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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. from main page No requests for graphics downloads please!! This is a help forum only. Any offending threads will be closed.
  2. Unpack the file to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\graphics then clear the cache and reload the skin
  3. i run the same as you and i have no issues seeing the season stats have you been using another skin ? if you have, try and clear your cache and reload the skin
  4. Which file did you add it too ? worked fine for me, try and add it to "player overview small selector panel.xml" EDIT: Ahh didnt see your Edit until i already had answered player overview small selector panel.xml
  5. Thanks but those sadly don't work, it was when views are made. i havnt managed to locate the seperators anywhere
  6. Do you happend to know if there is a ID for the Seperators ?
  7. my guess is that SI changed some colours in the settings file try and go into your settings file and give bg or fb another colour, just to test
  8. Can't help you there sorry, i havnt had a use for it myself and therefor not tried
  9. yes exactly. on every skin swap or changes you make to a skin, it's always a good idea to clear the cache and reload after
  10. as far as i know, the Seperators are hardcoded and it's not something we can change. But looking at them, i would believe it's a bug and something that will be reverted back to normal soon. no promises tho
  11. If you look in the "tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml" you should be able to find the id="pict" in that widget you have an inset="0,0,0,0" - those "should" be what controle the size, it's a fiddle. but should be duable and same goes for kits
  12. Yes. if you add this at the bottom of the "tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml <!--pos/role/duty indicator--> <widget class="position_role_duty_suitability_pie" id="prdF" width="26" height="19"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="-2"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="19"/> </widget> and then unpack this graphics into this path "graphics\icons\custom\role rating\circular" - inside the skin folder you're using, not the overall graphics folder then you should be good role rating.7z
  13. okay, in club/club overview panel, you can search for kits and you should find the path to the file that contains the club/tcs/overview/kits.xml (might be something like kits.xml, there you just have to add <container height=""> <!-- <container height="26"> --> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="fill" horizontal_offset="0" vertical_inset="0" /> <!-- HOME KIT --> <container class="inner_box_no_margin" id="hLco" > <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="0" vertical_inset="0" /> <widget class="label" id="T_th" alignment="centre" auto_size="horizontal"> <translation id="text" translation_id="256675" type="use" value="Home[COMMENT: team_information_panel; Home Kit Graphic Title]" /> </widget> </container> <!-- AWAY --> <container class="inner_box_no_margin" id="aLco" > <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="0" vertical_inset="0" /> <widget class="label" id="T_ta" alignment="centre" auto_size="horizontal"> <translation id="text" translation_id="256676" type="use" value="Away[COMMENT: team_information_panel; Away Kit Graphic Title]" /> </widget> </container> <!-- THIRD --> <container class="inner_box_no_margin" id="tLco" > <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="0" vertical_inset="0" /> <widget class="label" id="T_tl" alignment="centre" auto_size="horizontal"> <translation id="text" translation_id="256677" type="use" value="Third[COMMENT: team_information_panel; Third Kit Graphic Title]" /> </widget> </container> </container> to the bottom on the code already there, unless the code is already there and it's only a matter of lack of space. if so, then you have to shrink the kits to make room for the box under them EDIT: Sry i havnt downloaded the skin to be able to tell you the path myself
  14. if you mean to have the home - away - third below the kits, then yes but the kits will get smaller as the box will take up space aswell, but kits are always in the same order. if you mean something else with colours of each one, please tell go into preferences, lower left corner pick clear cache from the cog, then reload skin.
  15. it is possible to go in and just add the line from the dropdown where you see pro's cons and add that line to the dropdown in the middle. just go into "player overview panel.xml" find the container with the dropdown, look for the path to the file and copy paste
  16. i'm not 100% sure, but in the file "generic/sidebar menu table.xml" you should be able to find a "appearance" and a path maybe you need to change the graphics to make it like that also in the "client_object/client object broswer.xml" ther are transparent options for backgrounds, but i am can't remember if it's enough to change it in there unless you can't it "just" transparent" Sry just woke up
  17. You should be able to get the needed info about colour change of the side bar from this And here you can read about background changes
  18. Not my style or something i would use. But we all have diff opinions and taste
  19. it should show in the simatchviewer-pc it does for me atleast
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