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721 "If you build it, he will come"

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  1. If i remember correct this is in for Champions league. Whether or not it's else where aswell i can't remember
  2. If you follow 1 or more clubs, you can go into the social tab - administrer and edit what info you would like to recieve from the teams, like free transfers or player departures etc, there is alot of stuff you can setup. if i remember correct, it won't give you a email, but only a notification in the socials.
  3. add this file to the match folder of the skin you're using. clear the cache and reload the skin. If you use the default skin, download the base skin from here and add the file and pick the skin ingame match console panel.xml
  4. Do you mean the left bottom popups ? the "match feed" ? if not, then i have no idea what it is your talking about without a screenshot
  5. i "think" if you make the tablet too high it will push the console down.
  6. i believe it's non player profil.xml and as you said yourself, there is alot of room to move panels around. if i remember correct, it's just 3 panels with a vertical seperator then comes the rest of the page there should be a vertical layout line with 2 values, which controls the height of the containers that you can play around with But all in all, you will have to make the panel bigger where the picture sits. it might be enough to change the height of the said container else you'll have to rebuild the page as you like it
  7. i won't be able to say 100% where it is, but try and look in the player folder for files with "attributes" in the name or look in "player overview panel" if you still can't find it, i won't be able to assist further without the skin, but merging things isnt easy and more often then not, gives alot of extra work
  8. okay, have you tried talking to the creator of the skin and showed the issue ?
  9. you can either change the height of the container or you can locate the attribute panel and change the height of the row's (i would change the height of the attributes)
  10. you're welcome please use ↓ for any other Random and small questions
  11. look in Person properties.xml
  12. Normaly it can be done by adding save_session_state="true" to the Tabbed container and it would remember your last tab clicked But i've never been able to make it work for the player popup, maybe something else is needed for that,
  13. Should be possible if you look in section meta data.xml there might be other files in the sections folder you will have to remove it from non of this is guaranteed as it's not something i've tried But would it not be better to ask in the Editors hideout for a possible solution to your custom database error ?
  14. Yes as looking on FM fan sites they also have Tato v 2.0
  15. Asking in the Editors Hideout is also a good place to ask, as they might have some idea's https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/forum/26-editors-hideaway/
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