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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Base skin is here and not a .fmf file, but a normal packed
  2. Try this <widget class="label" id="cjcb" alignment="centre_x,bottom" spec="text, 10" font="title" colour="white" > <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="Cyos" /> <boolean id="name" value="true" /> </record> </widget> <widget class="youth_facilities_stars_label"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Cytv" dont_set_hint="true"/> </widget> <widget class="youth_coaching_status_label" format="1" style="text" id="CytV" mode="1" alignment="centre" auto_size="vertical"> <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="Cyos" /> </record> </widget> </container>
  3. not yet, havnt tried since we last spoke tbh.. RL has been busy.. did you find a way ?
  4. yeah it was more the data part, as the way i might make it could be different from what you have done and then it would not be easy to figure out where the issue was
  5. if you want, feel free to sent me your file and i'll gladly take a look and see if i can find a solution. can't make any promises tho
  6. @(sic) Thats down to the changes you made to the config file, changing true to false in both makes it possible to see changes without reloading. the other issue i can't say as i havnt tried myself
  7. no picture will change without you replacing it (or si) but it's not hard, Just find a now picture, look uo the ID ingame and give the new picture that id and move it into the pack you're using and replace the old picture
  8. yeah, now that i read it again it's me thats wrong and ofc it only kicks in after the screen you've asked about.. deleting the video's "splash" thingy was something you could do at the start, but i believe it got fixed
  9. intro panel at the bottom i think
  10. Without knowing 100%, but isnt that part of the splash animation startup thingy ?
  11. overall it seems to be working, there is ofc things to adjust and small fixes needed like text colour etc. But the scoreboard selector as is worked fine with the base skin.. i just copy'd the files from the OP over and it worked
  12. It's all good, i was putting my finger in the ground se see if you already had tried this before i maybe gave it a try myself could be nice if it was possible, so i'll porobably put it in my todo bunch and see if it's possible when i have more time Thanks again
  13. Sorry if i didnt explain myself i mean, from what i can see your 3 dots changes color depending on the value of the attribute value range this value grabs the colour from Low, normal, good and excellent attribute So my question is, if you knew if it was possible to make it grab the colours from the game and not from what you preset the attribute colours to in the settings. i might be completely wrong and will be checking again, but i am sure i tried changing the low colour to purple and the dot was still white.
  14. @_Ben_ I've been wondering about your Player IQ and i can see a potential.. But without looking much further i wanted to ask if you knew if it was possible to have it change color depending on your picked attributes and not whats written in the settings file ? thought of saving abit of work, if you already had the answer.
  15. If you look in the hidden content, you'll see the code piece
  16. ahh yes sorry, i need to learn to read the whole post sorry about that
  17. try and change CtPR <record id="object_property" get_property="TCap"/>
  18. It's hard to see reality in the eye's But no matter how hard you try and want, you can't make enervone happy.. Most of the feedback you get is either negative because a thing isnt the way they want it to be. it's hard, but you gotta remember.. Your journey started with you making something you liked and would and should be proud off and it would make your gaming experience more fun. and as you said yourself, it's time consuming the more you read "negative" feedback or do this and that.. it draining and ruins the fun of FM and skin making my own opinion is that as of This year has been alot of i want this and that and a few individuals have benefitted to making it a less fun place to be and toxic Take care of yourself _Ben_ and make the skin you wanna use.
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