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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Have you tried searching for it ? i mean in the top folder simatchviewer-pc\art and simatchviewer-pc\art\environments - should have some of what your looking for EDIT: Sry it sounded wrong, if you go into the main folder of your unpacked folders. You can often use the search function to find stuff.
  2. The only "guides" there is are the first few posts my @michaeltmurrayuk rest is trial and error and ofc, asking in this forum if you get stuck
  3. I havnt spend time on it myself, so i have no solution for you, but i found this. it's taken from this thread, maybe there is something EDIT: i know i linked it before, but it's the best i can do for you.. maybe someone else will come with more knowledge.
  4. isnt it fixed if you use a flag pack ?
  5. Try and look here if there is any info you can use
  6. You look in the player overview panel.xml in there you'll find names on other files and the path, those files you need to look in and change aswell Trust me, once you get started it's really easy to make head and tail off,
  7. I must have been stupid tired when i looked at this last night. If we look at the code <widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="pcsp" file="player/player additional stats small"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <!-- Hide this panel if player is in inactive league--> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pila" set_property="hidn"/> </list> </record> </widget> <widget class="player_stats_panel" id="pssp" file="player/player stats small"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <!-- Show this panel if player is in inactive league--> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pila" set_property="Shwn"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </list> </record> </widget> The 2 commented lines i have pulled to the front, says loud and clear that there is 2 diff panels depending on active or inactive leagues if we just go and look at a player in a inactive league. there is no data shown. So it's not possible to get the data to show from players in inactive leagues on your scout card or anywhere else (i'm pretty sure), as it's hard coded this way. Sry m8. Edit: in your file game/preferences all panel.xml line 322 you have this - file="game/preferences profile panel social network" you should rename it to this - file="game/preferences profile panel accounts" So you can get the Social Network Tab to work in your preferences
  8. Was unable to sleep, so i had a look at it in the attached file, i have started changing the color to secondary So if you in this file search for colour="secondary" - line 51 is one as example they were called white before You will have to go through all the files that can be picked in the dropdown menu 16 files - and find the colour and change it. all the files can be found in the "player overview panel" as this is a big time Investment and something you should learn to do by yourself (with help and guidens) and most important of all, it's another skinners hard work and not something i need for personal use. So i won't take it on me to do it for you. you are always welcome to ask for help if you get stuck and this community will help if possible, i'm sure of it Remember to always clear the cache and reload the skin when making changes to the skin player personal details panel.xml
  9. okay, i'l take a look in a few days as i'm out of town from tomorrow and a few days
  10. I see what you mean now. I got my original plan to show, but that too don't change for non active league players tbh, i'm not quite sure where the problem it, but i'll think about it and if i come up with a solution, i'll let you know
  11. it's easier if you try yourself. go into the "player" folder and look for "player personal detail panel.xml" open it in a editor ( notepad) or better ( edit++ ) search for colour="secondary" - replace secondary with primary or just for test, green and see if you are hitting the right spots Sry i can't be of more help right now
  12. Try this - remember to take a backup of your own skin, just for safety and then copy my attached over after unpacking
  13. hang on, i'll pack the skin again and sent that. it works for me. aa.mp4 Dark Skin.7z
  14. Try this file remember to copy the graphics from tcs to rensie "graphics/tcs/boxes/header/paper" - Copy the whole header folder Edit: forgot to attach the file player overview panel.xml
  15. The way the page is build, didnt really work with my way, but i believe i've sorted it anyway and learned something in the process.. So still have test1.xml in the player folder and rename your "player/player overview panel2.xml to something else so you can use the attached file EDIT: It's always very hard to lok at others coding, and it's something i rarely do as it takes alot of time player overview panel2.xml
  16. <container class="main_subtle_box_no_margin" minimum_height="100" default_height="-1" priority="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <!-- Smaller panels --> <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" draw_horizontal_dividers="true" id="zzzz"> <!-- 2 small panels and fitness--> <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" gap="0" minimum_height="128" priority="2" id="1111" draw_vertical_dividers="true"> <!-- Season stats--> <container class="main_box" width="950" priority="2" default_width="-3" navigation_container="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <!-- I have inserted my 2 lines here, instead of your stats --> <container class="player_attributes_panel" id="" file="player/test1.xml " /><record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" set_property="objt" /> <!-- to here --> </container> <!-- Carrer Stats--> <container class="main_box" minimum_width="310" priority="3" default_width="-1" navigation_container="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <widget class="playing_history_summary_panel" file="player/FME/player playing history summary small" id="Pcrs"> <translation id="title" translation_id="247605" type="use" value="Career Stats" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> </container> </container> </container> </container> Try this and copy test1.xml to your player folder, if you change name on the file, remember to change the name in the line i inserted into your code
  17. okay it was straight forward as i had an idea from the start anyway. in your scout card, you insert these 2 lines where you want the stats <container class="player_attributes_panel" id="" file="player/name of your custom file i attached.xml " /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" set_property="objt" /> I have attached a file, you can call it what you want and put the name in top line up there ↑ you can adjust the attached file to your liking test1.xml
  18. It's not something i have experienced, nor have i tried putting it on a Scout card. (or seen the reason for it, but we all have diff needs ) it's something i would have to try out and see what can be done, i can't promise you a quick reply. But i'll return to you with a reply tomorrow at the latest (unless someone have an answer ofc)
  19. Hard to spot the exact panel, as those look kinda the same most of them. if you have the screen before or even the 1st where you attend the meeting and can show what the player is upset about, or whats the meeting is about, it might help
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