cup, continental cup, regional cup for nations every third year? I will write somewhere here a list of things which are decided so we can build something step by step.
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