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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. It works fine for me.. Try and clear your cache from the preference screen (cog in the lower left corner) and then reload the default skin It might be the skin you've used and some of the stuff has stayed in the cache. else i have no idea as it works for me ( I have tried a few diff saves with U19, U23 and 2nd team) and all works fine
  2. Both an already reported bugs, it's been like this since 1st patch of Fm22 and they are under investigation
  3. Go to preferences and change the skin to the default FM skn - clear cache and reload skin If the issue goes away, the issue is the Custom Zeiland skin and you would have to contact the creator for a skin fix. If the issue still is there, it's a game issue and should be looked at for sure But i can say that after the winter update, there was an error in "most" custom skins, where the buttons would be missing, mostly while playing in germany But without saying, i can almost guarantee that it's a custom skin issue
  4. I went a little deeper and can say that it "Partially" works.. when you enter the past position page and then hold down the left mouse and drag multiply teams, it seems to be working.. But if you just click one team, you have to exit the page and return to be able to pick multiply teams again. So it's clearly a bug, lets hope they fix it for FM23 Edit: Just checken on default skin and thats the same issue
  5. Just checked and you're correct.. can't tag more then one team at a time.
  6. without checking further, i am pretty sure that if you click the little mark on the left side of the position, you can tag more then one team. but i havnt tried at i'm writing this
  7. Yeah, the bug in this panel is a known one. and SI is investigating(still) but yeah the pitch is easy to put in again, if ppl want Still i appreciate your thoughts and idea's. my lack of patience is sadly a long term issue i have. and not something i can change..
  8. Much appreciated, my lack of patience made me make it myself <3 but you sharing it means alot and i would have done the same, if i had had the idea. but thanks for the idea and i'll add you for credits if i share my skin one day Edit: i didnt remove the pitch tho as i notice you had but thats personal preference i guess
  9. There is some input here, that you can try and see if it works
  10. Hey Kyle. It's a returning issue as it has been adressed multiply times and is still not fixed any trial player you have in the club, will show on any shortlist where you have 1 or more normal scoutet player added so it should be faiely easy to reproduce, just take a player on trial and add a random player from the scouting centre to the shortlist and the trial player should appear aswell
  11. I would love to have a look at it, i can see it being usefull indeed. and i like your thought process/ creativity
  12. it seems to be a returning issue. some have said that the plate / box below the tactic can't be made shorter / wider and that SI has confirmed that some have said that it can be done i would love to make it shorter as it would give more room for the view on the right side
  13. Hey Guys i was wondering if there was anyone who knew the ID's for the seperators when making views ?
  14. I can only assume you're right, as i didnt read the above as the "French national" team, so thats a fail from my side and my edit in my previous comment is not valid and vill be removed. Edit: i just checked and i have faces on all players in the french national team, by searching for france, clicking the national team and then senior squad or u21 etc. so i am not sure if the licensing issues is correct, but non the less.. everything works find for me i use cut out faces aswell
  15. as it looks like you're using the default skin, i believe you're better off posting this issue in the bug forum. if you are using a custom skin, maybe there is a problem in the skin. EDIT: re-edited - french national team has faces for me
  16. it looks to me as it's the tactic screen, if thats correct. this is the file - team/team squad tactics panel.xml
  17. is this the screen you're looking for https://gyazo.com/bf2de57e14ea71bcd4ab957168873d3b
  18. If you are using a custom skin, there could be an error in the skin, if it's the default fm skin. you might wanna put this in the bug forum
  19. make sure the skins files are not in a folder of a folder in the skins folder
  20. i just dl'ed flutskin to check it.. you need to make sure that the files are as followed look at the file path, the names may be diff. it's hard to see on yourr if it's like this
  21. can you post a screenshot of the skins folder
  22. Skin's goes into the skin folder, they are either .fmf files or unpacked into it's own folder. Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins
  23. Go to preferences and pick default Fm skin.. if issue is still there, update post here - if issue goes away, contact creator of the skin to get issue solved
  24. go to preferences - pick default skin - clear cache and reload skin that should bring you back to using the default FM skin where the side bar is visable.. If non above works, re-install the game and it should be fixed as a last resort if you are using a custom skin, fix the sidebar or contact the creator about the problem with the sidebar
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