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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. I think thats a bit rude, are you aware of how much effort it takes to make a skin ? Anyway, you'll find what you need in the Match folder.
  2. ahh okay fair enough, and as said. as it's not something i would use myself, i can't really start from scratch as i'm to lazy
  3. Hello @Dotsworthy If you havnt solved the issue yet, you are welcome to sent me the file and i'll have a look at it as it's not something i would use myself, i don't really want to make it from scratch. hope it makes sense if you have solved it or don't wanna sent it... just ignore me
  4. i'm pretty sure it's the ID's you're looking for id="ofap" - for outfield id="gkap" - for goalkeepers Where those id's are given from is hardcoded i'm pretty sure, so i am aware that you might not be helped much. sadly
  5. Hello @statomatic7 i'm not sure if you ever got this solved. But you can try these 3 <record id="Pnpd" width="20"/> <!-- face with name and position --> <record id="PeoS" width="20"/> <!-- smaller face with name and position --> <record id="port" width="20"/> <!-- face alone --> If not is working for you, please take a screenshot of where you want the face, makes it easier for me to test If you have solved it by now,, super
  6. This is how my screen look, hope it's okay i "borrowed" your style for this
  7. Ye sure, no worries you can just rip the code piece from the team opp report predicted etc etc file and use in your own else i'll just drop it here for easy access <container class="team_opposition_scout_report_panel" id="opmi" file="team/oppmanager" > <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> EDIT: oppmanager.xml is just dropped into the team folder EDIT 2: files below is not as the picture shows below. oppmanager.xml team opposition report predicted tactical style panel.xml
  8. Hello @BuzzR - While roaming the forum, i stumbled over this post and was wondering if you managed to get it working ? If not, i can share the file i have made oO(Just because i was bored and i liked the idea)
  9. I have been looking around and i believe the stuff in the default polygon is hardcoded and you therefor has to build it yourself, thats why i dropped you into the thread of @_Ben_ as he explains that you have to "use" his code he's posting as he writes "You can find the individual breakdown for each heading here. This is not the entire panel so has to be merged inside the player attribute analyser outfield if you want to steal my code for this bit!" but i havnt tried myself, so i'm just guessing here. others might have a better understanding of the default polygon.
  10. Try and look here - maybe there is something you can use to help you
  11. If you inside the Jadedness file - replace this Line 2 <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize"/> with this New line 2 <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" horizontal_inset="0" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" /> The value of the fatique will be on line with the playing time value
  12. Have you tried "centre_y" ? you probably have, but have to ask anyway
  13. this is from the extracted base skin. you can use the resourse archiver to extract diff folders from the game folder wher you can get alot of diff files, player selection button tactics.xml
  14. The boxes on the left - "team/Team instructions mini overview.xml" line 8 name boxes on the pitch i believe it's set in the "widget/player selection button tactics.xml"
  15. every player has a number you can see by turning on id's in the preferences, then it's just to find a picture you want and put it in the graphics/faces folder with a correct config file. can be seen in any facepack or you can go to fmscout and use the regen faces ganerator
  16. player jadedness widget.xml and player injury risk filter panel.xml should be the files you need to edit for your issues
  17. Why would you want to put another man/woman's face on a random person ? there is new faces in a pack out there somwehere or a generator that can generate faces that you can put into the game
  18. Without knowing 100% you should be able to either connect the unit to a pc or the sdcard and access the files that way, then it's just adding kits like you would do on a pc and it "should" work... as said, this is without knowing for sure, but a guess on my parts
  19. It's a known issue and is under investigation
  20. i tried the code in my skin before i posted, thats why i can say the code works. have you don't anything with the tcs_box class or graphics ? else i can't see what the problem could be
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