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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. hope you'll find what your looking for
  2. I have no idea what your talking about. Sry Are you using a skin ? it might be a skin related thing, any chance you could provide a screenshot ?
  3. -1 is like use whats left of the screen -2 i'm not sure about, but my quess is thats they just equally share whats left between the 2 panels, but why -2 instead of a 2nd -1 i am not sure about
  4. 1st - The page shows the pictures you, so it must be old pictures you have that it can find 2st try and rename Graphics to graphics
  5. have you tried clicking on the overview tab in club info ? @bluestillidie00 - said in a previous post that he forgot to change a ID, so you have to click the overview tab to see them else you can use this file i provided in this post below and just replace the existing file
  6. Take a look at this post, your answer should be there
  7. player/player personal details panel.xml - have the picture code in it. 17 - 27 line 14 has a gap="0" it's often enough to change the size of a picture in this case part 2 of previous post should not be needed
  8. Been looking at this for abit now and it puzzles me i still believe that the two lines below are where we need to look to change this, but i havent managed to solve it yet. "role_table_popup_button.xml" or "person properties.xml" i will keep looking tho, as you are correct that it's annoying to have 1 coloum looking like that when the rest is nice and clean
  9. you welcome and if i can help. you're more then welcome to tag me no promises that i can answer everything... or i know i can't, just saying
  10. Above the line that grabs the photo, there often is a gab="0" changing that often is enough to resize a picture. not always, but often you might wanna fiddle with a inset in the photo line to make sure the picture stays where you want it
  11. you have to adjust the given space for the panels in the overview file but remember that a screen is **x** and you kinda have to fill out the "dead" space, or everything else will look rather silly. imo ofc
  12. You also have to remember that his colour's might differ from yours - all set in settings.xml and yes it can, if you either make the topbar fille the whole top space or put in a logo at the top
  13. Thanks, let me see if i can figure something out, no promises tho.
  14. it seems it differ from view to view if i am on one view they look like you'rs and if i add it to a view, they look like mine.. strange
  15. it's no problem at all, we all started somewhere and this is just the place for skinning questions
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