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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. You have to extract the default panels folder and find it in panels/match
  2. Have you check in "news_item_panels" just search for focus inbox content with scouting focus suggestion inbox content with scouting focus update try one of those
  3. match in between highlights panel.xml at the top you can adjust the width of the Tablet You probably havnt changed th scoreboard in all the places you need, check the comps folder in matches
  4. Hey Guys Have any of you encountered similar issue before ? i've attached a small clip of the Scout card from a mail to show whats happening (this is not happening if you have checked the "sort attributes after english alphabet" in preferences) so the text in the clip is in danish and the sort option in preferences is unticked. So the issue here is that when looking at a player's attribute they are sorted in 1 way corners (Hjørnespark) as 1st attribute, but after going to the players profil and comes back, the attributes sort differently so now Passing (aflevering) is the 1st attribute The way the attributes are Sorted in the player profil is with Passing (aflevering) as 1st attribute and it's the same code (2 diff files) for both places, so nothing has been changed in the codes to act differently Does anyone have any suggestions to where the problem is ? Thanks in advance scout.mp4
  5. Add manager select team or add manager team information can't rmember which
  6. There is no reason to laugh at people To take one skin and use things from another is not always a simple thing, it takes time and trial and errors, just like any other skin thing you wanna make..i'm sorry to say that you will have to keep trying.
  7. Sorry, should have been "tactics icon info panel overview.xml" but not quite sure what the issue can be.
  8. Glad you got it working, and you're welcome evenn thos i didnt really do anything... You did it all
  9. it's not something that rings any bells, but thanks. i'll check it out for sure EDIT: It could be that file, not sure how i missed that in my search.. anyway, i'm saved over the place, so i can't see if it was the corrct file, until i get a similar message
  10. Any chance that one of you can tell me which file this page is.. been looking for quite some time and no luck Thanks
  11. it's always the hard part when borrowing stuff from other skins, not knowing what does what and being able to read the codes for various reasons. i hope you get it working as it's more or less impossible for someone on the outside, to give you a direct answer to whats going on... unless you can get a UI staff from SI to help you
  12. maybe put in a default section file and just edit the stuff you know that you need, as there can be changed alot more then you think and it may or may not affect other stuff that has had things changed to work. or contact the creator of the skin where you have the section file from and ask for assistant.. But yes it does sound strange, but it takes so little to make things not work in other places
  13. have you tried letting the game use the default one and see if that fixes things? and if it does, you know where to start
  14. are you thinking of fm23/languages/example.ltf ?
  15. Does anyone know the name of this file (panel) ? Thanks
  16. I better add that if you're in a match, you can often insta result the rest of the match. But as said above, from before a match, i doubt it.. i might be wrong,
  17. i doubt it's possible to "only" do a half time instant result, it's either non or full match but as you say, Match plan might be the closest you'll get
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