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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. News_item_panels/inbox content with domestic report panel.xml
  2. it's not just that file, but looking through it, you'll be able to find and edit the other files thats showing the scouting card you want, it's not an easy task as there are multiply scouting cards of different sizes and they are all intertwined in a few files.
  3. You need to edit the "widget/scouting centre report card.xml" and the underlying files
  4. Glad you got it working and you're welcome
  5. There is nothing quick about skinning.. other then that, the colour are controled in the settings, you will have to go into the player overview panel and change the color of the player box to primary (it's almost always is) and for the search bar etc. Edit: titlebar search panel.xml should be for the top bar
  6. Just tested it in my own, and the file above works else you can find the info you need in this file player/player transfer information.xml
  7. Give this a try player transfer labels.xml
  8. Thats very strange as i use both myself.. let me dl your file and have a look
  9. And this might work for asking price <!-- Asking Price --> <container class="main_subtle_box"> <attachment class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,-1" vertical_offset="5" horizontal_inset="5"/> <widget class="text" id="aspV" font="value" auto_size="vertical" size="small" multiline="true" /> <widget class="label" font="label" colour="title" auto_size="vertical"> <translation id="text" translation_id="227778" type="use" value="Asking Price" /> </widget> <widget class="transfer_value_label" id="GdVa" font="value" size="small" auto_size="all" alignment="left, centre_y" /> </container> Just made a Edit, try this for asking price
  10. try this for the value <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <container class="main_subtle_box"> <attachment class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,-1" vertical_offset="5" horizontal_inset="5"/> <widget class="text" id="valT" font="value" auto_size="vertical" size="small" multiline="true" wants_mouse_events="false"/> <widget class="label" font="label" colour="title" auto_size="vertical"> <translation id="text" translation_id="227806" type="use" value="Value" /> </widget> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="valu" auto_size="all" colour="text" alignment="left, center" > <translation id="format" translation_id="383826" type="use" value="Valued at [%cash#1-roundsmall-short][COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview; string diaplyed a player's estimated monetary value]" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="12"/> <record id="widget_properties" auto_size="all"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdva" dont_set_hint="true" /> </widget> </container>
  11. You wan t it to work in FM22 ? just to understand it correctly
  12. <container class="plain_box"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <container class="scrolling_box" fit_content_horizontal="true" fit_content_vertical="false"> <container class="container" id="hnrs"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" /> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" offset="0"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> </container> </container> </container>
  13. As Olas said, this is a custom skin and not something SI in reality can be blamed for, so it's doubtfull that it will be changed as it works as intended from there point op view. and even Wozzie can't be blamed as non can be sure everything "works" for all the resolutions etc out there thats why some people learn or have others make the small adjustments to make a skin fit for personal use. getting a "skinner" or what ever people call themself, to fix stuff in another persons skin, is for alot of people a no go just like mixing one skin with another is often something the person has to learn to do themself. thats why it's good we have this forum as learning by doing gets easier when you can ask for help and hopefully get past the hard bumps Making skins is very time consuming and as people uses different resolutions, zooms etc. there will most likely always be some wonk stuff for some ppl when using a custom skin "normaly" custom skins are made by the creator to make the game more enjoyable to himself. or thats the case for me atleast Sry for the wall of text,
  14. it's a resolution issue and because of SI not adding scrollbar to all panels, you end up with this. if i were you, i would go into the non_player_attributes_panel and "shrink" the attributes just enough for you to be able to see everything. if you really want to remove the scouting knowledge, you would have to rebuild the the page to have the panels the same way except the middle lower panel (this part is said without looking on how the page is setup, but normaly it would be like this)
  15. ahh you are so right, i must have been very tired last night. for some reason i completely left out of my mind that you wanted to do it with the Zeiland skin...... my appologizes.. anyway, replaceing attributes with stars is not just an easy task as many in here can tell you, and explaining how is just as impossible But maybe by looking through the above skin, it can give you an idea of how's it done. But still hard without a understanding of the structure
  16. Have you read the 1st post ? there is a download and a note on how to use it in your skin of choice. and just above this is a download link and just below this a note on how to change the colours of the stars
  17. Try and look here, maybe there is something you can use
  18. if you change the config file to have the version of fm19, you "should" be able to load up the skin and see what looks horrible because of changes in the way stuff has been coded But making it work 100% can be tricky, but not impossible as SI hasnt really removed anything over the recent years, just added new stuff which you ofc can't use in fm19
  19. just a silly question, but have you changed the size of the new font to match the current one ? i havnt been messing with the fonts yet, so thats why i asked for the name of the font you've changed as it's not something i had planned fiddeling with just yet, i don't wanan go into a trial and error search hope it makes sense
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