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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. it's not this code thats the problem as it works as it should
  2. The size of the analyser is all about the space you've given it to be in, the more space, the bigger it gets (from what i have experienced that is) But it looks good, ncie to see things taken shapre to your liking
  3. Try and seperate the 2 codes into 2 seperate files and then just call them from the 1 file, might do the trick
  4. i would remove all the skins you have in the folder, clear cache and reload the default skin it seems you have some conflict between some skins if non else works, reinstall FM and pick 1 skin or the default to use to avoid conflicts
  5. okay just had a little look. as said before, like 8 have the values on the lines. so if you remove that they are gone If you replace line 13 with <record id="label_font" colour="green" /> the y values turn green, so you just have to replace green with the colour of your background and you should be good to go
  6. alright, i'll take a look too as soon as i have abit of time tomorrow or wednesday. i'll keep you posted
  7. did you get it to work with my last idea ?
  8. not 100% sure, but you might be able to trick it by changing the "<record id="label_font" font="title"/>" font to something else and in the settings make the color same color as the background of your page you need to change the name as title is used to many other places. Hope it makes sense Edit: <record id="label_font" font="somethingelse"/>
  9. I think removing the values from the y axis is gonna be hard, as the x values are depending on them, as you'll see if you make those 100 and 200 you see the lines be all at the bottom removing the values from the lines themself is all in line 8, just remove that and the values are gone i'm currently not sure what can be done with the x axis
  10. Check this file, it's the one showing the lines. player/player attribute history.xml i would assume you can find your stuff in there Edit: else i'll look more tomorrow Edit 2: Line 8 has the values on the lines
  11. i'll take a extra look tomorrow, it's midnight here and brain.exe has stopped working. let me know if you sort it, else i'll let you know what i find tomorrow
  12. i'm not logged into the game, so i'm asking blindly here Are we talking about the star values ? if so, have you looked in "graph instant hint star rating.xml" in the generic folder
  13. in line 66 it's calling progress graph full panel
  14. Might be this one you're look for player training attirbute changes.xml
  15. Look under A Delete cache folder, maybe that will work Else i would remove all skins from the skins folder and clear cache and reload the default skin https://www.passion4fm.com/football-manager-troubleshooting-delete-cache-preferences/
  16. I believe you're asking the wrong place.. This is the skinning forum and not a place that makes or distributes facepacks etc.
  17. The attribute panels should be just as easy and for the views, should not be to hard either on top of my head i can give you these views person search staff views player search player view person search team shortlist views hope it will help just a little
  18. I would think so yes. player/player comparison attribute analyser outfield player/player comparison attribute analyser goalkeeper have the poly and should be possible to remove the attributes. oO(I havnt tried myself, so it's not 100%)
  19. It seems that no file is made for this window.. But it's part of the "Preferences all panel.xml" so my issue is solved.
  20. Hello guys. Is there anyone out there who can tell me the name of this page in preferences ? i can find all the others, but not this one. Thanks in advance
  21. if you click the scoreboard - the left side panel will hide and if you click the tablet bottom right lower bottom, the tablet will be hidden If thats not working, you should ask the skin creator if he has changed something.
  22. It works fine for me.. Try and clear your cache from the preference screen (cog in the lower left corner) and then reload the default skin It might be the skin you've used and some of the stuff has stayed in the cache. else i have no idea as it works for me ( I have tried a few diff saves with U19, U23 and 2nd team) and all works fine
  23. Both an already reported bugs, it's been like this since 1st patch of Fm22 and they are under investigation
  24. Go to preferences and change the skin to the default FM skn - clear cache and reload skin If the issue goes away, the issue is the Custom Zeiland skin and you would have to contact the creator for a skin fix. If the issue still is there, it's a game issue and should be looked at for sure But i can say that after the winter update, there was an error in "most" custom skins, where the buttons would be missing, mostly while playing in germany But without saying, i can almost guarantee that it's a custom skin issue
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