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Everything posted by Ice029

  1. So first try ended in a mid season 2 sack, having no squad depth is a real pain. Thus attempt number 2: Final position was better this time around (mainly cuz I changed the tactics and I think I found something that works better): ---Transfers--- In - none of course Out - still lost 3 players, still some of the best: ---Intake--- This year it was better, got a 4* AM and my tactic uses an AM. And I had no real AM before. I am a happy little thing:
  2. No no, everyone gets their own players in the intakes. It's just that some teams have a joint U19 and everyone contributes with some players to said team U19. Or at least that how it was in FM22, I have not given any players to U19 yet and I do not think I will in a future cuz I got the sack and I need to start from scratch.
  3. This is gonna be a long save. First season update which I forgot to... update. Transfers in: none Transfers out: my 3 best player. Or at least 3 of the best 4. Needless to say, the season was not great but we survived and we got our first intake which had 3 elite talents and some good ones, nothing to write home about just more squad depth for the next one when another 4 of the best players got poached by other teams (will update once this season is over) Best player of said meh intake:
  4. Let's try something that might not be possible this year: from the depths of Iceland to UCL glory using a team from a village with less than 100 buildings in it, Grenivík, Iceland. Also the dates for Iceland from last FM seem to be the same, save on 25th Sept for new teams, season ticks on 25th of November.
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