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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. as i'm not sure what it is you wanna change, all i can say for now is that in picture 2 player reports overview summary vertical.xml has been added on the left side rest is as you can see the same, and there for impossible to change on only one page. as all thet seperates opp from your player is a id hope it helps
  2. I would say yes, but without a screenshot of exactly what you mean it can be hard to say exactly. i know i could probably just look into the game and look, but it's not always possible.
  3. you're welcome and glad you are happy with the outcome, it looks good. i didnt manage to centralize it either, nor have i seen any skin that has.
  4. add this to your settings file <colour name="divider" value="white"/>
  5. yeah i feared that much. a thought that comes to mind, try and wrap it in a container and see if you can trick it into following the height and width of the new container and that way achive your goal it's just a thought, as i don't have the scroll bar myself, i can't replica what you have.
  6. Thank you and you're welcome Just doing what i can for those who might need abit of help, we all need help now and then incl. myself
  7. okay abit more looking into it and my gut feeling tells me that one of these file or both are the once you need widgets/training schedule week row inbox.xml widgets/training calendar week row.xml i havnt done any ingame tests to see if i'm right, no other files have made me think it's them.
  8. My line was just a shot in the dark as i don't use the default myself but glad you got it working
  9. if you delete line 6 to 9 at the top and the last </widget> in the file line 278 <widget class="plain_box" id="fdep" allow_single_bar_click="true" red_replacement="bordered_box"> <translation id="title" translation_id="247232" type="use" value="Fixture Details" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
  10. try and put this in your settings <colour name="efl blue" value="rgb(6,22,132)" />
  11. Yes @wkdsoul is right, you can only replace whats already there.
  12. ahh okay, sry but it's just the panels from post 1 he has changed to his likings
  13. Copy the audio folder to your skin ( you can probably just create the audio/sound folder in your skin) Take your 15s or 40s wav file and rename to the wav file you wanna replace and place it in the sound folder restart the game, clear cache and reload skin and wolla
  14. Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins thats the path the skin should be in
  15. in the widgets/match players bar widget.xml look for the line with class="person_button" in this line put in colour="text" and you should be good
  16. I was messing around with that last year after you showed some of the 1st attempts on these stats and what i found what that alot of the goalkeeper stats wasnt working or registeret correct strikers was facing pens and had crazy save % - while GK's had nothing i think i saw this exact issue raised on the beta bug tracker. but no clue if they have reacted to it. Edit: typo's - i swear i can type. It's just my fingers that runs faster then my brain
  17. Hey @BuzzR sorry for the late reply.. i kinda forgot about it news_item_panels/inbox content with weekly training preview panel.xml - > tactics/tactic slot tab container training inbox overview.xml was what i managed to find until i got stuck and kinda forgot, thought i might share it with you now that i remembered i'll continue looking for the last part for abit.
  18. You've taken a picture of what you want, that must mean you have the skin.. Maybe from FM22, take a look at the file ppl keep giving you from the skin where you have the picture that should give you the tabs you wants and please stop asking the same question in every thread
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