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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. There can be many reasons why a person is not replying, it's only been 19 min since he last time replied to you where he didnt understand your issue maybe after your last reply to him, he's looking into the problem to see if it's doing the same on his side or maybe he's gone to work etc. i believe he will get back to you as soon as he's able and will be able to give you a proper answer once he know what you were on about.
  2. if it's the same skin file you use for both desktop and laptop, it may be a bug in the skin, there is also the possibility that the creator was unable to make it work on the laptop and therefor made it vanish on laptops.
  3. So the shirts on the bench boils down to a single ID "icns" as you probably already found out no matter how i try and fiddle with it, it's not letting me change to faces either and the alignment of the role/duty, same as above, nothing allow me to move. probably why i never get back to it so, not much help i know. Maybe someone with more knowledge has an answer for you - crossing fingers
  4. This should work https://www.mediafire.com/file/pouel9ohzu7v0fu/Dark_Skin_renato.zip/file
  5. https://www.mediafire.com/file/pouel9ohzu7v0fu/Dark_Skin_renato.zip/file please save a copy as i will remove it from my mediafire again
  6. 1 & 2) - Very nice 3) the way i moved the role/duty up was with inset="-3" in the layout line above <!-- role/duty--> widget in mine it's line 56 I havnt managed to get it Horizontal aligned, either because i forgot or gave up (i'll look into it tomorrow after som sleep, it's 5:51 am here) 4) i'll take a look at this aswell, later today edit: typo's
  7. or you could learn to do it yourself, this way you would be able to do it every year and just appreciate the leg work a skin maker does to support you with a skin where you can add bits and bobs of your liking. just a thought.
  8. you need to edit -"match/match console quick tactics panel.xml" i would suggest looking in the code of a skin that already have the tabs you want
  9. it all depends on the place, some places, it's not everywhere it works as a button. sadly Edit: didnt see the person properties explanation, might try it out again at some point
  10. Psst. don't make then break my scoreboards :P
  11. I must say that i havnt tried to get anything else working, as i'm more then happy with the scoreboard i have ( the scoreboard mod from here ) but i can see others might have an interest in having different scoreboards depending on when and where.
  12. You may indeed in FM22 we had a scoreboard in match folder and in comps/ger i copy'ed the same files from the match folder into the ger folder to have germany to have the same scoreboard as everywhere else same i have done this year, simply taken all files from the ger folder and replaced the files in the new folders eng/efl and same for all the folders in eur so all content is now the same all around
  13. Very nice work @_Ben_ - very impressive and surely something you can be proud off for sure. it just shows the different taste and ways we play this game, and thanks for sharing it with the ppl who would like to play with it this way..
  14. If you look in this post, we just had someone who wanted them gone, so if you just do it the opposit way
  15. it's because this skin is for FM22 and has not been updated by the creator for FM23 there are a version that has been made working, but dunno how well it works.
  16. Thanks, just gave you a DM it was flagged because my tired eyes tried to upload a zip file.. didnt notice until now so i removed it
  17. should be a commentart line <!-- commentary bar spacer --> around line189 , but it can change look for <container height="25"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0"/> </container> or similar
  18. i don't have the skin, so i can't tell you where it is, but the snip you posted looks fine lets hope @bahmet can provide help again
  19. and looking at the picture privided by @bahmet - it's the file player attributes popup - but it's only a guess
  20. @OlivierL player overview popup panel, either the attributes are in there or you'll be able to find the path just like in the previous case
  21. i don't have the passing map you're showing, but i've added another to the bottom of match/match touchline tablet slot ibh1.xml then you can add it to the other panels yourself and make the panel look like you want. https://www.mediafire.com/file/pouel9ohzu7v0fu/Dark_Skin_renato.zip/file Edit: hmm guess all my answers here wil be flagged...
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